What are didactic materials? Types of educational visual aids. Educational games

What are didactic materials? Types of educational visual aids. Educational games
What are didactic materials? Types of educational visual aids. Educational games

What are didactic materials? These are all kinds of materials designed to improve the learning process or development of children at school or in kindergarten. Well, then in more detail about what didactic materials for school, kindergarten and just classes are.

educational games
educational games

What do they include

Didactic materials include materials that competently complement learning:

  • presentations;
  • learning games;
  • all kinds of cards;
  • drawings;
  • schemes, tables;
  • graphs, charts;
  • contour maps.

For preschools, these are simpler materials that focus on learning through play. At school, these are contour maps, textbooks, workbooks, task books, what makes learning more interesting and effective.

Didactic materials help you complete the task yourself. The students also makesuch teaching aids with your own hands or with a teacher.

With their help, the lesson is easier to master and new information is remembered. Since during the lesson the child not only listens, but also considers all kinds of examples, drawings, pictures.

Teaching is becoming more diverse. For a more visual understanding of the new material, the teacher can even show an interesting video or presentation. It is also educational material. Students are interested in this presentation of material.

Didactic material is also used to consolidate the lesson and its further development.

Children learn different ways of presenting information and learn to work with them correctly, to choose important information.


Let's take a closer look at what types of educational visual aids are.

Educational institutions, together with teachers, choose which visual aids are necessary for the learning process. At the same time, visibility, age characteristics of children, and the degree of individuality are taken into account.

types of educational visual aids
types of educational visual aids

Various demos

Such benefits include posters, tables, supplements to textbooks, collections of problems. Such materials are also called handouts. Such aids are often used by teachers both at school and in kindergarten. This is perhaps the most accessible material, it can also be prepared independently. Making teaching aids with your own hands teaches children to respect other people's work, take care of teaching aids.


For young students, you can use an unusual handout in the form of a fan, with various inserts, flip-over, with lacing. Such an interesting performance will definitely captivate the young student, and he will learn more new information.

didactic material for school
didactic material for school

Dummy models, models of measuring devices

All this applies to visual aids. With the help of such layouts, you can study how various devices are arranged. For example, a globe is a kind of layout of the earth. Or a model for exploring the solar system.

didactic materials tables graphics
didactic materials tables graphics


This is also a handout, but visual materials in the form of tables are very diverse, so they are classified as a separate group. Tables exist for reference, training, cognitive, test. Information in the tables is arranged in groups in the form of columns, various schemes, diagrams. Large tables are used as a poster and hung on the wall.

Teaching didactic materials (tables and graphs) are of several types:

  • Reference - they contain frequently used information, such tables are usually placed as posters. For example, the periodic table in the chemistry classroom.
  • Informative (such tables serve as additional material to the material being studied, for example, an image of a food chain, a visual image of the seasons).
  • Instructive (such tables are used as examples, for example, for correct spelling).
  • Training (for training andreinforcing the material covered, for example, to practice math skills).
  • Reference.

Images, various pictures

Images of objects, animals, cards with pictures or diagrams. For a more visual image, the drawing can be made on a large format and used as a poster. Each subject has its own educational posters with images.


What are didactic materials in electronic form? These are video tutorials, various presentations, electronic audio and video books.

The most effective of all electronic aids are video tutorials, when viewing such material, most of the information is absorbed. With the help of a video lesson, a student can independently study the topic, this option is convenient when the student is ill or when teaching remotely.

Such materials are supplemented with tables, diagrams, photographs, which makes the learning process more fun.

Thus, when using electronic materials, there is no need for a whole bunch of paper notes and visual aids, but of course this does not completely replace them.

With distance learning, it is possible to ask questions to the teacher online, perform practical work and submit them for verification.

The availability of electronic materials in the modern world is necessary and plays a huge role in the learning process:

  • increases the efficiency of mastering the material;
  • search for information takes less time;
  • children are interested in learning the subject;
  • canstudy the lesson on your own;
  • may be used for large audiences;
  • possible to visually explain the new information.
what are didactic materials
what are didactic materials

Educational games

Let's consider another training option for which various didactic materials are used. These are educational games.

This element of learning is more often used in kindergarten or for younger students.

What are didactic materials in the form of a game? During the game, the child receives a variety of information, learns new skills and knowledge. Play is part of a child's life, but with the right entertainment, the young explorer will learn.

  • The game brings the child pleasure from the process itself, the result is not important for him.
  • Every game has rules, and the child learns them, remembers them, and thereby learns.

All games can be classified into groups:

  • Role-playing games. Children act as a director, they themselves build the plot of the development of the game. This is great for developing the imagination.
  • Staging games. The child receives new impressions and emotions. Form the expressiveness of speech, emotional education.
  • Games with constructors, with the help of such simple objects a child can create any shape, perceives objects not as toys, but as images of adult objects. During the game, he acquires new knowledge and skills.
