How do you spell "pale blue"? Learn the spelling of compound adjectives

How do you spell "pale blue"? Learn the spelling of compound adjectives
How do you spell "pale blue"? Learn the spelling of compound adjectives

How to spell "pale blue" correctly? The spelling of complex adjectives is studied in the 6th grade. Let's repeat the main points of the rule.

When you need to write together

pale blue
pale blue

Compound adjectives are written together in such cases:

  • are formed from phrases (one component obeys the second): chubby - round face, blue-eyed - blue eyes;
  • are formed from compound nouns that should be written together: diver, pedestrian;
  • one of the components is not used separately: omnivorous, fleeting;
  • the first part is an adverb for "o" or "e": highly paid, above.

However, the presence of explanatory words requires separate spelling: little explored areas of science.

So, "pale blue" does not fall under the above items. So, we need to investigate the rule further.

When to use a hyphen

pale blue as spelled
pale blue as spelled

In complex adjectives, a hyphen is put in such cases:

  • They are formed from complex nouns that must be written with a hyphen: southwest - southwest.
  • Theyformed from a combination of words in which both components are equal: meat and dairy, commercial and industrial.

In this case, instead of a hyphen, you can put "and" or "not only …, but also." Please note: meat and dairy - meat and dairy; but sour milk is sour milk (one word is subordinate to the second).

A compound word begins with mass-, military-, scientific-, educational-, folk-: mass-sports, military-medical, scientific-practical, educational-methodical, people's democratic

An important point: national economy is spelled together, since the word is formed from the phrase national economy.

  • Components mean heterogeneous features: feudal serf - feudal serf, official business - official business.
  • Combination of a noun with an adjective, where the components are rearranged: fiction - literary and artistic.
  • Shades or color combinations: bright green, red-blue, yellow-green-violet.

Snow white means a shade of color, and there is a hyphen here. The word snow-white was formed from the phrase white snow, so it is spelled together.

The word "pale blue" is hyphenated because it is a shade of color.

Proper noun adjectives

Let's continue to study the rule. We looked at the word "pale blue". How to write an adjective formed from a proper name? This is also important to know.

  1. Complex adjectives starting with north, west, south, east, which are part ofplace names are hyphenated: Central European Plain, Republic of South Africa.
  2. But if the word is a common noun, you need to write together: a South African country, a Central European city.
  3. Compound adjectives, which are formed from a first name with a surname, two surnames, a first name and a patronymic, are written with a hyphen: a Jules Verne novel, a W alter Scott character. Both components should be written with a lowercase letter.

We sorted out the word "pale blue". We now know how to write complex adjectives - we need to determine how they are formed. But there is one more important point to consider.

A few important points

The rule says that when the first component is an o or e adverb, the spelling must be continuous. But when it is not a complex adjective, but a phrase from an adverb and an adjective/participle, all components are written together.

Compare: socio-historical processes - socially important events, socially useful events.

If this is a separate phrase, the question can be put to the adverb: socially important - important for whom? (for society).

pale blue how to write
pale blue how to write

After a detailed study of the rule, there are no more questions about how to write "pale blue" or "bright red". In most cases, it is enough to ask the question: “Are these equal parts or a phrase?”. But if you find it difficult to answer, look into the dictionary more often.
