Today, new words borrowed from other languages are increasingly found in the media, on the Internet and in print. One of these is digest. This lexeme came from English-speaking countries. Most often, this term implies a brief description of one or more works of any genre. In it, all the main points and information are presented concisely, and in some cases - adapted to the reader.

The term came to Russia from the English language, where digest is a polysemantic word. It means the processes associated with digestion. From the verb "digest" to the noun derived from it, called medicine, which is taken after meals for better absorption. This value differs significantly from the common and accepted in Russia. Another definition of a digest is related to the classification, putting in order of any objects, elements.

In America and Great Britain, the pronunciation differs in the setting of the stress. The American version with the stress on the first syllable is more familiar. In the UK, it is customary to emphasize the last syllable of a lexeme.
Under the lexical meaning of the digest is understood the essence of the term, or rather the understanding of a set of letters and sounds of a certain phenomenon. The word is polysemantic in nature, and by pronouncing it, one can represent different objects. From the point of view of publishers and booksellers, a digest is a document, printed or electronic edition. It includes short summaries of various published articles or books. This collection is most often found in libraries. Its convenience lies in the ability to quickly find the desired publication by reading the content. This catalog can also be found in bookstores. It is intended to familiarize readers with the range of outlets. It is often used as an advertisement or as a full-fledged publication for sale.
Digests play a role in the advancement and development of science. In collections of a scientific nature, experts look for information about innovations, the latest theoretical developments. Getting acquainted with the annotation or abstract, scientists draw conclusions regarding further directions of information search. If a brief description is of interest to the researcher, then he can read the full text. Usually such a catalog is devoted to a specific topic or scientific section.

In rare cases, unpublished books are included in such an edition. This is for promotional purposes.
Inform digest - what is it?
A completely different definition is meant by an information digest. In this case, this is not a publication, but a type of organizationhuman activity. It is held in schools and other educational institutions to improve students' skills in self-organization, managing their own time. Pupils on a pre-prepared topic and plan convey information to listeners in a certain circle. Information is provided clearly and concisely. Indeed, in this case, an excess of information is unacceptable.
Inform digest most often lasts no more than 5 minutes. This form of meeting is also used in individual firms and corporations. In the process of information exchange, awareness and cohesion in the team develop. From the total amount of data, the main thing is sorted and selected. Each employee is interested in conveying information to colleagues in an understandable form. Often, the report is accompanied by visual materials: graphs, diagrams, photo illustrations or an electronic presentation.
In journalism
In journalism, a review of periodicals falls under the definition. It can be submitted in the form of an article, which contains all the main facts, news (world or domestic), figures. Often this material is selected from other sources. The high demand for such messages and the interest caused by the public is due to the fact that people do not have to spend extra time reading and processing data. The digest presents in a structured way all the sensational events that have occurred over a certain period.

This way of presenting material is important for those who like to keep abreast of events, want to keep up with the times. The text is written strictly, without artistry and epithets. Costsnote that digests should not take up a large share of the publication. Otherwise, this will indicate the low quality of the preparation of the newspaper (magazine).
About shortcomings
There are also disadvantages of using this kind of texts. In most digests, the information is presented dryly, there are only bare facts, there are no detailed conclusions and analysis of the reasons. Such data has already been processed. Receiving some conclusions, without details and additions, the brain does not work at full capacity. Thought processes are connected more actively when the reader sees a text in front of him, filled with cause-and-effect relationships, explanations. Brief reviews are only useful if the reader is knowledgeable and competent.
Digests do not evoke vivid emotions from reading in a person. Therefore, they are poorly remembered, do not linger in the head. Ideally, after reading the overview, you should delve into the issues raised in more detail.