Commitment - what is it? Types of Commitment

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Commitment - what is it? Types of Commitment
Commitment - what is it? Types of Commitment

Let's start with one of the definitions associated with this concept. Commitment is affection, attraction, love, a manifestation of special interest in someone or something. There are several types of commitment.

adherence to traditions
adherence to traditions

The Importance of Commitment

Organizational commitment is the association of a person with the organization in which he works. Such attachment is expressed in the constant desire to work for the benefit of their organization, to look for ways to improve its status and prestige. Employees who care about their organization try to perform their duties much better than the job description or employment contract requires. True commitment to the organization does not imply self-interest, everything is aimed at achieving common success.

With their dedication, such employees infect other members of the workforce. They become the "highlight" of the company, its hallmark. The commitment of the organization provides the opportunity to significantly save on the costs that can be caused by staff attrition. Even in the most difficult times for the organization, the commitment of the staff allows you to maintainlabor collective.

company commitment
company commitment

Finally, attachment reduces the costs associated with employee turnover. Loyal employees don't leave the organization, even if it's having a hard time. There are currently three types of company commitment:

  • by calculation;
  • emotional;
  • on debt.

Emotional Attachment

Such a commitment is the psychological attitude of a person, his emotional charge to fulfill his official duties. A person may have an emotional attachment to certain employees with whom he works, including the relationship to the immediate supervisor. It is how an employee treats their boss that determines organizational commitment.

In addition to commitment to people, attachment to a place of work, a work chair, a personal computer is possible. No matter how trite it may sound, but it is the "office paradise" that causes psychological commitment. Features of the Russian mentality require the establishment of friendly and benevolent relations between colleagues.

Commitment to principles becomes secondary, first of all, Russians are trying to find like-minded people in the team with whom they could spend time outside of work. Office employees try to spend as much time as possible together, organize joint events: parties, corporate holidays. To take care of a common cause, to try to "promote" your company - this is the realcompany commitment. Common causes bring employees together, help them deal with problems.

adherence to traditions
adherence to traditions

Commitment is the attachment to certain employees with whom a person works, including the relationship to the immediate supervisor. Wise leaders try to encourage people, give them extra days of rest, and award bonuses. It is how an employee treats their boss that determines organizational commitment.

Love for profession

An emotional person is committed to his own organization if he is doing what he loves. Such a commitment is more a manifestation of love for the profession than for the company. In order for the team to have talented employees, there is commitment to the staff, the head of the organization must create all the conditions so that they can fully work, not be distracted by various minor problems. Highly qualified specialists should not have any everyday troubles, everyday problems.

organizational commitment
organizational commitment

Costs and investments

Emotional commitment is the true core of corporate commitment. Good relations between colleagues, the development of communication skills, the opportunity for full-fledged self-realization will definitely have a positive effect. There are special team trainings during which a sense of “team” is developed, collectivism is formed. The boss himself must show goodwill to his employees, otherwiseadherence to principles will remain an empty phrase.

The formation of full-fledged emotional relationships can become an end in itself. To solve the problem, employees often sacrifice the objective interests of the organization. For example, instead of a detailed analysis of the reasons for losing the tender, they simply try to “hush up” the failure so that there are no disagreements in the team. Such a “solution” to the problem does not contribute to the prosperity of the company itself, but relations within the team will be friendly. Some leaders forego emotional well-being by emphasizing commitment to purpose.

commitment to the organization
commitment to the organization

Affection by cold calculation

It implies a commitment to the organization of the employee for some personal motives and calculations. For example, because of material dependence, a person has to work in a company, even if it does not give him pleasure. Currently, many Russians do not work in those organizations in which they would like to work, but where they offer decent wages and a convenient work schedule.

Identification of benefits

When people are employed, they are guided by certain principles. They choose vacancies in places where they are observed:

  • high wages;
  • convenient mode of operation;
  • good relations between colleagues and manager;
  • proximity to residence.

Debt Attachment

Adherence to traditions can be considered a manifestation of such affection. in EuropeanIn the north, as an example of such a dependence, we can note the transfer from generation to generation (through the female line) of the spinning wheel. If a girl was born in the family, a small spinning wheel was placed in her cradle. The girl played with her, learned to hold her in her hands.

As the skua matured, its spinning wheel gradually increased in size. From about the age of 10, the girl, along with older women, began to spin. Parents gave her chests, in which the girl put her “dowry”, made with her own hands. This tradition has not been lost, only now in the North, instead of a spinning wheel, a girl is given a sewing machine. The happy father handed his son a small wooden hammer so that the boy could learn the "Pomor trade" associated with the harvesting and processing of wood.

adherence to treatment
adherence to treatment

As for debt attachment, it is, unfortunately, not common. Such a quality cannot be developed, formed, it is either present or the employee does not have it.

Treatment propensity of patients

In the event that a patient does not have a mindset for a he althy lifestyle, his plans do not include taking antihypertensive drugs, it will be impossible to control blood pressure even with the most modern methods and drugs. Adherence to treatment is the percentage of compliance of the patient's behavior with all the recommendations given by the attending physician.

Many doctors are convinced that a term such as "commitment" can be used to characterize the relationship between a patient and a doctor. Low adherence to treatment suggeststhe patient's lack of desire to follow the doctor's recommendations. Examples of non-compliance of patients with doctors are violation of the time of taking medications, changing the dose of the drug, unauthorized refusal to use medications, forgetfulness.

Also, among the indicators of low love for therapy, one can mention missed visits to the doctor, failure to follow the doctor's advice on lifestyle. Such behavior negatively affects the general he alth of the patient. When drug therapy is discontinued for some time, treatment is resumed after 2-3 months, the risk of developing complications caused by the withdrawal syndrome increases significantly.

adherence to treatment
adherence to treatment

Varieties of incompliance

In medicine, the following varieties of this term are distinguished:

  • Unintended shape. In such cases, the patient does not realize what he must do and how dangerous it is not to follow the recommendations of the attending physician.
  • Deliberate shape. The patient, understanding the requirements of the doctor, deliberately violates his recommendations.

How medical adherence is assessed

All adherence assessment methods are divided into several types:

  1. Pharmacological. Verification is carried out by detecting the concentration of the drug in biological media.
  2. Clinical. Adherence is determined by a timely visit to the doctor, improvement in the patient's condition, stabilization of blood pressure indicators.
  3. Physical. The patient shows the doctor the empty packages of medicines leftpills.

All approaches have some advantages and disadvantages. That is why a combination of several methods is used to obtain reliable results.

What factors can increase adherence

Following simple tips, you can increase adherence.

  1. Visit your doctor regularly.
  2. Control blood pressure.
  3. Comply with antihypertensive therapy.
  4. Have the support of friends and family.

How to solve the problems of lack of love for treatment

First of all, it is important to inform the patient about the presence of the disease and the methods of treatment. The patient must be fully aware of the fact of the presence of the disease, discuss all his doubts with the doctor, and resolve issues that arise during treatment. The doctor, in turn, coordinates an individual treatment plan with his ward, informs him about the selected drugs.

In addition, the doctor is involved in the decision on the selection of individual therapy for the patient. Together with the patient, the doctor sets short-term realistic goals that allow you to comply with the treatment regimen, change the patient's lifestyle.

At the third stage, the achieved results are consolidated, the correct actions of the patient are encouraged, the dates of subsequent visits are set.

company commitment
company commitment

Strategies to improve treatment adherence in patients

Patient satisfaction is possible with such a relationship between the patient and the doctor, which is based on mutual respect and trust. Many patients (especially olderage) evaluate not the professional qualities of a doctor, but his communication skills.


There are different types of commitment, depending on the direction of activity, purpose. Whatever the attachment, in any case, it implies addiction, habit, some dependence of a person on circumstances or on another person. With the right use of such attachment, directing it in the right direction, you can get a good result. A wise employer knows this, tries to use the love of employees, and at the same time get a good result: increasing the productivity of his employees, increasing the material profit of the enterprise, increasing the prestige of the company.

A doctor, when working with his patients who are adherent to treatment, may not be afraid of violations of therapy, daily routine, refusal to take drugs, violations or refusals to come to an appointment.

Commitment to historical and cultural traditions allows you to pass on family heirlooms from generation to generation, tell the younger generation about them, form a sense of pride and patriotism for your history, your traditions.

Regardless of social status, any person has some kind of personal commitment. Due to the peculiarities of the mentality of Russian people, among the many attachments, attachments to traditions, the workplace, and work colleagues come first. Commitment implies loy alty, respect, adherence to certain rules.