Dormir belongs to the most frequent French verbs, although it belongs to the III group - to the verbs with special conjugations. Now there is a tendency to simplify the language, so the verbs of group III are replaced by synonyms from groups I and II, even by forming new words. This did not happen with the verb dormir.
Verb conjugation is an important part of French grammar, performing the technical function of memorization. The most difficult are Présent, the present tense, and Subjonctif, a mood that does not exist in Russian.
What is the meaning of the verb dormir?
Verb conjugation is the basic knowledge for the correct construction of sentences. However, it is worth starting with establishing the meaning of the word.
Dormir is translated as "to sleep", "to be at rest", "to rest".

There are a huge number of phraseological units and popular expressions with this verb, such as, for example, dormir comme une marmotte (sleep like a groundhog). The meaning of the verb implies that time has stopped, which is why they say dormir pour toujours (sleep forever).
Dormir: verb conjugation
In Présent the verb is conjugatedas follows:
- Singular endings: -s, -s, -t.
- Plural endings: -mons, -mez, -ment.
- The stem of the verb has the form dor-, and various endings dormir will be combined with it.
Imparfait conjugation:
- Singular endings: -mais, -mais, -mait.
- Plural endings: -mions, -miez, -maient.
The auxiliary verb (l'auxiliaire) involved in the formation of compound tenses is always avoir. The participle form for them is dormi. Knowing the participle form and the endings of the verbs être and avoir in these tenses will be sufficient to reproduce the dormir paradigm - its conjugation will not be difficult.
The complex system of tenses of French verbs, especially irregular ones, requires learning by heart. This does not mean that you need to keep in mind the conjugation paradigm of each verb - they are still grouped according to some signs, which makes it easier to remember.

To simplify the task of remembering, you should keep in mind the rules and exceptions to them. For example, there is a rule that transitive (transitifs) verbs conjugate with the verb avoir in compound tenses, and intransitive (intransitifs) - with être. The considered verb dormir will be an exception to the rule.
A more difficult task is to choose the correct tense of the verb, which depends on the meaning of the sentence and the construction used to build it. Therefore, it is important to learn the conjugation of the verb dormir, as well as other basic French verbs.language, to such a level that one does not remember the form at the right time if necessary.