Fish and frog: similarities and differences

Fish and frog: similarities and differences
Fish and frog: similarities and differences

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Even in biology lessons, teachers talk about various representatives of the fauna. Among them are the first chordates and vertebrate inhabitants of our planet. These include fish and amphibians. Read the article about the similarities and differences between fish and frogs.


These vertebrates inhabited all kinds of water bodies since ancient times. Evolution forced them to change, as a result of which the first amphibians came to land. Fish live almost everywhere. They are the largest superclass of primary chordates. In total, more than twenty thousand species of these animals are known to science.

Similarities and differences between fish and frogs
Similarities and differences between fish and frogs

Fish are cold-blooded representatives of the fauna. They strongly depend on the ambient temperature, the speed of their vital processes varies depending on the temperature conditions. In the winter season, when the water cools to zero degrees and below, the fish simply go down to the bottom of the reservoir, because there is always a positive temperature.

Fish and frogs are essential components of many food chains. They not only eat other plant and animal organisms, but also become food for predators themselves. many fishare prey for humans. Due to the fact that a huge number of these animals die as a result of fishing, some species of fish were listed in the Red Book or disappeared from the face of the Earth.


Amphibians were the first animals to walk on land. They can live both on land and in water. While fish live in both s alt and fresh water, amphibians can only be found near rivers.

frog fish
frog fish

Fish and frog have a number of similarities and differences. Amphibians have pronounced limbs that allow amphibians to jump high. Their skin is bare and covered in mucus. They have well-developed eyesight - this helps them notice prey from afar and subsequently catch it with a long sticky tongue. Frogs are cold-blooded animals, so the peak of their activity falls on the warm season. Most often they can be found in wetlands, humid forests and various bodies of water.


Describing the similarity of fish and frogs, one cannot but say that they are similar not only externally, but also internally. This is manifested in the fact that the newly hatched tadpoles resemble small fish in shape. In the adult state, their similarity is due to the fact that the heads of these representatives of the fauna smoothly pass into the body. The frog has a single neck vertebrae, while the back of the fish replaces the neck with gill covers.

In addition, both fish and frogs have mouth openings and large eyes. This is one of the most obvious similarities in their external structure. As for the sinuses and nostrils, amphibians and fish have two of them.couples. True, two of the four nostrils of a frog are in its mouth, while all the nostrils of a fish are located on its head.

Similarities between fish and frogs
Similarities between fish and frogs

Fish and frog have well-developed muscles. If in amphibians this is associated with motor activity, then in fish it is associated with swimming. The fact is that it is important for them to stay in the water and resist its flow. They have separate muscles that are responsible for the movements of their eyes, fins and other parts of their body.

Both those and other representatives of the fauna lay eggs. At the same time, fish fry and tadpoles are chordates. Both fauna are cold-blooded, making them dependent on the temperature around them.


As mentioned earlier, fish and frogs have both similarities and differences. They are both external and internal.

First of all, they lie in the structure of the skeleton. The frog has a neck vertebra, while the fish does not, and the amphibian skull has fewer bones. The head of the frog is movably connected to the body. Her spinal cord is protected by several arches. While fish have gills, amphibians do not have gill bones or gill covers.

The difference between a frog and a fish
The difference between a frog and a fish

The muscular skeleton is also different in these representatives of the fauna. Due to the fact that the frog not only swims in water, but also moves on land, the muscles of its limbs are well developed. In addition, she can lower and raise her head. Amphibians can move in different directions, while the movements of fish are monotonous and somewhatsimilar to snakes. The difference between a frog and a fish lies in the structure of their eyes. The fact is that in a fish they are flat, while in an amphibian they are convex.

The body shape of these representatives of the fauna is very different. Firstly, the body shape of the fish is streamlined, which contributes to its high speed of movement in the water. The skin of aquatic inhabitants is usually covered with scales, while the skin of amphibians is naked. This is one of the many differences between amphibians and fish.
