Of all the verbs of the French language, irregular ones belonging to the third group require special attention. As a rule, they are easy to recognize by non-standard initial forms. However, the exception is the verb aller ("to go, go, drive"), which ends in -er and thus creates a false impression of its conjugation.
Indicative conjugation of the verb aller
In the present tense in the singular and in the 3rd person plural, the consonant v appears. The forms je vais, tu vas, il/ elle/ on va, ils/ elles vont begin with it. The remaining forms start with all- and have standard endings.

Imparfait of this verb is easy to remember thanks to the initial letters all- and the standard endings for all verbs of this tense.

Passé Composé is built using the auxiliary verb être and the participle allé(e), agreed in gender and number with the subject. This applies not only to cases with the subject in the plural or elle, but also to all those sentences when the speaker or the person in question is female.
Je suis allé en Espagne quand j'étais 20 ans. - I went toSpain when I was 20.
Je suis allée en Russie pour faire les études là-bas. – I went to Russia to study there.
This feature is manifested in aller only in writing, in oral speech, participles in the masculine and feminine are indistinguishable by ear.
In the plural, -s is added to the participle.
Hier nous sommes allé(e)s au musée. – Yesterday we went to the museum.
In Futur, the conjugation of the verb aller has the following features: a new vowel appears in the stem and a consonant –r-, characteristic of the future tense. Therefore, all forms begin with ir-.

Conditional mood
This mood allows you to express the facts, the implementation of which depends on certain conditions. Therefore, in most subordinate clauses, the union si (if) occurs.
Si j'avais plus de temps, j'irais voir ce film au cinema. – If I had more time, I would go to the cinema to watch this film.
Speaking of the conditional mood, you need to remember that the conjugation of French verbs, including aller, is characterized by the presence of a stem from the future tense and endings from Imparfait. Since the verb is irregular, the non-standard stem ir will also be encountered in the future tense (in Conditionnel there will be j’ir-ais, tu ir-ais, etc., respectively).
Subjunctive of the verb aller
The present tense conjugation is based on two different stems: aill- and all-. The first is used with all forms of the singular, as well as in the plural with ils / elles;it is followed by unpronounceable endings (-e, -es, -e, -ent). The stem all- occurs only in the 1st and 2nd person plural forms, followed by endings beginning with –i- (-ions, -iez).
J'aimerais que nous allions au Sud cet été. – I would like us to go south this summer.
In the present tense of this mood, the forms of the verb are as follows: va, allons, allez. It should be remembered that in the singular the final consonant -s disappears from the verb.