For every aspiring businessman, the biography of Richard Branson can become a real guide in the world of entrepreneurs, because this man really achieved a lot in his life. Perseverance, optimism, determination and the ability to dream - that's what led this famous businessman to achievements that many entrepreneurs do not even dare to think about. Biography of Richard Branson is an interesting story of the owner of more than 400 companies. Branson's book To hell with everything! Take it and do it! caused a great stir.

Richard Branson was born in London on 1950-18-07. He is the eldest son of lawyer Edward James Branson and flight attendant Eva Huntley. Richard is the grandson of Sir George Arthur Harvin Branson, who served as a judge on the British High Court. As a child, he attended Skatecliff School, after which he entered the Stowe School. Richard suffered from dyslexia, that is, he had difficulty in reading, so he left her. However, he did not allow thisillness to overcome himself and at the age of 16 he created the youth magazine "Student". Its release began in 1966, it was created by students and for students.
Surprisingly, he sold $8,000 worth of ads in the first edition! By the age of 17, he established a special service for students, where he helped all students in need. In 1972, Richard Branson married Kristen Tomassi, but after some time he nevertheless divorced her. In 1989, on the advice of his eight-year-old daughter Holly, he married Joan Templeman.

Since 1970, Richard Branson has been working in the music industry. He started by selling discs at prices cheaper than his competitors. Since this was his and his team's first venture, the company was named Virgin. After initial success with CD sales, Richard Branson opened his first record store in Oxford Street, London. Despite his great success, Branson was arrested for selling export products. However, he managed to settle matters with the law by promising to pay the fees. To do this, his mother had to remortgage the house.
How to send everything to hell
In 1983, Richard Branson founded the Virgin Vision company, which created films and programs for television. The following year, Branson decided to enter the aviation industry and opened Airways and Virgin Cargo. It is one of the best businesses and Virgin Airways is the UK's second largest international airline.
Branson was the fastest plane to cross the Atlantic Oceanhis airline, and in 1987 - the Atlantic in a balloon. Branson then broke the record for the fastest crossing of the Pacific Ocean in 1991. He did this by flying from Japan to northern Canada in a hot air balloon. However, he did not stop there and in 2004 set a new record - he swam the English Channel on an amphibious all-terrain vehicle.

Richard Branson never rests on his laurels and loves to try new things. He was engaged not only in entrepreneurship, but also appeared in comedy series: Friends, Baywatch, Lucky Fools and others. In addition, he showed his ability to take risks in the unusual reality show The Rebel Billionaire, which featured 15 other successful businessmen.
Richard Branson: "To hell with everything!"
In his book, the businessman described his autobiography. No, he didn't tell people "go to hell!", he just showed how to become successful and start working. Judging by the reviews, the book was recognized as one of the best motivational works.
One of the main theses of the biography is the call to send all fears and insecurities to hell and start acting. The author is famous for his ideas and how he was able to implement them. Many of them are reflected in his work.

Through his active social and entrepreneurial activities, Richard Branson continued to inspire a wide variety of people. Since his success, Richard has become not only an occasion for admiration and an example for others, but also the subject of satire. He has been a hero many times.various comics and cartoons. For example, rival company Zenith released a series of publications with a parody of Branson, where he is depicted as a villain. In addition, he has repeatedly been the hero of the popular animated series The Simpsons. He had to be both a magnate and a megalomaniac balloon pilot. He was also lucky enough to become the prototype of one of the heroes of the writer Terry Pratchett.
All this leaves no doubt that Sir Richard Branson is one of the world's greatest figures who deserves attention and respect.
Just think of the potential and fortitude you need to have to create such a huge group of companies that do almost anything. That is why the biography of Richard Branson is an excellent example for everyone who wants to become not only an entrepreneur, but also just a happy person, sending everything to hell.