Recently, scientists have been talking a lot about the limitless possibilities of the human brain, about its untapped potential. However, there are not fewer schoolchildren who have problems with academic performance. At the same time, 100% of high school students have physical or mental illnesses of varying severity. To correct the situation back in the 70s of the XX century, an ordinary school teacher Tatyana Zotova tried. The system for teaching children, developed by her, has been patented, received many awards and has earned worldwide recognition.
Problems of modern schoolchildren
Teacher Tatyana Zotova is convinced that all children are talented and can learn successfully. However, the modern education system is built incorrectly. New methods are being introduced in schools, and improved teaching aids are being developed. The kids try hard, cramming the rules, stay up all night doing homework.tasks. But all efforts are in vain. The material is not learned or given with great difficulty.
Psychological problems are not long in coming. Children become anxious, suffer from neurosis, self-esteem falls. There is a fear of tests, answers at the blackboard, exams. Reduced immunity, which leads to the occurrence of physical diseases. To change this, you need to rethink your views on teaching.

What is "Likbez"?
Many do not believe that dysgraphia can be cured in 15 days, learn spelling rules - in 5 lessons of 45 minutes, correct handwriting in 3 days. But this is exactly what Tatyana Zotova's "Likbez" training system allows to do. The author in an interview deciphers the title as "personality + intellect + culture + security".
For three years, representatives of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education examined Zotova's students and found out that Likbez:
- removes fears that arose in the process of studying at school;
- increases the child's self-esteem, inspires confidence in their own abilities;
- helps to improve he alth without pills and injections, remove such diagnoses as dyslexia and dysgraphia, ONR, ZPR, MMD, etc.;
- in a short time gives students deep knowledge in various subjects without cramming and huge homework;
- teaches you to work independently, learn knowledge using algorithms, learn poetry, write essays.
System Features
"Likbez" is a unique methodology that allows each child to successfully study ahead of the program, starting from the age of five. This applies not only to he althy children, but also children with physical pathologies and developmental disabilities. Hopeless losers finish school with medals, enter prestigious institutions.

Such high results are achieved due to the following factors:
- material is available to students of different age groups;
- before training, a thorough diagnosis of the child is carried out, depending on its results, the number and types of necessary classes are determined;
- knowledge is given in blocks from simple to complex and presented in clear, colorful algorithms;
- children are not graded, teachers treat them with love and respect;
- all courses are short-term, training can be done remotely.
Development of brain functions
Tatyana Zotova constantly emphasizes that her system does not include hypnosis, the 25th frame, NLP or other ways to influence the subconscious. According to her, more than 30 years ago, she herself was surprised by the results. That is why I turned to professionals. As a result of the research, it turned out that Likbez very gently, physiologically, at the cell level, launches the compensatory abilities of the child's body, harmonizes the work of the brain, forms interhemispheric connections.

As a result, themany diagnoses, including episyndrome, neuropsychiatric diseases, dysgraphia, mental retardation, headaches, sleep disorders, gastritis, bronchial asthma. The list can be continued for a long time. Problems with attention, memory, activity, motivation for learning are also solved.
He alth comes first
"Likbez" by Tatyana Vladimirovna Zotova refers to he alth-saving technologies. The author inspires parents with the idea that the red cheeks of a child are much more important than a red diploma. Therefore, each student is subjected to a hardware examination, on the basis of which individual recommendations are given. Without their observance, no one guarantees good results.

Tatiana Zotova gives parents some general advice:
- The child should go to bed no later than 22.00, as at this time the blood is renewed in the body.
- After school, you need to relax. In her teaching system, the teacher canceled written homework assignments. Graduates of her courses, returning to school, spend no more than 1.5 hours a day on lessons.
- Meals should be selected individually. It is useful to drink more clean water, limit the consumption of junk and junk food (such as meat).
- After school, the child should not spend time at the computer and TV. He has been sitting for so long, he needs to move more, walk. On weekends, you can turn on the TV, but not for the whole day, but to watch the most interesting program.
All of the family
Tatyana Zotova works not only with children, but alsowith their parents, grandparents. The woman is sure that not so much the school as the family is responsible for the upbringing of the younger generation. In her practice, there are many examples when a child’s illness and lagging behind appeared against the backdrop of conflicts between parents. The success of her system largely depends on the desire of adults to help the student.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences advises:
- Do not allow strife within the family, adhere to one educational line, do not speak negatively about relatives. All of this ricochet hits the child.
- Quarrel in whispers.
- Uphold your father's authority, no matter what you really think of him. If there is no father, replace him with an uncle, grandfather, family friend.
- Do not make derogatory remarks about the child.
- Raise the offspring independent. From an early age, teach him to wash dishes, tidy up, cook, wash on his hands. Never do homework for him. Let them make their own decisions, not just follow their parents.
- Avoid being overprotective. The child must play in the mud, run headlong, fall and fill bumps.
Power of the word
The learning system developed by Tatyana Zotova allows you to successfully study mathematics, physics, and foreign languages. There are courses that prepare for the delivery of the OGE, the Unified State Examination. But a special place is given to the Russian language. The author believes that the sounds of native speech repair the human brain, correct its work. It is important that children learn to hear and understand statements,lyrics.

The teacher gives spelling in 5 hours, bringing numerous rules into one. The algorithm developed by her does not imply exceptions. Morphology and syntax are completed in 10 days. Students don't memorize the rules. They are taught to compare, think logically, work independently, focusing on reference schemes.
Tatiana Zotova's system has received prestigious awards and medals in Russia, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, South Korea and Germany. The author was included in the Russian Guinness Book of Records. But the main thing is not regalia, but happy families and successful children, before whom the doors to a happy future open.