Hit your finger in the sky: how to avoid embarrassing situations

Hit your finger in the sky: how to avoid embarrassing situations
Hit your finger in the sky: how to avoid embarrassing situations

As you know, a phraseological turn of your speech will give a bright emotional coloring. It is like a polished diamond, it is the result of a long folk art. Such an example is the phraseological phrase “to hit the sky with your finger”, the meaning and origin of which we will consider in the topic of today's publication.

to hit the sky with your finger
to hit the sky with your finger

Meaning and origin of phraseology

In ancient times, people's ideas about the sky were radically different from today. People previously imagined it as a kind of firmament that could be touched with hands. When, hundreds of years later, ideas about him became completely different, the phrase “hit the sky with your finger” formed in ancient times took on a completely new meaning. This is due to the fact that people have realized that it is impossible to hit or touch the sky.

The origin of "to hit the sky with your finger" has a figurative meaning that was formed historically.

The occurrence of the phrase: skyboundless, like it or not, but you won’t miss if you poke your finger somewhere up. Sometimes there are versions of the origin of the "firmament".

Today, this phrase means the following: to say something out of place, out of place, out of place, to make a mistake or make some kind of mistake. So they said to those who tried to act at random. Thus, the current meaning of the phraseological unit “to hit the sky with your finger” is difficult to understand if you do not turn to the history of its occurrence. Another version:

Guess something without knowing the correct answer; make your choice completely randomly, unreasonably, without being guided by anything.

I would like to cancel one interesting feature that this phraseological phrase is synonymous with the following words: make mistakes, guess.

idiom to hit the sky with your finger
idiom to hit the sky with your finger

Smart question

At work, you will be encouraged not for quick answers, but for intelligently posed questions. It is very important to be able not to panic, but to calmly solve the problem. And if someone said to you the phrase: “Hit your finger in the sky,” then a completely natural question arises: how to behave if you suddenly discovered your own mistake?

One of the behaviors is to play for time and ask a counter question: what would you do in this situation? But what can be not the best in such a situation? Hopeless attempts to justify. Everyone can make mistakes and sometimes say something out of place, but the worst thing that can happen is when a person cannot stop and continues to babble something awkward andstupid.

Should I bluff?

If you don't know what to say, don't bluff and call at random. He hit the sky with his finger, made a mistake, said something out of place. In this case, it’s better to be honest about what you know and what you don’t. Say it directly and clearly. At the same time, of course, you can hear the jokingly ironic “hit the sky with your finger” in response, but this is not scary: no one is safe from awkward situations.

You've been taken by surprise and can't give a quick answer. But do not forget that sometimes someone can put you in an awkward situation if you yourself allow it, so the ability to find the quick right answer will be your priority.

what does it mean to hit the sky
what does it mean to hit the sky

How to make enemies

And if you feel some malicious intent in the behavior of the interlocutor? How to proceed in this case? There are quite a few options, but let's look at just one of them, the result of which will be obvious: you will make an enemy for yourself.

So, you can go on the offensive and ask a counter-question: "What is the reason for your curiosity?" This is how you can easily make enemies. Sometimes we are put in an awkward situation, you can say that we are sacrificed to help someone else out. But it is important to understand that such moments in life rarely happen. It is necessary to try to deal with the misunderstanding calmly and judiciously, to act in a balanced way. Sometimes it is enough to understand the situation itself. If misunderstandings become regular, then the problem should be taken seriously. For a successful resolution,make sure you and your colleagues are looking at her from the same angle.

It is precisely in this everyday situation that you, by the way, may need knowledge about phraseological units. You will remember the meaning of the phrase "hit the sky with your finger", and the conflict at this stage can be exhausted. There will not be a lot of unnecessary, and possibly rude words. By saying this phrase, you and your interlocutor will immediately understand the reason for the misunderstanding.

hit the finger in the sky origin
hit the finger in the sky origin

The role of phraseologism

The purpose of the above material is to clearly show the importance of phraseology in our speech. How with the help of one phrase you can convey the whole range of experiences and thoughts. It should be understood that the system of phraseological turns is not frozen, but is enriched again and again with new speech constructions. The phraseology captures the entire life experience of previous generations.

In our time, phrases of this kind have become rarely used in their speech, not because they are considered an obsolete element, but because computers, social networks, and the Internet have burst into our lives. And among the representatives of the younger generation, few people know what it means to “hit the sky with your finger”, moreover, unfortunately, they are not only unable to express themselves beautifully and figuratively, but even write correctly. How to preserve the Russian language in its original diversity, beauty, melodiousness for posterity?

to hit the sky with your finger
to hit the sky with your finger


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, we note that attracting the younger generation to the study of phraseologic alturns is very important, because it is thanks to the knowledge of phraseological units and the ability to use them in everyday life, you can feel how close the connection between them and life itself, the history and culture of society.

In addition, it should be remembered that, having mastered the knowledge of the meaning, the origin of phraseological units, this contributes to the expansion of horizons, makes the speech of young people more emotional, vivid, lively and expressive. And finally, it will help develop communication skills.
