Adverbs make up a large part of Russian vocabulary, and in our speech they occur quite often. But did you know that adverbs have different categories? And that only one of them answers the question "how?", namely, adverbs of mode of action. Did not know? Then you should refresh your knowledge on this topic a little.

Parts of speech
Before you know what an adverb is, you need to get acquainted with all parts of speech. Parts of speech are the main grammatical groups of words. They are divided into two main types: service and independent, but there is also a third group, which includes interjection and onomatopoeia. Independent ones got this name due to the fact that they can function without additional words, and the service parts of speech must necessarily have the word to which they refer next to them. Also, an important difference between independent parts of speech and service parts is that they are highlighted graphically during the analysis of the sentence by members.

Independent parts of speech are nouns, adjectives, verbs and their forms in the form of participles and participles, numerals, pronouns, adverbs and the category of state, which some consider to be predicative adverbs and are not distinguished as a separate part of speech. Service parts of speech: conjunctions, prepositions, particles.
An adverb is an independent part of speech (as mentioned earlier), which characterizes a sign of the course of an action. This is an invariable part of speech, since it does not have an ending at all. In a sentence, it is a circumstance or, very rarely, a predicate. Adverbs can be divided into six categories that answer different questions and have different semantics.

Ranks of adverbs and questions they answer:
- mode of action (how? how?);
- places (where? where? where?);
- time (when? how long?);
- measures and degrees (to what extent? how many times? how much?);
- reasons (for what reason? why?);
- goals (for what? for what purpose?).
Adverbs of manner
This category asks questions "how?" and "how?". Most often, adverbs of mode of action refer to verbs or verb forms (participles, participles and infinitives), and adverbs of comparison and assimilation also belong to this group. Their purpose is to indicate exactly how the action was performed. These adverbs do not conjugate or decline because they do not have inflection. The most frequent suffix forof this category is -o-, also for the formation of adverbs of this category, confixes (paired affixes) are often used in-_-him/om, in-_ski/tski/whose. Examples of adverbs of manner: so, fast, friendly, girlish, different, fun.
It is important not to confuse predicative adverbs (category of state) and adverbs answering the question "how?". For example, "fun to play" and "I have fun." In the first case, "fun" is an adverb of manner, and in the second, a category of state. In order to avoid such mistakes, it is worth remembering that predicative adverbs can play the role of a predicate, and adverbs of the mode of action depend on the predicate and play the role of a circumstance in a sentence.
This article was supposed to help you answer all your questions about adverbs of manner in Russian.