The mythology of the Slavs is an extremely interesting and informative phenomenon. Despite the fact that in a number of its manifestations it has similar features with the same ancient or Scandinavian mythology, the Slavic belief system is a completely unique set of knowledge, traditions and legends relating to all major issues of the world order.

The myths of the ancient Slavs have come down to us in a highly revised form. Since, unlike the same ancient Greeks, writing among these peoples appeared already at the end of their pagan history.
At the same time, it is of interest that, despite their ethnic and religious diversity, the Slavs managed to preserve the common features and ideas characteristic of their distant ancestors to this day. The most striking example of this is the tradition of burning an effigy, symbolizing the end of winter.
The early Slavic mythology is of great interest, the gods in which formed a kind of pantheon, in which three main levels can be distinguished:
1. The highest level was "inhabited" by those deities on which all life on Earth directly depended - Svarog, personifying Heaven, Earth and their children - Perun, Fire and Dazhdbog;
2. On the middle level, the myths of the ancient Slavsthey placed those gods who were "responsible" for the development of a particular tribe, as well as for all economic activity: Rod, Chur and others;
3. The lowest level was made up of creatures that "controlled" certain areas of the environment - goblin, brownies, ghouls, mermaids.

The myths of the ancient Slavs focused on the problem of the origin and development of the world, as well as the veneration of their long-dead and legendary ancestors.
Like most other nations, the Slavs had a god of thunder - Perun, who in a number of tribes personified the Sky.
Other tribes considered Svarog the God of Heaven, who nominally occupied the highest position in the hierarchy.
One of the most revered gods was the brother of Svarog - Veles, whose main task was to protect livestock and contribute to the accumulation of we alth in the clan and tribe.

Since the myths of the ancient Slavs for the most part formed, most likely, even before the formation of the Slavic tribes, they did not require the introduction of any special cults and rituals, our ancient ancestors did not have a developed priestly estates.
In Russia, the first idols appeared only under the influence of the Varangians and were dedicated mainly to the main deities - Perun, Dazhdbog and Khors. With the adoption of Christianity, all these idols were thrown down from the hills and destroyed.
The main feature of Slavic mythology was the close relationship of the real world with lower-level creatures that lived everywhere, sometimes helping people, sometimesdisturbing them. Constant communication with coast guards, goblin, brownies made everyday life more complex and mysterious, and all unusual phenomena immediately found many interpretations. As for the gods of the middle and higher levels, here people could only carefully listen to their desires, meekly fulfilling their will. The fear of the forces of nature and the wrath of the ancestors was so great that various holidays were dedicated to them, some of which have survived to this day.