Culture of writing: Russian language

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Culture of writing: Russian language
Culture of writing: Russian language

The culture of oral and written speech is a reflection of a person's thoughts and opinions in the form of sounds or in a graphic display. The creation of signs depicting the elements of sound required a lot of time. There was a formation of writing. Oral speech arose much earlier than its graphic representation. And this is quite understandable. The written form, as a rule, is addressed to a person who is absent at the moment. The writer does not have the opportunity to directly say something to his reader, and therefore appeals to him through the text. The culture of written speech was born simultaneously with the formation of society, the socialization of man.

Literary language

It is necessary to distinguish the concept of a literary language from the method of presentation that is used when creating works of art. The last term is more comprehensive. The writing of such texts is based on the use of the literary language accepted in society, however, its very concept is different and is reflected in the fact that the artistic techniques in the work are deeply filled withmetaphorical turns with numerous use of beautiful forms of speech. The main function of the word is the presentation of thoughts and the communication of knowledge in various fields. At the same time, the literary language is aesthetic and accommodates the use of colloquial expressions, as well as various dialects.

culture of writing
culture of writing

Literary language is the element through which, along with economic, political, social factors, the unity of the nation is created. This is a kind of code of communication between people of the same or different cultures.

Colloquial and book speech

Literary language has two forms: written and oral. At the same time, both book and colloquial interpretations are presented as communication between people. In oral speech, both literary and oral forms can be used, depending on a person's perception of himself in society, his habits, upbringing, personal norms of behavior. At the same time, written speech is displayed most often in the form of a book form. It is the sphere of communication that determines the choice of language material that forms and determines the types of presentation.

Book speech is widely used in political, legislative, scientific areas of communication, as well as in colloquial form at official meetings and celebrations, when referring to higher-ranking employees, in family or domestic situations. At the same time, this form of speech is always built according to the established norms of the literary language, the main rule of which is the presence of logically interconnected sentences that are distinguished by a clear presentation of thoughts andhaving an ending. Book speech does not allow abrupt jumps from one thought not brought to its logical conclusion to another.

Scientific terminology, official business vocabulary are widely used. Most words do not have a clear restriction or distribution between spoken, oral, written presentation of speech. They are widely used in various forms and are generally accepted. Thus, a background is created that logically sets off special vocabulary for a particular form of presentation.

The concept of speech culture

The culture of oral and written speech is a specific and correct display of the properties of the language and its capabilities in everyday communication. It, as a rule, implies the presence of a high level of general education and cultural development in a person, as well as the development of his thinking and cognitive sphere. The culture of written speech is a reflection of the inherent meaning using literary language and technical terms when presenting material to a potential listener.

Culture of speech as a science

The culture of speech as a science is closely connected with various linguistic and non-linguistic areas. Its connection with lexicology and semasiology is also obvious. Among the linguistic sciences, the influence of the course of the modern Russian language, which is fundamental for the study of the norms of literary presentation in all its assignments, is widespread. It is useful to use the communicative qualities of speech, as well as its accuracy and consistency. The correlation of such qualities with semantic compatibility enriches the language,used in writing.

teacher's writing culture
teacher's writing culture

The educator's writing culture will differ from that of a commercial director, but the basics and general rules will be the same in both cases.

Features of interaction are observed between the culture of speech and lexicography. Many special dictionaries and manuals have been created on this topic, covering this issue. In turn, close interweaving with stylistics, which studies the functioning of linguistic means and evaluates the qualitative aspects of their use, explains the expediency of using certain elements, statements, and the use of various styles. The culture of written speech includes knowledge of such linguistic disciplines as sociology, logic, ethics, psychology, aesthetics, pedagogy, and literary criticism. The influence of not only philosophical sciences, but also technical sciences, which are constantly undergoing changes due to the emergence of new discoveries, is monitored.

Modern theory of speech culture

The culture of writing is a very broad concept that includes many sciences and knowledge. The regulatory aspect plays a very important role here. Also, modern society and the norms adopted in it have a huge impact on the formation of this discipline. Thus, books created at the beginning of the 20th century, such as Chernyshev's The Purity and Correctness of Russian Speech, are now irrelevant due to the use of the dialect of that time and the special word forms inherent in this era.

culturewhat is writing
culturewhat is writing

The introduction of new words, terms and concepts also inseparably follows the introduction of adjustments to the concept of the literary language of our time. Thus, the culture of written speech, the Russian language and society march together. Their existence is inextricably linked with the use of previously accepted word forms and turns, but today they may seem pretentious and even unacceptable for use. Keeping pace with technological progress, the literary language is undergoing changes in the field of mastering new terminology and its wide application.

Today, the culture of the written speech of a business person in any field of knowledge is saturated with many new words and phrases inherent in the current level of technological progress and the terms used, sometimes coming from other languages and cultures.

Formal business style

The culture of business writing is a combination of various language techniques and means that are used in the service sector of official business relations. So, this area refers to a wide range of official business relationships, in various situations using the documentation of incoming information. The breadth of the application of such a science suggests the presence of different business styles:

  • official business (or clerical);
  • legal;
  • diplomatic.

They are closely intertwined, but at the same time they have a number of differences that reflect the goal and methods for achieving it. When using the diplomatic style, the main task is to negotiate,the etiquette nature of such relationships.

culture of business writing
culture of business writing

Legal style includes the language of legislation and regulations, in which many enumerations of various conditions and circumstances leading to liability appear.

Official-business style of speech expresses the specific features of language turns that satisfy the needs of understanding and presentation of data for all participants and interested parties.

At the same time, the writing culture of a lawyer, for example, may include the use of legal style, and in some situations in which it is necessary to achieve contractual unity, the use of diplomatic style. It is quite rare that only one of the styles is used in the professional and any other of the activities of one person.

Language norms for drafting documents

The culture of writing and the rules for formalizing official documents and regulations are inextricably linked with details that carry permanent information and involve a simple substitution of data relating to a particular situation or person. For various legal documents, constant categories are used, which are accepted in the business community, as well as legally confirmed.

culture of writing Russian language
culture of writing Russian language

Substitution of variable elements contained in business texts expands the range of search possibilities for their display and application. However, some difficulties may arise, mainly related to the correct choice.the vocabulary used, its forms and interpretation, the transfer of the essence of the issue, as well as the selection of grammatical means capable of conveying the business style of the text and its meaning with the help of language structures. At the same time, terms are widely used that are suitable not only for interpreting certain processes or properties, but also addressed to individuals and legal entities in turns of speech characteristic of business style.

Speech etiquette

Speech etiquette involves the use and application of certain ceremonial, regulations, as well as compliance with diplomatic protocols. Following such norms is accepted when addressing officials of all ranks, lawyers, doctors, law enforcement officers, and employees in higher positions.

The culture of writing and administrative speech etiquette involve addressing a partner or interlocutor using specific turns of speech. This is especially important in personal communication with a senior in rank. As a rule, there are a number of restrictions on the use of certain words and their combinations that carry an aggressive or negative connotation, as well as showing due respect and addressing with an indication of the position held. Most often, detailed rules for observing speech etiquette are required when greeting and parting, expressing gratitude or apology, congratulating or personal appeal, requests.

Unlike many Western languages, Russian has two pronouns - "you" and "You", which clearly define the social status of the person to whom the appeal is directed, as well as the nature of relations between people, the presenceofficialdom in their communication. Thus, the use of the form of address on "you" can put both the addressee and the writer in an awkward situation, as it offends the person and expresses an attack on human dignity.

Correct speech

The grammatical system of the word perceives various social factors and has sufficient resistance to them. Following the rules largely determines such a thing as a "culture of writing". The Russian language is rich in many grammatical rules, but at the same time, their abundance covers all possible options for their application in any situations and phrases.

lawyer's writing culture
lawyer's writing culture

Literary norms of grammar, unlike other levels of the language system, are easily regulated. They are widely studied, have their own coding system. However, they are also subject to change under the influence of historical events, but are more stable, in contrast to such sciences as word formation.

We alth of speech culture

The level of speech culture and its written presentation largely depends not only on knowledge, accepted norms, rules of logic, but also on the mastery of each individual person with the inexhaustible riches of the language and the ability to freely use them in the process of writing their thoughts. The Russian language has long been recognized as one of the richest. Its breadth is calculated by the reserves of lexical and phraseological phrases, as well as the semantic coloring of each individual element and the immense possibilities of their application.

We alth is also celebratedphonetics, the possibilities of combining various word forms, the variety of lexical, grammatical, phraseological synonyms and variants, the compilation of complex structures that convey the intonation of speech. All this abundance allows the writer to express the most subtle moods and meanings, the emotional shades of the transmitted information. Skillfully handling Russian words, you can convey the sound of music, shades of colors, sounds and noises, the brightness and unusualness of fantasies and dreams, any natural phenomena and human feelings in all their palette.

the culture of writing is
the culture of writing is

The culture of written speech, its we alth in a single individual is determined by the number of language means with which he is familiar and can freely handle, making turns of speech that can convey in each specific situation the subtleties of the issue or topic under discussion. The richness of speech is determined by the abundance of the use of various means and ways of expressing the same concept using different forms that have a different origin. The use of word formation by adding prefixes, endings, suffixes to the root of the word opens up almost limitless possibilities for the emergence of new expressions in speech that convey a different or more accurate mood, meaning.

In essence, the culture of writing - what is it? This is a competent, timely use of literary turns and the ability to clearly express one's thoughts. This is an opportunity to convey them to absolutely any listener.