What was the name of the Ural Mountains in the old days? Answer from history

What was the name of the Ural Mountains in the old days? Answer from history
What was the name of the Ural Mountains in the old days? Answer from history

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There are many versions of how the Ural Mountains were called in the old days. The ancient mountain system is already many millions of years old. Therefore, the peaks do not reach even two thousand kilometers in height. But it is the Ural Mountains that are the delimiting territory between the continents of Europe and Asia. They stretch in a ridge from the South to the North of the country, crossing several regions. Here are the famous sights of the region, National parks and protected areas.

as the Ural mountains were called in the old days
as the Ural mountains were called in the old days

In the past

When wondering how the Ural Mountains were called in the old days, one should plunge deeply into world history. There is an opinion that the thinkers of ancient Greece gave the mountain system one of its first names. The mountains were called Hyperborean, otherwise - Ripheas. So far, there is no clear evidence and refuting the facts of this assertion. Later, in the Middle Ages, the name began to give a more accurate description of the object. The mountains were correlated with the Stone or Earth belt. Numerous rocks made of quartz and granite deeply impressed travelers. And in the languages of local peoples, the word meantjust "stone". In the northern part of the area, such a definition existed for a long time.

There is another assumption explaining how the Ural Mountains were called in the old days. They say that in the times of Ancient Russia, the inhabitants of Novgorod gave the name "Yugorsky" to the hills.

About the modern name

In addition to disputes about how the Ural Mountains used to be called, there are several theories about the origin of the modern name. Most scientists agree that the word is Bashkir, meaning "a certain hill" or "belt". Appeared a very long time ago, met in the old tales of the Bashkirs. For example, that was the name of the fictional hero of the Ural hero, the legends about which have developed in these parts. Adherents of another version write about the belonging of the lexeme to the language of the Mansi peoples. The word is translated as "top". And some experts believe that the term was taken from the Komi-Permyaks.

It was in the Russian language that the word came only in the 17th century. At that time, Bashkiria was annexed to the Russian lands. At first, the mountain system was called Ar altova, later the name Ural was fixed. The river has a similar name in local areas. According to some researchers, this is a male name.

what was the name of the Ural Mountains
what was the name of the Ural Mountains

Considering the question of how the Ural Mountains were called in the old days, we can conclude that many theories of origin indicate the existence of a large variety of nationalities in these territories. Different languages and cultures influenced each other, gradually merged and developed. Therefore, in Russian speech it is possiblehear so many uncharacteristic words and word formations.
