Lomonosov's philosophy: main ideas

Lomonosov's philosophy: main ideas
Lomonosov's philosophy: main ideas

In the era of Peter's reforms, much has changed in Russia. The increased intensity of people's activities has given rise to qualitatively new approaches to the perception of what is happening. The picture of the world was changing, there was a tendency for the development of a different culture in society. It gradually supplanted the church-feudal system that had dominated the state for centuries. The country needed a thinker capable of expressing the content of change. They became Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich. The philosophy of this thinker considered issues relating to the significance of Russia from the very beginnings of the formation of the state. In his works, the emphasis has always been on the antiquity and significance of national history, modified by the epochs of reforms. What was the philosophy of Lomonosov? An essay on this topic is often written by university students. We will consider this issue as well.

Lomonosov's philosophy
Lomonosov's philosophy

General information

Lomonosov, whose ideas of philosophy played a significant role in the formation of a new worldview, was a scientist, thinker, poet, public figure. Undoubtedly, this man occupies a special place in Russian and foreign history. It was on his concepts that the whole philosophy was built. Russian education. Lomonosov, Radishchev and a number of other figures formulated advanced theories, systems of view, giving rise to hope for an improvement in the picture of the world. It, in turn, is achieved by human energy and reason. The philosophy of Lomonosov and Radishchev was based on the materiality and reality of the world.


What was the Russian philosophy of the 18th century? Lomonosov had an effective, high patriotism. Absolutely everyone who interacted with the scientist to one degree or another paid attention to this trait. Love and respect for native places is characteristic of any Russian person. But in the thinker this was manifested especially clearly. Each person in one way or another interacts with the culture of his era. The individual assimilates it, acts in it, enriches it. Lomonosov's philosophy, in short, promotes the concept of the country's inexhaustible possibilities. The Thinker saw and felt the enormous strength of the people. All this gave rise in him to boundless love for the country, a passionate desire to contribute to its prosperity. All these feelings are vividly reflected in Russian philosophy. Lomonosov was distinguished by the deepest faith in the people and the country.

Lomonosov's contribution to philosophy
Lomonosov's contribution to philosophy


Her assimilation was not easy for Lomonosov. This was due to the fact that in the XVIII century. culture was transitional. During this period, the process of displacement of medieval culture took place. In the first third of the century it was approaching its climax. But on the outskirts of the state, especially in the Pomeranian North, there were areas in which medieval traditions dominated. One of them was the Old Believers. Lomonosov's philosophy, in short, was based on the fact that the improvement of a person should not go through pious prayers, fasting, reflections, but through the knowledge of the world around him, the laws that are present in it. The main goal of the thinker's concept was to achieve the prosperity of the country through the development of culture.

Panegy to science

In research activity Lomonosov saw the basis of enlightenment. Praising the deeds of Peter, he said that it was the sciences that made the ruler Great. Many spoke out against the large number of high school students and students. Objecting to them, Lomonosov named many areas of activity in which scientists are needed. In particular, he spoke about the importance of developing Siberia and the Northern Sea Route. Scientists were also needed in mining, military, trade, factories, and agriculture. Lomonosov's philosophy was realized not only in educational and educational-organizational activities. He can be called the first popularizer of natural science in the country.


Lomonosov's contribution to philosophy is enormous. Of particular importance in its evaluation are the numerous works of the scientist. Thus, in the "Sermon on the Benefits of Chemistry", the scientist enthusiastically talks about natural phenomena, the study of which requires knowledge of this discipline. It was from this work that the corpuscular philosophy of Lomonosov began its development. The scientist pointed to the close connection between chemistry, mathematics and physics. Lomonosov describes the process of knowing the properties of the original particles that make up the body. In a simple and accessible language, he speaks about the importance and necessity of knowledge of chemistry in the study of smells, tastes, colors, in medicine, pharmacopoeia, in the analysis of the physical characteristics of substances, etc. Lomonosov explains the features of the application of science in fine arts, technology, crafts. Just as clearly and simply, he acquaints people with the achievements of his contemporary era in other "Words". All these works were read at the Academy of Sciences at public meetings.

Russian philosophy of the 18th century Lomonosov
Russian philosophy of the 18th century Lomonosov

Scientific Squad

Lomonosov's philosophy was formed under the influence of the progressive thought of his predecessors. They went down in history as a "scientific team". These included Feofan Prokopovich (Bishop of Novgorod), Antioch Cantemir (poet-publicist) and V. N. Tatishchev (historian, famous statesman). These people were widely educated, were ardent opponents of stagnation and obscurantism. Prokopovich taught philosophy at the Kyiv Academy, then studied natural science. Cantemir translated Fontel's book, which refutes the biblical approach to the formation of the universe. All of them supported Peter's reforms, advocated the development of the fleet and industry, and defended the importance of disseminating scientific knowledge. The "scientific squad" has always been at the center of political life.

Social ideal

The pathos of affirmation dominated in the civic position of the thinker. His social ideal was eminently democratic. It took into account the interests of not only the privileged classes, but also the lower classes -common people. For example, Sumarokov adhered to the position that it is necessary to educate, first of all, the "sons of the fatherland" - the nobles. And then they, having put the national benefit in the foreground, will themselves take care of the rest of the layers. Lomonosov's philosophy fundamentally rejected such an approach. The thinker was against the recognition of the cultural and social inferiority of the common people. The education of the entire population, the necessity and importance of which Lomonosov spoke all the time, was for him the most urgent and ambitious task. It was necessary to translate his thoughts into reality as quickly as possible.


Lomonosov's philosophy did not reject her, but the attitude towards her was rather cool. Historians do not exclude that this is due to his own "peasant" origin. Above him, by the way, Sumarokov was ironic all the time. The people, of course, loved both the evil word and jokes. But they were used at leisure, and not in the process of work. For almost all poets of the 18th century, their work was not only a spiritual and biographical fact, but also an activity of national importance. Such an attitude to their work required time from them. Lomonosov made lyricism and ode, as its main genre, the most important element of the civic principle, inseparable from the state at the beginning of the century. This is the outstanding merit of the thinker and shows his exceptional independence as a poet.

philosophy of Russian education Lomonosov radishchev
philosophy of Russian education Lomonosov radishchev

Studying Public Issues

As mentioned above, Lomonosovwas characterized by a deep love for his country and people. He tirelessly defended the interests of ordinary people. Throughout his life, he sought to benefit his state. Lomonosov did not deal with far-fetched, far-fetched problems. He tried to connect science and the needs of developing industry, the entire national economic complex. In understanding social problems, Lomonosov was an idealist. In some of his works, he tells only about the secondary causes of the plight of the population. At the same time, the scientist does not touch on the main and main aspect - the nature of economic ties in the country. Lomonosov did not seek to rebel against the system, he defended the need for a humane attitude towards serfs, to improve their lives. The thinker gives a negative assessment to the clergy. He speaks of it as a hotbed of ridiculous superstitions. The clergy contributed to the increase in infant mortality by performing winter baptisms in cold water, believing that warm water was unclean. Priests establish fasts, from which, due to a change in diet, many people die. In his works, Lomonosov also speaks about the dangers of marriages of people with a large difference in age, which are concluded on the direct orders of the landowners. The scientist also expresses thoughts about the "living dead". So he calls the serfs who run away from the soldier's sets and the oppression of the landowners. However, speaking about this, Lomonosov limited himself to advice to ease the burdens of people.


Lomonosov considered the underdevelopment of the he althcare sector in the country to be the most important omission. He paid special attention topoor state of obstetrics. Lack of timely assistance leads to high mortality among the population. Lomonosov offered to print and send books on medicine to different regions of the country, build pharmacies, and disseminate knowledge among the people. So he sought to eradicate the harmful activities of various soothsayers, healers, who only "multiplyed diseases with their whispers." To ensure greater efficiency in the fight against diseases, Lomonosov proposed to establish a "medical science" in the country, keep the necessary number of doctors in all cities, and send more students to foreign universities to receive doctoral education.

philosophy of Lomonosov and Radishchev
philosophy of Lomonosov and Radishchev

Attitude towards politics

The best form of government for Lomonosov was the monarchical power of an enlightened person. The image of such an autocrat was Peter the Great. Lomonosov treated him with great respect and reverence. With his reforms, Peter tried to put an end to the backwardness of the state and find new ways of its development. The emerging capitalist relations contradicted the age-old structure of the feudal country. Peter's activities in support of the new course of development were very progressive.

Radishchev's philosophy

The views of this figure bear traces of the influence of various European concepts. Radishchev argued that the existence of things does not depend on the degree of their study. According to his epistemological views, experience is the basis of natural science. In a world where nothing exists but"bodily", a separate place is occupied by a person. He is also a material being, like all nature. Man performs special tasks, he represents the highest form of corporality. At the same time, a close relationship has been established between him and nature. One of the obvious differences between man and other creatures, according to Radishchev, is the presence of reason. However, the most important feature of an individual is his ability to carry out moral actions and evaluate them. Man is the only creature on the planet who knows what good and evil are. Radishchev calls the ability to improve or corrupt as a special property of an individual. Being a moralist, the thinker did not accept the concept of "reasonable egoism". He believed that not selfishness acts as a source of moral feeling. Radishchev always defended the concept of natural human nature. At the same time, he did not share the opposition of society and the environment proposed by Rousseau. Radishchev perceived social being in the same way as natural. The thinker defended the concept of a normal life order, considering the injustice that reigns in society as a disease. In his famous "Treatise" Radishchev explored metaphysical problems. At the same time, he remained faithful to naturalistic humanism, pointing to the inseparability of the connection between the spiritual and natural principles in man. His position cannot be called atheistic. Rather, he acts as an agnostic, which corresponds to the general ideas of his worldview.

corpuscular philosophy of Lomonosov
corpuscular philosophy of Lomonosov


ContributionLomonosov in philosophy was appreciated not only by his descendants, but also by his contemporaries. His restless and inquisitive thought forced the figure to become a pioneer in various scientific fields. The dynamics of transitions, the encyclopedism of the scientist were largely determined by patriotic aspirations. His educational work was based on them. She, in turn, was focused on improving the affairs of the Academy of Sciences, as well as on the development of domestic education. Lomonosov did not notice any negative aspects in the activities of Peter. The reforms of the monarch were for him that maximum, above which his social aspirations did not extend. Lomonosov saw his patriotic task in effectively contributing to the end of Peter's reforms. His activity has always been closely connected with the most urgent needs of the state, with its cultural and industrial development. All his work was aimed at the prosperity of the country.

Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich philosophy
Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich philosophy

The historical significance of the scientist also lies in the fact that he always insisted on the widespread dissemination of education in the state. Lomonosov advocated the active involvement of ordinary people in science. On his own experience, he showed what a person is capable of for the prosperity of his Fatherland.
