Type and conjugation of verbs. Verb conjugation forms

Type and conjugation of verbs. Verb conjugation forms
Type and conjugation of verbs. Verb conjugation forms

"Verb… How much in this sound…" - let's rephrase a catchphrase of the great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Perhaps no other morphological category in our language has so many rules and exceptions to them. The rule about the conjugation of the verb and the choice of the desired letter in the ending (inflection) is considered especially difficult. The form and conjugation of verbs - these topics are perhaps the largest number of lessons devoted to this part of speech.

aspect and conjugation of the verb
aspect and conjugation of the verb

Aspect category and conjugation category of the verb

Morphological categories can be inflectional and non-inflectional. For example, number and time are inflectional categories, since we can change the same word, put it in the form of another number or time. But the form and conjugation of verbs are non-inflective categories, these are constant verbal morphological features. If the verb has the first conjugation, then no matter how we change the word, it will remain the first. You can't change the look of a word either. You can add a prefix, thereby changing it to another, related to anothermind.

What is the aspect and conjugation of a verb? See below.

What is the form of the verb?

The aspect of the verb can be perfect (CB) (by the way we ask the question "what to do?") and imperfect (NSV) (what to do?), that is, the action is either done and has a result, or is in the process of being done.

conjugation endings
conjugation endings

Most often, the perfect form is formed with the help of a prefix or a change in the suffix. Dig (what to do? NSV) - dig out (what to do? SV); cut down (what to do? NSV) - cut down (what to do? ST).

Verbs of both types can change categories of number and person, in other words - conjugate. What can be the endings of conjugations of verbs and how to choose the right letter in the end of the verb - read about this later.

Why know the conjugation?

This is very important, because the choice of the correct personal ending (inflection) of the word depends on it.

When changing in persons and numbers, all verbs of the Russian language can have two variants of a set of endings - either one conjugation or another. In other words, knowing the conjugation, you can correctly change the verb and not make mistakes in choosing its inflections.

How many conjugations does the verb have?

What forms of conjugation of verbs are there in Russian and how many of them? The Russian verb has two: the first and the second. But each of them has a few exception words that are not conjugated as they should be, not according to the rule.

verbs 2 conjugations
verbs 2 conjugations

In addition, there are so-called heterogeneous verbs - these arewords that change differently than typical words of this part of speech.

Let's remember how to determine the correct conjugation of a verb, and, accordingly, choose the right personal ending.

1 or 2?

So, the chain of actions in determining the conjugation is as follows.

First of all, you need to look at the end of the verb: is it stressed? If yes, then there is no problem. In this case, the conjugation is determined precisely by inflection. Verbs of the 1st conjugation will contain the letters E / E, U / Yu in it. Let's give an example (with the sign we select inflection): by [Yu] song, by [YOM] song, by [YOSH] song, by [YOTYO] song, by [YOT] song, by [YUT] song. The ending is stressed, the letter is clearly audible, which means we recognize the conjugation without hesitation - it is the first. Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the letters I, A / Z at the end. Talk[Y] stupid, talk[IT] stupid, talk[SHOW] stupid, talk[IT] stupid, talk[IT] stupid, talk[IT] stupid

You should pay attention to the verbs with the prefix YOU-. It can "attract" stress to itself and mislead. In order to correctly determine whether verbs with such a prefix have stress inflection, you need to mentally remove it, and the stress will fall into the right place. YOU-years [SHOW] - years [SHOW], run out [SHOW] - run [SHOW].

verbs 1 conjugation
verbs 1 conjugation

2. If the ending is unstressed, then the conjugation should be recognized by the infinitive (recall that this is a more scientific name for the initial form (NF) of the verb). Verbs of the 2nd conjugation end in NF with -i-t (except for the exception verbs, which we will discuss below). Build - I built [Yu], webuild[IM], you build[ISH], you build[IT], he built[IT], they built[YAT]. Verbs of the 1st conjugation in this form end in any other combination of letters. It can be E / t, A / t, O / t, U / t, Y / t, / TI, / CH and all kinds of others (except for exception words, which are also discussed below). Disassemble - I disassemble [Y], we disassemble [EAT], you disassemble [EAT], you disassemble [ETE], he disassembles [ET], they disassemble [UT].

verbs 2 conjugations
verbs 2 conjugations

As you can see, understanding this topic is not at all difficult: just look at the place of stress in a word, put it in its initial form if necessary, and also learn a set of endings for a particular conjugation.

Exceptions to the rule

We continue the conversation about the form and conjugation of verbs. If the species is a fairly simple grammatical category, and it can be determined in one second, then the conjugation also contains "pitfalls" in the form of exception words. From the first conjugation, exceptions are verbs known to every schoolchild: endure-e-be (offense), resent-e-be (friend), turn-e-be (in hands), hate-e-be (with all my heart), depend-e-t (on circumstances), look-e-t (to the side), sight-e-t (him), and also hear-t-t (sound), t-t-t (cows), breathe -a-be (by air), keep-a-be (with you). These words, although they end in -e-th, but in the forms of faces acquire the endings of the second conjugation: hover [U], hung [IM], hung [ISH], hung [ITE], hung [IT], hung [YAT]; hold[U], hold[IM], hold[SHOW], hold[ITE], hold[IT], hold[AT]. These verbs also belong to the second conjugation.

From the second conjugation of the exception - these are the words br-i-t (beard),stele-and-t (tablecloth), as well as the obsolete verb "zizhd-and-tsya", but since it is almost never used in the modern language, it is not emphasized in school lessons. These verbs belong to the first conjugation, since when they change in persons and numbers, they take on the inflections characteristic of it. I st[U], we st[EAT], you st[EAT], you st[ET], he st[ET], they st[UT].

It is very important to learn these verbs so that they are not misleading when writing. At school, for example, the main number of grammatical errors is associated with exception verbs.

Different conjugated verbs

Recall that verbs that take different forms of personal endings of either one conjugation or another are called heteroconjugated. There are two such verbs in Russian - "to want" and "to run". Judging by the initial form, they should refer to the first conjugation. But let's see how they behave when changing by faces and numbers.

Hot: I wanna[U] play, we wanna[IM] play, you wanna[EAT] play, you wanna[IT] play, he wanna[ET] play, they wanna[YAT] play. As you can see, in the singular this verb has the endings of the first conjugation, and in the plural - the second.

Run: I run[U] on the road, we run[IT] on the road, you run[SEE] on the road, you run[IT] on the road, he runs[IT] on the road, they run[ut] down the road. This verb behaves like a second conjugation verb only in the third person plural form, but in all other forms it has first conjugation endings.

exclusion conjugations
exclusion conjugations

That's why these words are called conjugated verbs. Their endings should be memorized.

Russian conjugation table

So, we found out why you need to know the conjugation of the verb, how to determine it, which words belong to the first and which to the second conjugation, and what are the exception words from this rule.

Let's summarize all of the above in the table, reflecting in it the verbs that have unstressed personal endings.

) etc.

-t (seriously), -look-e-t (in both), -view-e-t (all); -hear-a-be (thunder), -g-a-be (to the steppe), -breathe-a-be (easily), -hold-a-be (strongly) - refer to 2 questions

1 conjugation 2 conjugation
What does it end with in the beginning form i-t (nag)
Personal endings -u/-yu, -eat, -eat, -eat, -et, -ut/-ut -u/-yu, -im, -ish, -ite, -it, -at/-yat
Exceptions Br-and-t (moustaches), stele-and-t (carpets) - refer to 1 question
Examples help-a-t, half-o-t, pl-s-t, carry, bake, etc. drank-and-t, hammer-and-t, pray-and-be, subdue-and-t, blame-and-t, unscrew-t-t, explain-t-t, impress-t -th and others.

Do not forget that this table should be used only after making sure that the personal endings of the verb are not stressed, and alsopaying attention to the presence of the prefix you-.


So we figured out what the form and conjugation of the verb are, how to define them and why you need to be well versed in these morphological categories. What conclusions can be drawn?

To determine the type of a verb, it is enough to ask one of two questions to it: what to do? or what to do? In the first case, the view will be imperfect, and in the second, it will be perfect.

To calculate the conjugation, you must first determine whether the stress falls on the ending in the personal form. If yes, then the conjugation is determined by it. If not, then put the verb in NF.

According to NF, the endings of conjugations are determined in a simple way: you need to notice what the verb in the infinitive ends with, and in accordance with the rule, determine the conjugation. At the same time, pay attention to whether this verb is one of the exceptions to the rule. Exceptions need to be learned and known by heart!

verb conjugation forms
verb conjugation forms

That's the whole rule explaining what the form and conjugation of the verbs of our language are. We hope that the article turned out to be useful and will help to avoid many mistakes when writing. Be literate!
