When and how the Earth was formed

When and how the Earth was formed
When and how the Earth was formed

The question of how the Earth was formed has troubled the minds of scientists for many millennia. There were and are many versions - from purely theological to modern, formed on the basis of data from deep space research.

But since no one happened to be present during the formation of our planet, it remains to rely only on indirect "evidence". Also, powerful telescopes are of great help in removing the veil from this mystery.

Solar system

The history of the Earth is inextricably linked with the emergence and evolution of the star around which it revolves. And so you have to start from afar. According to scientists, after the Big Bang, it took one or two billion years for galaxies to become approximately what they are now. The solar system arose, presumably, eight billion years later.

how the earth was formed
how the earth was formed

Most scientists agree that it, like all similar space objects, arose from a cloud of dust and gas, since matter in the Universedistributed unevenly: somewhere it was more, and in another place - less. In the first case, this leads to the formation of nebulae from dust and gas. At some stage, perhaps due to external influence, such a cloud contracted and began to rotate. The reason for what happened, probably lies in a supernova explosion somewhere in the vicinity of our future cradle. However, if all star systems are formed in approximately the same way, then this hypothesis looks doubtful. Most likely, having reached a certain mass, the cloud began to attract more particles to itself and contract, and acquired a rotational moment due to the uneven distribution of matter in space. Over time, this swirling clot became more and more dense in the middle. So, under the influence of huge pressure and rising temperatures, our Sun arose.

Hypotheses from different years

As mentioned above, people have always wondered how the planet Earth was formed. The first scientific justification appeared only in the seventeenth century AD. At that time, many discoveries were made, including physical laws. According to one of these hypotheses, the Earth was formed as a result of the collision of a comet with the Sun as a residual substance from the explosion. According to another, our system originated from a cold cloud of cosmic dust.

how the planet earth was formed
how the planet earth was formed

Particles of the latter collided with each other and connected until the Sun and planets were formed. But French scientists suggested that the specified cloud was red-hot. As it cooled, it rotated andcompressed to form rings. From the latter, the planets were formed. And the sun appeared in the center. The Englishman James Jeans suggested that another star once flew past our star. She tore out the substance from the Sun with her attraction, from which the planets subsequently formed.

How the Earth formed

According to modern scientists, the solar system originated from cold particles of dust and gas. The substance was compressed and disintegrated into several parts. From the largest piece, the Sun was formed. This piece rotated and warmed up. It became like a disc. From dense particles on the periphery of this gas-dust cloud, planets were formed, including our Earth. Meanwhile, in the center of the nascent star, under the influence of high temperatures and enormous pressure, thermonuclear reactions began.

when the earth was formed
when the earth was formed

There is a hypothesis that arose during the search for exoplanets (similar to the Earth) that the more heavy elements a star has, the less likely life is to originate near it. This is due to the fact that their large content leads to the appearance of gas giants around the star - objects like Jupiter. And such giants inevitably move towards the star and push small planets out of their orbits.

Date of birth

the earth was formed about
the earth was formed about

The Earth was formed about four and a half billion years ago. The pieces rotating around the red-hot disk became heavier and heavier. It is assumed that initially their particles were attracted due to electric forces. And on somestage, when the mass of this “coma” reached a certain level, it began to attract everything in the area already with the help of gravity.

As in the case of the Sun, the clot began to shrink and become hot. The substance is completely melted. Over time, a heavier center formed, consisting mainly of metals. When the Earth formed, it began to slowly cool, and the crust formed from lighter substances.


And then the Moon appeared, but not the way the Earth was formed, again, according to scientists and according to the minerals found on our satellite. The Earth, having already cooled down, collided with a slightly smaller other planet. As a result, both objects completely melted and turned into one. And the substance thrown out by the explosion began to rotate around the Earth. It was from this that the moon was born. It is claimed that the minerals found on the satellite differ from those on the earth in their structure: as if the substance was melted and solidified again. But the same thing happened to our planet. And why didn't this terrible collision lead to the complete destruction of two objects with the formation of small fragments? There are many mysteries.

The path to life

Then the Earth began to cool again. Again, a metal core formed, and then a thin surface layer. And between them - a relatively mobile substance - the mantle. Due to strong volcanic activity, the atmosphere of the planet was formed.

the earth was formed
the earth was formed

Initially, of course, it was absolutely unfit for human breathing. And life would be impossible without the appearance of liquid water. It is assumed that the latter was brought to our planet by billions of meteorites from the outskirts of the solar system. Apparently, some time after the formation of the Earth, there was a powerful bombardment, the cause of which could be the gravitational influence of Jupiter. Water was trapped inside minerals, and volcanoes turned it into steam, and it fell to the surface of the Earth, forming oceans. Then came oxygen. According to many scientists, this happened due to the vital activity of ancient organisms that could appear in those harsh conditions. But that's a completely different story. And humanity every year is getting closer and closer to getting an answer to the question of how the planet Earth was formed.
