The article talks about what teleportation is, is it possible. Its hypothetical ways of implementation are considered, for which it would be useful.
What is teleportation?

According to the scientific definition, teleportation is a change in the coordinates of an object. In this case, the movement cannot be justified and described from a mathematical point of view or a function of continuous time.
But what is teleportation? This is the effect of instantly moving an object or person at any distance, at which it disappears from the starting point and appears at the end.
From the very beginning of the development of the world of physics, as we delved deeper into the secrets of nature and matter, mankind dreamed of the incredible. Some things and phenomena years or centuries later came to life in the form of things familiar to us: telephones, radio communications, organ transplants, laser weapons, etc. appeared. But some dreams of science fiction writers or science popularizers have not yet been realized. And one of them is teleportation. Is this phenomenon scientifically possible? Let's try to figure it out.
Does she exist?
Unfortunately for most science fiction fans,scientists are not engaged in a purposeful search and implementation of some incredible idea. It's the same with teleportation. At the moment, it does not exist, and it is not yet very clear at all how this can happen. There are several hypotheses, but so far it is impossible to test them. But still, let's analyze a few of them in order to understand what teleportation is, whether this phenomenon is possible at least in the distant future.

The first is the so-called transport beam. With such teleportation, all molecules in the body of a person or object are scanned, their state is recorded, after which the original is destroyed, and in another place, such a machine creates a complete copy based on the stored data.
People who are at least a little familiar with physics already understand the impossibility of such a method at this stage of human development. Yes, and in the future too. Let's start with the fact that the number of molecules in the human body is incalculable, and even more so the recording of all their states, transmission and reproduction in a split second. In addition, from the point of view of quantum mechanics, it is impossible to create an exact copy of the derived quantum state. In addition, when the original is destroyed, consciousness is also destroyed, which is inseparable from the physical body.
It is from this process that teleportation, which is most often mentioned by science fiction writers, consists. Is this possible in our time? No.

Another type of instant travel is portals. Some physical state of a certain areaspace, being in which throws the object into another, previously known. Most often this method is mentioned in computer games and fantasy.
Such a transfer of an object or a person is not scientifically explained at all. Therefore, it can only be considered as an attribute of non-science fiction in various works of art.

This is another type of teleportation that can be more or less justified by science. Its meaning is to use some device to open a window to another special dimension, the coordinates of which correspond to our world, but the distances are compressed millions of times, and, having made another “puncture”, a person appears in a completely different place. For example, in another city or galaxy.
This method was widely described in their books by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, according to the same principle, their heroes made interstellar flights.
How to learn teleportation?
This question can often be heard, especially on the Internet. Answer: no way. Of course, if we consider this topic from the side of materialism, discarding all magic and other paranormal manifestations. You can even find communities that claim to teach the process. Naturally not free.
If we continue the mystical theme, then there are a lot of historical records of a person teleporting or simply disappearing from, for example, a prison cell. But all of them do not stand up to criticism and cannot provide weighty facts of this phenomenon.
If humanity one day develops to such technologies, whether it be a puncture into other spaces or something like that, it will be difficult to overestimate their usefulness. After all, then the centuries-old dream of instantaneous travel anywhere will come true! Be it another country, continent or planet.
The last point is especially relevant, because even with the construction of the fastest and most reliable spaceships, it will be very problematic to reach neighboring stars, even at the speed of light, all the more you need to remember the relativity of time. And instantaneous movements in space make this task much easier.
In the meantime, to the question of whether there is a teleport, the answer, unfortunately, is no. And most likely, if it is invented, it will have completely different fundamental properties.