On the question of what country Canberra, without hesitation, one can answer only one thing: it is not a country, but a city. And almost any high school student will tell you about this, of course, if he carefully listened to the material presented by the geography teacher. At the same time, not all adults know that this city is the capital of Australia, and not Sydney or Melbourne, as many believe. This is a truly amazing creation of the twentieth century, in which you can not find old buildings or narrow streets. The city has its own special spirit. It was carefully thought out and planned to the smallest detail, and is generally atypical for the country.

Founding History
For a long time the question of the capital of Australia was very acute. The fact is that such two large and important cities as Melbourne and Sydney claimed the right to be considered the administrative center of the state. In order not to infringe on the interests of any of them, in 1909 the government decided to build the capital of the state on a neutr alterritory. The place where Canberra is located was indicated on the map by the Australian Parliament. At the same meeting, a competition for the project of a new city was announced. It was attended by representatives of different countries of the world. The winner was Chicago architect W alter Burley Griffin. As a result, according to his project, a new administrative center of Australia was laid in 1913, and the time of its construction took about half a century.
Construction Features
The area where the city of Canberra is located is a valley covered with rare plant species and surrounded by hills. It is located 650 kilometers (northeast) from Sydney and 370 kilometers southwest (from it). Literally translated from the Aboriginal language, the name of the Australian capital means "meeting place". According to the proposed building plan, the city is clearly divided into districts, each of which has a specific purpose - for administrative buildings, commercial and office buildings, educational and cultural institutions, and so on. The layout of the houses is distinguished by rigor and accuracy. Canberra received the official status of the capital of the Commonwe alth of Australia in 1927. At the same time, the parliament and the government residence moved here.

General Description
Canberra, whose coordinates are 35 degrees south latitude and 149 degrees east longitude, is located in the central part of the Australian mainland, at a great distance from the coast, at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. Its area is about 800 kilometerssquare. The population exceeds the mark of 380 thousand people. In the heart of the Australian capital is Lake Burley Griffin, which is separated from the Molonglo River by a dam. The picturesque landscapes of the area where Canberra is located are due to the surrounding eucalyptus forests, savannahs, green meadows and swamps. Moreover, the region is characterized by a high level of environmental friendliness, Canberra's air is fresh and clean all the time. Continuous building, as well as the construction of industrial enterprises are prohibited here. The human imagination is amazed by the diversity of bird species that have chosen these territories. As for the animal world, in the urban environs you can meet a wild dog dingo, kangaroo, marsupial bears, as well as many other representatives of the fauna. In addition, there are also poisonous snakes, the number of varieties of which reaches several dozen.
Ethnic composition of the population, religion and language
The area where Canberra is located and its surroundings are overwhelmingly inhabited by descendants of immigrants from European countries (mainly Irish and British). In addition to them, a large number of immigrants from Asian countries, Italians, Armenians, Russians, Ukrainians and Greeks live in the city. English is the state language. In addition, many residents of the Australian capital speak Russian, Greek and Italian. As for religion, about 80 percent of the population are Christians (Protestants and Catholics). Of the other religions, there are not many, but still Orthodoxy, Islam,Buddhism and Judaism.

The determining factor in shaping the climate of the city of Canberra is the coordinates of the Australian capital. Due to the remoteness from the coast, less humid weather prevails here compared to the settlements of the coastal states. The same nuance is the reason for the pronounced seasons. During the year, no more than 620 millimeters of precipitation falls in the city. The rainiest period starts in June and ends in August. At this time, the daytime air temperature is in the range of 15 to 18 degrees Celsius, and at night there are frosts. Snow is a very rare occurrence. If it falls out, it lingers for a maximum of several hours. From November to January there is intense heat, and the thermometer reaches 32 degrees above zero. In general, the weather in the city can change very rapidly, and strong differences are characteristic of night and day temperatures. The best time to visit is from December to February.
Canberra is a capital that boasts high-quality roads. This is largely facilitated by the policy of improvement, constantly pursued by local authorities. Despite the fact that the most common local means of transportation is a car, the city has a developed network of urban transport. The fastest and most comfortable are the buses that run strictly on schedule and allow you to get to anywhere in the capital without any problems. Single fare is 2.5dollar, while for a daily pass you should pay about 6.6 dollars. You can buy them directly from the driver or in specialized kiosks. Buses do not stop everywhere, therefore, in order not to miss your stop, you should press the appropriate button in the cabin in a timely manner. Be that as it may, walking or cycling is a priority for many residents of the city of Canberra. The capital of Australia, among other things, has its own airport. It is connected with the largest economic centers of the state (Melbourne and Sydney) not only by highways, but also by rail.

The city of Canberra, home to a large number of modern national monuments, galleries, historical museums and other cultural institutions, boasts well thought out architecture. All the mentioned objects are mainly located around artificial large lakes. There are very few high-rise buildings here. All of them are concentrated on the river embankment. Thus, the Australian capital quite elegantly combines the features of a modern metropolis and a provincial town with an abundance of picturesque places and excellent natural landscapes. Canberra is the capital, which differs significantly from other Western European-style Australian major cities. The fact is that it was planned as a state center for the development of science and culture, as well as a government residence.
An interesting local featureis the abundance of telephone booths. They meet on every corner. At the same time, you can call from them to foreign countries. The cost of domestic calls is 0.4 dollars, and calls to other states are charged depending on the time and subscribers. You can buy a phone card at almost any kiosk or shop in Canberra. The country as a whole is quite developed in terms of communications: the Internet is widespread here, including 3G. You can buy a SIM card of a local operator with roaming at any point of mobile communications.
Interesting places
As noted above, in 1913 the city of Canberra was founded. Sights and historical monuments in this regard are not so common here. Despite this, there are many interesting objects in the Australian capital. The Botanical Garden, which covers an area of 50 hectares, is very popular among locals and tourists. It contains about 6 thousand varieties of plants. The artificially created Burley Griffin Lake, which is located in the very center of the city, deserves separate words. It should be noted that it is named after the architect who planned Canberra. In the middle, a fountain named after Captain Cook beats out of it with a powerful jet. Capital Hill is also worth a visit - a small area with government buildings. The ideal place for walking, according to the residents of the capital, is the Cockington Green park, whose appearance is shaped by miniature houses and gardens filled with various exotic plants.

In the city of Canberra, attractions are represented mainly by objects created in a modern style. This is not surprising, because the Australian capital appeared on the map of the state only in the last century. The most interesting local architectural monument is the old parliament building, built in 1927 and located in the very center of the city. It consists of two floors and is built of white stone. The structure is surrounded by the National Rose Garden and stands out from other buildings with its massive columns.
The Australian War Memorial is Canberra's most famous landmark in the world. It is a whole complex, which includes a hall of memory, a historical museum, and a research center. The memorial was built to commemorate the Australian soldiers who died during the two world wars. On its walls you can see the designations of those places where the inhabitants of the country died - Crete, Mesopotamia, the Coral Sea and others. The names of all the dead are inscribed on the bronze plates inside. The halls display dioramas of battles, samples of tanks, aircraft, weapons, as well as paintings by local artists dedicated to the same topic. Next to the complex is the Sculpture Garden. Nearby is a column 66 meters high, on which the figure of an eagle is installed. The sculpture was erected as a token of gratitude to the United States for its assistance during World War II.
Canberra is not only a political capital, but also a scientific one. The building of the National Academy of Sciences is located here andis one of the local attractions. In its appearance, it is somewhat similar to the houses of the Eskimos made of ice, so the Australians call it "igloo".
The Telstra Tower built in 1980 deserves special attention. At its top there is an observation deck. It offers an excellent panoramic view, and many tourists try to take pictures against its background. In addition, there is a souvenir shop, a cafe and a city museum inside.

The city of Canberra, with a huge number of jogging and cycling paths, special recreation areas, tennis courts, water complexes and exercise equipment, is a true paradise for lovers of sports and an active lifestyle. In the Australian capital, as well as throughout the country, tennis, basketball, golf, rugby and cricket are quite developed. Competitions at the central stadium are held almost all the time. Despite the relatively modest size of the city, many teams representing various sports are stationed here.
Real estate and business climate
Many foreigners are investing in urban real estate. At the same time, they usually pursue investment and immigration purposes. It should be noted that the Australian capital in this regard is more popular than the largest subjects of the country - Melbourne and Sydney, where prices are higher.
Government administration and defense are the main economic sectors of the city of Canberra. Australia as a wholeconsidered to be a highly industrialized country. However, this does not apply to its capital. The two activities mentioned above employ about 40 percent of the local population. In addition, the city can be called very progressive, as a number of software developers are headquartered here. This area of activity has become the most profitable here.
Most of the local restaurants are located in the central areas of the city. If you wish, you can try dishes of almost any cuisine here. The level of service is at a fairly high level, and the quality of food is getting better every year. It should be noted that Australian cuisine, which used to be practically no different from English, has recently acquired its own features. In particular, seafood has now become its invariable attribute. Cheeses are excellently brewed in the Australian capital, and very exotic products can be found on the market - for example, shark lips or crocodile meat.
Accommodation, recreation and entertainment
Because Canberra is the capital of a large state, it is easy to find accommodation here. Accommodation options for city guests and tourists vary greatly in cost and comfort - from cheap hotels to luxury villas and hotels. Prices for renting rooms start at $ 30 per day. As for the cultural program, it is perfectly combined with walks, relaxation, as well as visits to all kinds of entertainment facilities. In particular, the National Zoo, together with the aquarium, operates daily. In addition to it, nature lovers will be interested in visiting the Tidbinbill National Reserve. The Australian capital is famous for its many nightclubs and entertainment venues, so we can safely say that the leisure sector operates here around the clock. Shops are mostly open seven days a week. You can buy almost any item there, including items made from the famous Australian wool.
Nuances to keep in mind for tourists
It is undesirable to drink water from the local water supply. It is not dangerous to human he alth, however, cleaning can delay acclimatization.
Smoking in public places is strictly prohibited, and alcohol is allowed only at certain times, and even then not everywhere.
When walking in nature, do not forget about insect protection, which are very annoying here.
As for the time that Canberra lives in, the time zone of the city is UTC+10.

Canberra these days
As of today, the entire political power of the country is concentrated in the city. Here is not only the government residence, but also the embassies of other states. Canberra has become one of the most visited cities in the world by foreign tourists in recent years. The capital of Australia, despite this, boasts a very low crime rate. If serious offenses take place here, they instantly become public knowledge. The likelihood of becoming a victim of scammersor pickpockets is practically zero.