Spicy is the definition of what?

Spicy is the definition of what?
Spicy is the definition of what?

There are many definitions that apply to a particular object, person or event. The Russian language is rich in synonyms, so often people simply do not know how and when a particular word is applicable. For example, spicy is a commonly used term in culinary, as well as in relation to a situation or person. It is worth figuring out when to use this word.

Spicy is not just sauce

From sources you can find definitions of many expressions. In particular, explanatory dictionaries explain the meaning and content of words and phrases, as well as their origin.

According to the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, piquant is literally "prickly" from the French piquant. So they say about hot sauces, dishes and spices. In the phrases of French, Italian, Caucasian cuisines, there is often a word that means the presence of spices in the dish or any spices and additives that give the food certain flavors.

savory dish
savory dish

Most often the word "spicy" is a culinary definition. But meetsituations, circumstances or persons to which this adjective also applies.

In relation to situations, it is used if you need to convey a subtle hint of circumstances that are beyond the scope of etiquette. Also, a piquant situation is one in which there is an acute issue, the solution of which requires special care in relation to the parties to the dispute.

What kind of piquant person is this?

When talking about people, we often give them a definition depending on their behavior in society and the ability to behave. The interests of the interlocutor, his views and he himself can be defined by the word "piquant". This refers to people who act provocatively or intriguingly.

piquant in the sense of seductive
piquant in the sense of seductive

Piracy as a characteristic of a person indicates that a person, by his behavior and opinion, is of interest to others. Saying this about a man or a woman, it immediately becomes clear that a person attracts attention.
