Slavs - who are they? Life, way of life, culture of the ancient Slavs

Slavs - who are they? Life, way of life, culture of the ancient Slavs
Slavs - who are they? Life, way of life, culture of the ancient Slavs

From history books we know that the Slavs are one of the largest ethnic communities in the Old World. However, it is not entirely clear who they were or where they came from. Let's try to study this meager information bit by bit, and also dwell on more reliable facts about the life, way of life, culture and beliefs of these tribes.

Slavs are
Slavs are

Who are they?

Let's try to find out who the Slavs are, where they came from to Europe and why they left their homeland. There are several versions on this issue. Some historians believe that the Slavic tribes did not come from anywhere, but lived here from the moment the world was created. Other scholars consider them to be descendants of the Scythians or Sarmatians, others refer to other peoples that came out of the depths of Asia, including the Aryans. But it is unrealistic to draw exact conclusions, each hypothesis has its drawbacks and white spots.

It is generally accepted to consider the Slavs an Indo-European people who ended up in the Old World during the Great Migration. He lost contact with related Germanic tribes due to the great distance and went his own way.development. But the theory has many adherents that this ethnic community came from Asia after the Flood, assimilating with the locals along the way and founding centers of civilizations - the Etruscans, Greeks and Romans, and then settled in the Balkans, the banks of the Vistula, Dniester and Dnieper. The chronicler Nestor believes that the Slavs came to Russia after the Babylonian pandemonium.

The name of the ethnic group causes no less controversy. Some researchers are convinced that the Slavs mean "literate people who speak the word", others translate the name as "glorious" or look for its origins in the name of the Dnieper - Slavutych.

occupations of the Slavs
occupations of the Slavs

The main occupations of our ancestors

So, we found out that the Slavs are nomadic tribes that have settled. They were united by a common language, beliefs and traditions. And what were the occupations of the Slavs? There are no options, of course, this is agriculture. In the forested areas, the site had to be prepared first by cutting down the trees and uprooting the stumps. In the forest-steppe regions, grass was first burned out, and then the earth was fertilized with ashes, loosened and planted seeds. Of the tools used plow, plow, harrow. From agricultural crops, they grew millet, rye, wheat, barley, peas, hemp, flax.

The rest of the occupations of the Slavs were aimed at the production of tools for agriculture (blacksmithing), as well as for household needs (pottery). Animal husbandry was highly developed: our ancestors bred sheep, horses, goats, pigs. In addition, they used the gifts of the forest: they collected mushrooms, berries, honey from forest bees, hunted wild birds and animals. This is what they traded with their neighbors,and the skins of martens are considered to be the first money.

the life of the Slavs
the life of the Slavs


The calm life of the Slavs favored the development of culture. Agriculture remained the main occupation of the community, but arts and crafts (weaving, jewelry, wood, bone and metal carving, cooperage, leatherwork) also developed. They also had the beginnings of writing.

Our ancestors lived in communities, important decisions were made at the general meeting. The community owned meadows, arable land, and pastures. But each person could have their own property and livestock. At the head of the tribal union was the prince, who relied on the boyars-patrimonials. These were respected people who were elected during the national assembly, then they turned into a local nobility.

In everyday life, the Slavs were unpretentious, easily endured the vagaries of the weather, hunger. But they remained proud, freedom-loving, brave and loyal to their community, their family. The guest was always greeted with bread and s alt, offering the best that was available in the house.

neighbors of the Slavs
neighbors of the Slavs

Troubled neighbors

Slavs settled between Europe and Asia, in lands with a unique supply of resources and fertile soil. They occupied a vast territory almost painlessly, since there was enough space for everyone. But the riches of the land attracted robbers. The restless neighbors of the Slavs - nomadic Avars, Khazars, Pechenegs and Polovtsy - constantly raided the villages. Our ancestors had to unite against them and beat the uninvited guests together. This taught them military science, constantreadiness for danger, frequent change of habitats, endurance. But the Slavs themselves were non-belligerent, friendly, they respected the rights of others, they never had slaves.

rus slavs
rus slavs

Instead of a conclusion

Before Prince Vladimir baptized Russia, the Slavs were pagans. They worshiped the forces of nature, built temples and created idols, made sacrifices (not human) to them. The cult of ancestors, including the dead, was especially developed. Christianity allowed the ancient Russian state to become closer to Europe, but at the same time it stole a lot. Objects of material, spiritual and cultural value were destroyed, what distinguished the Slavs from other peoples was lost. A certain symbiosis appeared, which, although it had elements of the previous culture, was formed under the influence of Byzantium. But that, as they say, is another story…
