A day is What are the days of the week called and why there are seven days in a week

A day is What are the days of the week called and why there are seven days in a week
A day is What are the days of the week called and why there are seven days in a week

The seven-day week first appeared in Babylon and from there spread throughout the world. Up to this point, people thought that a day was simply the time from sunrise to sunset. But with the advent of the division of days and the appearance of their names, everything changed. In different countries, different days serve as the beginning of the week: somewhere the week starts on Monday, and somewhere on Sunday. In any case, it is not the beginning of the week that is important, but a clear division into working days and weekends. In addition to the week, it is important for people to know the days themselves, not only their names: gardeners and astronomers constantly calculate lunar days, sunny days. They play an important role in human life.

Deepening into ancient times, it is customary for Christianity to count the days from Sunday, as it is considered the day of the beginning of creation. In Rome, until the second century AD, the same was considered the day of the beginning of the week Sunday, but after the ban on celebrating the Sabbath, the day of rest was moved to Sunday. And since 321 it has become an official weekly holiday. Gradually, people got used to this situation.things.

Day - what is it?
Day - what is it?

Sunny day

A sunny day or a sunny day is the time it takes the sun to make a complete revolution in the sky and return to its original place. In an example, it looks like this: the sun rises, passes through the sky, sets, and then rises again at a given point. This interval between two points is considered to be a solar day or solar day. People used to think that it takes 24 hours. Seven such sunny days add up to a week.

Seven-day week

There was a time when there were not seven days in one week, but three, five, eight, and even fourteen. In different countries, the week was considered differently, and only in ancient Babylon was considered a seven-day week. This is due to the phases of the moon: the first phase of growth lasts seven days, the same for the second, third, and fourth.

Christians and Jews began to use the seven-day cycle because of the Old Testament, which speaks of the creation of the world in seven days.

Each day of the week has its own name. By the way, in ancient Rome, the days of the week were called the names of the planets that could be seen with the naked eye: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, the Moon and the Sun.

Before the adoption of Christianity, it was customary to start the week on Sunday, that is, a day off. But then people decided to revise the order and made Sunday the last day of the week: now it ends with a weekend.


This is the day the week starts and working hours start. In Slavic languages, Monday means after the week. ATIn European countries, Monday is considered a lunar day.

sunny day
sunny day


This day is not quite ordinary: in different countries it is associated with Mars. In Slavic culture, it is considered the second after Sunday. But in Finland, England, Germany, the very name of the day sounds with a hidden meaning: the name Tuesday hides the name of the warlike ancient German god Tiu, an analogue of Mars.


This is the day when it's the middle of the week. The very name Wednesday in other languages contains the name of the god-planet Mercury. In Swedish and Danish, the name of the day of the week hides the name Woden - this is God, depicted as a thin old man in a black cloak. He is famous for inventing the runic alphabet.


Thursday is not a simple day and evening, but a special time - the day of the militant Jupiter. In English, Finnish and Swedish, the name of the day is Thor.


In French, Italian and Spanish, the name of the day is derived from the name of Venus. In English and German, this day hides the name of the fertility goddess Frigga.

Day and evening
Day and evening


In English and Latin, the name of this day is consonant with Saturn. In Russian, French, Italian, the name of the day of the week goes back to Hebrew and means rest. The same is heard in other languages of the world. The Jews have a lot to do with this day, they are forbidden to work on Saturday.


In German, Latin and English, this day of the week is dedicated to the Sun. But in Russian and a number of otherstongues resurrection signifies the day of the Lord. In ancient times, Sunday in Russian was called a week. In many Slavic languages, Sunday is sonorous with the week.

In the names of all days of the week there is a numbering: Monday denotes the first after the week, Tuesday - the second, Wednesday - the middle of the week. Thursday is the fourth day and Friday is the fifth.

Names of all days
Names of all days

Now people are used to the fact that the week in Russia starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, a day off. Sometimes it even seems that there could be no other options, but, as can be seen from the above, this is not so. It was difficult for those nationalities who had fourteen days a week, of which there was only one day off.