Economy of the Krasnodar Territory: main areas

Economy of the Krasnodar Territory: main areas
Economy of the Krasnodar Territory: main areas

The economy of the Krasnodar Territory has its main potential, which lies in historically established industries, such as recreational and resort resources, transport, fuel and energy and agro-industrial complexes.

In the latter, such areas as the production of raw sugar from sugar beets, the dairy industry, the preparation of tobacco, and the cultivation of wheat are of the greatest importance.

From the point of view of geographical location, the Krasnodar Territory can profitably use transport, geopolitical and economic-geographical situations.

Outlets to the sea of the Atlantic Ocean and the presence of economically developed neighboring countries also have a beneficial effect on the situation as a whole. The economy of the Krasnodar Territory for schoolchildren based on general educational material is described below.

economy of the Krasnodar Territory
economy of the Krasnodar Territory


Due to the current political situation, when loved onesholiday destinations for Russians, such as the coasts of Turkey and Egypt, have become temporarily inaccessible to them, and travel to some countries of North Africa has become unsafe, an influx of tourists to the resorts of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus has begun to be observed. This was facilitated by a significant improvement in the infrastructure of the resort city of Sochi. It underwent modernization on the eve of the Winter Olympics that took place here in 2014. The economy of the Krasnodar Territory has only grown in terms of this.

According to the authoritative Forbes magazine, this region ranks third in the index of investment attractiveness of Russian regions.

The largest economically developed cities in the region are: Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Kropotkin, Yeysk, Tuapse.

According to Rosstat data, the share of tourism in the gross regional product exceeds slightly the level of 10%, while in the whole country the share of this complex in GDP is about 2% among all Russian cities. Sochi is the fourth city where tourists purposefully come, leaving their places of permanent residence. The transfer of some cultural events, such as the New Wave festival from Jurmala to Sochi, contributed to the fact that the past year was a record for the number of tourists visiting the region in recent history. Due to this, the economy of the Krasnodar Territory is constantly maintained at the same level.

the economy of the Krasnodar Territory for schoolchildren
the economy of the Krasnodar Territory for schoolchildren


Almost half of industrial production, namely about 45%, falls on food industry enterprises. The economic and political situation in the country and the world allows the region to confirm the status of the All-Russian granary. Economic sanctions, in particular, a ban on the import of certain types of food products from abroad, along with relatively low income levels by European standards for the majority of the country's residents, make it necessary to purchase Russian food products from our compatriots.

Being one of the southernmost regions in the country, the Krasnodar Territory combines on its territory both flat areas suitable for agriculture, and foothill and mountain areas where livestock is bred for the meat and meat and dairy industries of the economy. Thanks to this, the economy of the Krasnodar Territory is developing quite well and rapidly. Some types of products cannot be obtained anywhere in the country except for the Kuban, so we can talk about the artificial creation of a natural monopoly among the producers of the region for the production of certain types of goods. In particular, the ban on the import of wines from Georgia and Moldova into Russia gave a strong impetus to the development of the distillery industry.

the economy of the Krasnodar Territory for children
the economy of the Krasnodar Territory for children

Marine industry

The presence of two seas - the Black and the Caspian, makes the forecast for the development of the fishing industry in the region favorable. Thanks to this activity, the economy of the Krasnodar Territory is stable. Briefly about the maritime industry can be read below. Among commercial fish, sturgeon, as well as pike perch and ram, are of particular value. The latter is found nowhere in the country, except in the lower reaches of the Volga, andnaturally enters the water bodies belonging to the territory of this region.

Chemical industry

In the chemical industry, in addition to the production of paint and varnish and rubber products, special attention should be paid to the production of fertilizers. In its own way, a complete cycle has developed on the territory of the region. What does this mean? For the needs of one complex, in this case the agro-industrial complex, all auxiliary industries are located in one region, which significantly reduces the cost of raw materials and other components.

the economy of the Krasnodar Territory briefly
the economy of the Krasnodar Territory briefly

Transport sector

There are 8 ports of international importance in the region, all of them operate all year round. After the annexation of the territory of Crimea to Russia, the need arose for regular communication with the newly formed Russian republic, bypassing Ukraine. To some extent, the economy of the Krasnodar Territory felt this, but still continues to stand at its usual level. A large number of railway transport passing through this region to the Kerch Strait increased the share of the transport complex in the structure of the industrial production of the region.

The article describes the key economic issues related to the Krasnodar Territory. This question is interesting enough to study. Therefore, the school should pay special attention to the topic "Economy of the Krasnodar Territory". For children, it may seem too complicated, but from an early age you need to understand what the country is developing and what industries are the most promising.
