Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Composition based on Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"

Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Composition based on Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"
Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress. Composition based on Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"

The work "The Captain's Daughter", written by the great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, is known to everyone who graduated from school. The historical background of the story, fueled by the rich imagination of the author, has attracted the interest of readers at all times.

Let's talk about how Grinev ended up in the Belogorsk fortress. The essay and its plan are further in the article.

Intriguing plot

Like any prose text by Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter is easy to read even by schoolchildren. The language of the work is very simple, but at the same time it amazes with its logic and accuracy. Before telling how Grinev appeared in the Belogorsk fortress, the essay should contain information about his childhood.

Peter Andreevich was born in the family of a poor nobleman. His family lost many children, but his beloved Petrusha remained alive and grew up to the joy of his parents. Since childhood, my father decided that he would become a military man. For this, the boy was given homemadeeducation. A Frenchman was even called to teach him, but he did not do his job well. Then a faithful servant of Savelich was assigned to the child.

When Peter grew up, his father sent him not to a prestigious military regiment, but to the city of Orenburg, where he was supposed to live in a fortress and serve the Motherland.

Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress essay
Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress essay

Getting to the destination, the young man rescued a man who helped him find his way. He gave him an expensive rabbit coat. This would play an important role in his life later.

An unexpected twist

What was his surprise when Grinev found himself in the Belogorsk fortress! According to the plan, the essay will contain a paragraph about how Pyotr Andreevich first saw his place of service. It turned out to be a small village, not at all like a non-military facility. Instead of guns, there was a single cannon. But it was full of rubbish too. No one in the fortress prepared for war, everyone lived a calm and measured life.

Undoubtedly, Grinev was saddened. After all, he did not imagine his service at all. All military forces consisted of disabled warriors. But after a while, Grinev got used to the Belogorsk fortress. The essay should contain a description of his rapprochement with the family of Captain Mironov. People treated him like a son. In addition, he meets their daughter and falls in love with her.

However, the young man wanted to have friends. He begins to communicate with Shvabrin, an officer who was sent to this fortress for a duel. At first, Peter liked Alexei Ivanovich. He is smart, well-read, good ascompanion. The only thing that Peter did not like was Shvabrin's attitude towards Captain Mironov's daughter. He laughs at her, thinks she's stupid. Later, Grinev learns that this is no accident: after all, the officer once wooed Masha, but was rejected by her.

Peter wrote poems dedicated to his beloved, but Shvabrin ridiculed his comrade. Both of them go to a duel, which ended with the injury of Pyotr Andreevich.

Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress composition according to the plan
Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress composition according to the plan

How it ended

Having recovered, Grinev continues to live a quiet life in the fortress. Suddenly, news comes that the impostor Pugachev has destroyed many fortresses and is going to Belogorskaya. Everyone is completely confused. I had to urgently clean the cannon from debris, put all the inhabitants on alert. Grinev takes on an important role in the Belogorsk fortress. The essay according to the plan will contain information about the worthy behavior of the young man during the coming of Pugachev. The entire Mironov family was executed. The impostor cracks down on the infidels by hanging them in the square. The turn comes for Peter to kiss Emelyan's hand, but he flatly refuses, remaining faithful to the empress. At the last second, Savelich saves him from death. He recognized the impostor: it was to him that Grinev granted his hare sheepskin coat! Without pretending to recognize him, Pugachev pardons Pyotr Andreevich.

composition plan Belogorsk fortress in the life of Grinev
composition plan Belogorsk fortress in the life of Grinev

Now it remains to save the beloved from the hands of Shvabrin, who now rules in the fortress. He keeps Masha in captivity and forces her to marry him. Composition on the topic "Grinev inBelogorsk Fortress" necessarily includes the moment of exposing Shvabrin to Pugachev. The impostor and Grinev arrive at the fortress, where they take Alexei Ivanovich by surprise.

Emelyan pardoned his beloved and set him free.

Plan of the essay "Belogorsk fortress in the life of Grinev"

  1. Childhood of Pyotr Andreevich.
  2. Family of the future military man.
  3. Trip to the fortress.
  4. First disappointment.
  5. Friendship with the Mironovs.
  6. Duel.
  7. The Advent of the Imposter
  8. Pugachev pardon.
  9. Rescue Masha.
  10. Beloved are free.

Young Grinev has matured a lot in the Belogorsk fortress. The essay should convey this important moment.

essay on the theme of Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress
essay on the theme of Grinev in the Belogorsk fortress

In a short time, the young man experienced many difficulties, but everything ended well for him and Masha.
