Whatever one may say, but mathematics is a complex science. It is difficult for children to perceive even the most elementary knowledge. When it comes to first-graders who begin to comprehend the basics of this science, the correct presentation of information in the classroom is important.
It has been proven that any material that is presented in a playful way is best absorbed by primary school children. In mathematics, this technique will also be effective. Almost all teachers use math children's games to teach students.

When and how can I use math games in my studies
Any kind of game-based learning will delight students. But no matter how children like games, their use is not always appropriate. For example, when you need to learn new material, there is no question of fun here. The task of schoolchildren is to listen to the teacher without being distracted and memorize.
And in what cases can you still use math games for children:
- Teachers are preparing interesting games for open lessons.
- It is possible with such contestsdiversify practical exercises, repetition of previously learned material.
- Extracurricular thematic events are indispensable without mathematical quizzes and competitions.
- Interesting logic and math games can be used by parents while preparing homework and self-studying kids.
- Short math games are rewarded for good behavior in class or excellent grades on tests.
As you can see, there are a lot of options where you could use the game while learning, and, importantly, it will always be effective and interesting for schoolchildren.

The benefits of using games during math lessons
The first lessons may seem boring and burdensome to yesterday's kindergarten students. Ten - fifteen minute short breaks for the game do not allow the child to get tired. They promote concentration and stimulate interest in the subject of study. But that's not all the benefits of math games for Grade 1.
Children strive to be better and smarter than their friends and classmates, in competitions this contributes to motivation and excitement. And if there are prizes for winning the game, this is an additional incentive.
The game helps children see that math is related to real life and is often used outside of the classroom.
The benefits of games also lie in the fact that it is not just recreation and entertainment for children, but also the ability to easily and naturally repeat the knowledge gained in the classroom. The child doesn't evenunderstands that effortlessly he also trains memory erudition, uses the studied material in practice.

The fact that math games for grade 1 are useful does not cause doubts among parents. Schoolchildren are happy to share their emotions associated with participation in such fun.
First-graders have not yet lost the habit of bright children's toys, so they better perceive developing mathematical games that use colorful attributes. Ordinary quizzes can be boring for them. Depending on the scenario, multi-colored volumetric numbers made of cardboard, plastic geometric figures or sticks that help to make such figures act as an attribute.
What are math games for Grade 1
Depending on the situation, math games line up in the form of entertaining five-minute sessions during lessons, or you can organize whole costumed performances that will become a holiday for children.

Compose Answer Team Game
When ordinary school math gets boring, 1st grade will happily play this fun game. The organizer must prepare a hat for each student in advance, on which numbers, addition and subtraction signs will be written. All children are divided into teams and put on caps with their numbers. Next, each of the teams is given a task: a one-word puzzle, for example, “2 + 4=?”. The task of the teams is to quickly find the right solution and line up in one line so that from the numbers on their capsthere was both an example and an answer.
Entertaining five-minute "equal"
This mini-game can be played as an alternative to the physical five-minute game for primary school children. First, the class must be divided into two or three teams with an equal number of participants. Further, each team receives chips with different numbers "12", "25", "3" … etc. How many children are in one team, so many chips. The task of each team will be, at the signal of the teacher, to line up as quickly as possible in ascending numbers. Kids, playing this game, will not just have fun running around the class, but will learn to determine which numbers are larger and which are smaller.
Math Lottery
You need to prepare a hat and put leaves with numbers from 1 to 10 into it. Those who wish blindly pull out one phantom for themselves and give an example where in life we can see the number that has come across. For example, "4" - four legs of a chair. "8" - eight legs for an octopus, "2" - two eyes for a person.

You can even organize a knowledge test in the form of a lottery. It will be more interesting for children to solve not those examples that are written in the textbook, but those that they pulled out of the "magic hat".
If during the lesson you conduct math games for grade 1, it is advisable to come up with some kind of encouragement for the winners. These can be small prizes or just chips that are counted at the end of each quarter.
Practice shows that those junior classes where teachers are creative in organizing lessons are distinguished by good academic performance, and in the future thishas a positive effect on their attitude to learning.
Home fun math
Grade 1 is the time when the child does almost all homework with his parents. Their task in this process is to help the first-grader understand concepts that are difficult for him, but at the same time give him the opportunity to show his independence in solving problems.
So that the child does not get bored doing math homework, almost every problem can be presented as a fun game. Special educational toys are also available in children's stores. These can be colored plastic numbers for solving examples, geometric figures that help you get acquainted with the shapes of objects, and much more. Using such educational games during self-study at home, you can combine business with pleasure. But remember that it is important not to overdo it with toys. A first-grader must remember that his main task is to study, which can sometimes take place in the form of a game.

Computer logic and mathematical games. Benefits and harms
Now many Internet resources offer computer educational games based on mathematical problems. Can such games be useful for children? The opinions of experts on this issue are divided. Some argue that children have no place at the computer, as this can provoke visual impairment, weight gain and the appearance of gambling addiction. But at the same time, the right games contribute to the development of attention, logic althinking, spatial imagination and planning skills.
Based on everything, it is clear that it will be useful for children to play computer mathematical games, but at the same time, parents should clearly normalize the time for such activities. The game can be used for educational purposes, preventing the child from going deep into the virtual world. You need to immediately accustom him every 10-15 minutes to be distracted from the computer and do a warm-up for the eyes and a little exercise. Then your baby can only benefit from math games.