Tribute is a tax that accompanies humanity

Tribute is a tax that accompanies humanity
Tribute is a tax that accompanies humanity

Tribute is a levy that was reimbursed in the form of cash equivalents or subsistence farming. This term was formed during the founding and development of Kievan Rus, when society on our lands also suffered class stratification. In other civilizations (for example, in Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, etc.), this phenomenon has been the norm since time immemorial.

tribute it
tribute it

At the dawn of history

So, in ancient civilizations, where the state system was formed long ago and the top of the society was determined, every ordinary inhabitant must pay tribute. This is a tax that was supplied to the state directly or through a link, which was most often the owner. As a rule, it was calculated in accordance with the area of land that a person owned, the amount of crops that he collected, and also based on how many slaves were subordinate to a particular master. In the period from the 3rd to the 1st millennium BC, only military personnel who, in fact, were dependent ongovernment.

pay tribute
pay tribute

How could tax be paid to the state

For many years the levy has been repaid in the form of natural products. People gave away what they grew on their lands, and they also took away everything that they made from their raw materials. In China, the tax was paid in rice, later weaving began to develop, and high-quality silk was in use. Silver was also mined on these lands, which was confiscated from workers and peasants by representatives of the ruling elite. Egypt and Mesopotamia are the countries where the slave trade was most developed. It was living labor that was highly valued there, so all representatives of the slaves passed from one owner to another tirelessly.

Cash extortions in Kievan Rus

Later, all the ancient Slavic tribes came out under one flag, among which were the Polans, Drevlyans, Dregovichi, Dulebs, Vyatichi, Northerners and many others who lived both in the north and off the coast of the Black, Caspian Seas. The country began to be called Kievan Rus, and was headed by the Rurik dynasty. It was to the representatives of this family that all the inhabitants of the state had to pay tribute. It was already money, which was referred to as hryvnias. The amount of money paid depended on the living conditions of the peasant. The requisition was always accompanied by polyud. It was an event when the prince, together with his retinue, went to collect these very taxes, going around all the settlements.

collect tribute
collect tribute

Tax capture and increase

Later they began to collect tribute from the RussiansMongol-Tatars, who conquered Russia in the 13th century. As a rule, no one gave taxes directly to the khans, they were brought by princes, each of whom was assigned to a separate city. Since all subsequent rulers of the empire of Genghis Khan were distinguished by an anarchist attitude, barbarism and the perpetration of robberies, there were often cases of selling people. In such a situation, it was the person who acted as tribute.

Throughout the entire historical period of mankind, up to the present moment, ordinary people do not stop paying taxes to the state in which they live. Today, tribute is a tax that is deducted from the salary of any employee of a state institution, as well as the funds that each private entrepreneur gives to the state treasury.
