What does reasonable mean: truthful or legal?

What does reasonable mean: truthful or legal?
What does reasonable mean: truthful or legal?

It will take a lot to make business negotiations, achieve successful results and satisfy both parties. It is necessary to have not only convincing arguments and documents, but it is also necessary to speak reasonably. So what does “reasonable” mean?

company of people
company of people

Definition and meaning of the word

In this case, the explanatory dictionary will provide you with invaluable help, which is a convenient reference tool in such a matter. But back to our question, what does the word "reasonably" mean? Reasonable is the ability to speak persuasively, confirming what has been said with irrefutable arguments. In other words, reasonable is true, reasonable, lawful, thorough, lawful.

The ability to speak

The ability to speak was taught in ancient times. In ancient Greece, oratory set the rhythm of the social life of society and culture as a whole. And if in those distant times the emphasis was on the eloquence of the speaker, today, in addition to eloquence and competent speech, arguments are needed. And reasonableness must be supported by a number of requirements, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the interlocutor. Indeed, in order to persuade a person to cooperate, it is necessaryown the very atmosphere of the conversation, that is, it should be friendly. And the culture of speech expresses the high level of thinking of your interlocutor. Courtesy, clarity of pronunciation and even emotional coloring of speech contribute to the establishment of partnerships. The entire range of "speech art" listed above, supported by sound arguments, will convince a person and help find a common language with him. What's more, with the ability to speak rationally, you can easily promote your ideas.

what does the word reasonable mean
what does the word reasonable mean

Can it be learned?

Definitely yes! But this requires a lot of reading. And this is not about yellow press or entertaining ironic detective stories, you need to read both scientific and classical fiction. After all, the very process of reading changes the course of a person’s thoughts, he begins not only to think differently, but also to speak reasonably, beautifully and correctly.

In conclusion, summing up what has been said, we note the important components of the word "reasonably". So what does "reasonably" mean? This applies primarily to controversial points in the conversation. It is worth remembering that even the presence of irrefutable arguments does not mean that your interlocutor knows the answer to it. A detailed explanation with an announcement or even a demonstration of evidence will come in handy. These can be real life examples, scientific research results, videos, photographs, reference sources, statistics or logical conclusions.
