Together with globalization in the modern world, there is a tendency to learn foreign languages. A modern person, keeping up with the times, is trying to develop, improve and keep up with fellow foreigners, while becoming a bilingual. Learning languages helps not only to be one step above your rivals (after all, there is crazy competition among professionals on the market now), but also to successfully move up the career ladder.
If you have made a decision in favor of learning the culture of other nations by learning the language of a particular country, then congratulations to you. As they say, how many languages you know, so many times you are a person. One of the fundamental principles of learning a language is mastering its grammar. So let's understand what grammar is.

It's no secret that with the development of mankind, the language also developed, the forms of words and, of course, grammar changed. Now everyone has free access to books of various levels of workload, designed for differentage categories, and he has the opportunity to discover what grammar is. Speaking directly about the grammar of the English language, it can be noted that it is somewhat different from such a grammar of the Russian language, which is native to us. There are no problems with verb tense in Russian. For example, the phrase “I am writing an article” sounds the same when talking about an action that is constantly repeated (“I am writing an article every evening”), and when talking about the present moment (“I am writing an article now”). In other words, the sentences “I write an article about work every night” and “I am writing an article now” use the same verb. As for “now” and “every evening”, these are just words-additions to the verb form “I write”. I think you have already appreciated what grammar is.

As for case endings, it's not difficult to deal with them, because they simply do not exist in English. There is no difference in endings between feminine and masculine words. But a complete mess with verb forms. English grammar will never cease to amaze you and delight you at the same time. For example, in the sentences "I'm waiting for you now", "I'm waiting for you in the afternoon" and "I'm always waiting for you here" in the English version, you need to use the verb in three different tenses!
As you already understood, the academic grammar of the English language requires special attention on the part of the student and, of course, perseverance, practice and more practice. Without it, communication is impossible. Speaking using incorrect tense forms, you will remain a misunderstood foreigner, sohow he just can't figure out what idea you want to convey to him.

To achieve good results in learning a foreign language, reading books (newspapers, magazines), listening to audio in English, studying grammar as the basis of the language, practicing with a native speaker via Skype or in courses will help you achieve good results in learning a foreign language. Do not try to learn what grammar is by memorizing passages of rules from a textbook on your own. You won't get results this way. For example, if you enjoy writing, then try to write an essay using newly learned words and, of course, grammar rules. And, finally, the most effective way is to go abroad to a language camp, on an exchange program, or just travel and combine business with pleasure.