The pantheon of Roman pagan gods includes 12 main female and male representatives. In this article, we will find out who the goddess Diana is. And get acquainted with goddesses similar to her, found in the mythology of other countries.
Ancient goddess Diana

Roman myths say that Diana is the daughter of Latona (the Titanide, the goddess of the night and everything hidden) and Jupiter (the god of thunder, sky, daylight). She has a twin brother Apollo.
In paintings and illustrations, Diana is depicted in a flowing tunic. Her body is slender, long hair falls over her shoulders or gathered at the back of her head. In her hands she holds a bow or spear. In the images, the maiden is almost always accompanied by a dog or a deer.
First of all, in Roman mythology, Diana is the goddess of hunting, fertility. The epitome of femininity and beauty. Her direct duty is to protect nature, to patronize it, to maintain balance. Over time, the maiden began to be perceived as the goddess of the moon.
Diana is famous for her chastity. Myths say that once her nymph Callisto was seduced by Jupiter. The girl got pregnant. When Diana found out about this, she turnedunfortunate bear and set a pack of dogs on her. Fortunately, Callisto was saved by the sky god, who turned her into the constellation Ursa Major.
Worship Diana

The goddess Diana was worshiped in Rome in a very peculiar way. To begin with, it is worth noting that the worship of the goddess of the hunt did not gain popularity among the ruling classes. But, due to the fact that her first temple was erected in a place inhabited by the poor, she became the patroness of slaves and people with little income.
It is known that the worship of Diana sometimes required human sacrifice. For example, any runaway slave or criminal could receive shelter in the sanctuary of the goddess of the hunt, located near Lake Nemi. However, this required becoming a priest, which was tantamount to killing one's predecessor.
Myths about Diana
One of the myths is associated with the worship of Diana. It was believed that the marvelous white cow of the shepherd Antron had miraculous properties. Whoever sacrifices her in the temple on the Aventina will receive unlimited power over the whole world.
Having learned about this legend, King Tullius, with the help of the priest of the temple of Diana, deceived the cow. And he personally sacrificed her. Animal horns have adorned temple walls for centuries.
Another myth tells of the unfortunate youth Actaeon, who was unfortunate to see the goddess Diana bathing.
Once Actaeon was hunting in the forest with his friends. There was a terrible heat. Friends stopped in the thicket of the forest to rest. Actaeon, along with hunting dogs, went in search of water.
The young man did not know that the forests of Kieferon were the possessions of the goddess Diana. After a short journey, he came across a stream and decided to follow to its source. The stream of water took its beginning in a small grotto.
Acteon entered the grotto and saw the nymphs who were preparing Diana for bathing. The virgins quickly covered the goddess, but it was too late - the young man managed to see the beauty of the naked patroness of the hunters.
As punishment, the goddess Diana turned him into a deer. The frightened young man did not immediately realize what had happened to him. He rushed back to the stream and only there, seeing his reflection, did he realize what trouble he was in. Smelling the smell of game, Actaeon's dogs attacked him and bit him.
The goddess Diana in Greek mythology

As you know, the Roman and Greek pantheon of gods are similar. Many gods perform the same functions but are named differently.
The Greek goddess Diana is known as Artemis (the patroness of hunting and all life on earth). She is also identified with Hecate (goddess of moonlight, the underworld, everything secret) and Selena (goddess of the moon).
Diana also bore the name "Trivia", which means "goddess of the three roads." Images of the huntress were posted at crossroads.
Diana in art

The image of Diana (Artemis) was widely used in literature, painting, sculpture.
The Greek version of the goddess is mentioned in the works of Homer and Euripides. Prayers are offered to her by the heroine of Geoffrey Chaucer from the Canterbury Tales. In the Heroics, owned by the penVirgil, there is a story about the seduction of Diana by Pan.
Often her image was used in his plays by the great William Shakespeare. We meet Diana in Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing.
Diana is also popular among artists and sculptors. In their works, they mainly illustrated mythological subjects.
The list of paintings with a huntress in the title role, painted by the most famous artists, includes such works: Diana Bathing with Her Nymphs by Rembrandt, Diana and Callisto by Titian, Diana and Her Nymph Retreating from the Hunt » Rubens.
Famous sculptures of the patroness of nature are by Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain, Augustus Saint-Gaudens.
Sculptures of unknown ancient Greek authors have survived to this day. On them, the goddess of hunting is depicted as a slender, warlike girl. Her hair is gathered back, her body is covered with a tunic. He holds a bow in his hands, a quiver behind his back. Deer accompanies the goddess.
The image of Diana is actively used in modern films, games, television series.