It is important to note that the words has and had are forms of the verb to have. It is one of the most used verbs in the English language. However, a lot of people make gross mistakes when using these forms. The verb has (had), the use of which is very important in English, is a unique and at the same time universal word.

When applied
These words can play many roles in an English sentence. Has, had, have, the use of which causes difficulties, lend themselves to a certain logic, which will be given below. So, consider all the options for this verb:
- Of course, this verb can act as an ordinary semantic verb in the meaning of "to have". For example: She has a car.
- Similarly to the first one, the verb to have can also act as an auxiliary. He is involved in the formation of most verb forms, except for affirmative ones: Present and Past Simple (Indefinite). For example: He has just returned.
- It can also be used as a modal verb, expressing the possibility or obligation of an action. For example: I have to take an exam.
Difficulties may arise when using the verb has (had), the use of which in one's speechindicates a good command of a foreign language. However, in English there is some regularity in the use of these verbs. So, below are the rules for the correct use of a certain form of the verb in the right situation:
- Has is used with pronouns: he, she, it.
- Have used with pronouns: I, you, we, they.
- Had is used with all pronouns and is the past tense.

Verb forms
This verb is irregular, and in the table of similar verbs it is represented as has, had, have. The use of these forms directly depends on the required time.
The had form is used when constructing the past simple, past completed and past long.
Has, had. Use together is permissible only in the use of perfect tenses. Below are a few examples that will help you visualize the essence of the rule:
- She has just had a dinner. This sentence translates as: "She just had lunch."
- She had had a car. Translation: "He had a car".

As a modal verb
This is a very common use of the verb has (had) in English. Therefore, those who study the language need to clearly know the rules for using these words. They are quite simple, and to navigate the topic, you just need to get a good grasp ofinformation and a little practice in direct use. The verb has (had) in English plays the role of a modal in cases where it is important to express a certain need for an action that is due to some reasons. For example: You have to go, because you must work. This construction is translated as follows: "You must go because you must work."
This verb can be somewhat similar to the modal verb must. Although they carry a similar meaning, there is still a fine line between them, and every person who knows the language feels this difference at the level of intuition. The modal verb must is more rigid and carries a clear obligation to perform a certain action. An important point is that this verb is most of all directed at the speaker himself, that is, it must be used in relation to himself. For example: I must go, it would be better. This construction in Russian will sound like this: "I must leave, it will be better this way."
In turn, this modal verb should be used in one more case: when it is necessary to give advice or recommendation. For example: You have to add more words. Which in translation would sound like: "You should add a couple more words."
It is important to note that this modal verb changes with tenses, unlike, for example, the verb must, which remains unchanged.
You can also use the phrase have got to instead, which generally has the same meaning, but is most often used in colloquial everyday speech.

Has (had)
The use and knowledge of the rules of this verb shows a high level of English proficiency. After all, only using specific grammar rules, you can hope that you will be able to clearly express yourself in a foreign language. It is important to talk about the verb to have as well as about the usual semantic one. So, it has a translation: "to have", "to own", "to possess". For example: I have a dog.
To have to, to have got to
Both of these options can be applied if available:
- Possession of something. For example: She has a new house; She has got an house. These designs translate: "She has a new home."
- Various connections. For example: I have father; I have got father. This is translated in both cases by the phrase: "I have a father."
- Diseases. For example: I have a headache; I have got a headache. The translation is as follows: "My head hurts."
An important fact is that in negative constructions to have to and to have got to are built in the usual way. For example, in the simple present tense, negation would sound like this: don`t have to and don`t have got to.
The structure to have got can be interchanged with the verbs to get and to receive. For example, I had got a news. Translation: "I received the news".
Also, the construction to have got to can be used as a modal verb, but in no case should it be changed by tense. In this case, always use the construction to have to.

Short for the verb to have
You need to know that abbreviations are very common in English, especially in modal, auxiliary verbs. The use of the verb have (has) and the ability to abbreviate it correctly will make your life much easier and give you the ease of English speech. As a rule, reduction occurs by combining the verb itself with the previous pronoun. This did not bypass our unique verb to have. So, below will be presented all possible abbreviated forms of this verb:
- Have sounds like this: `ve. For example: they`ve, I`ve, you`ve.
- Has is shortened to `s. For example: she`s, he`s, it`s.;
- Had shorthand: `d. For example: she`d, we`d, you`d.
It is important to note that there are countless idioms, expressions, set phrases with this unique verb. Therefore, I would like to draw attention to the importance of this word, because knowledge of various idioms and expressions is only a plus in your speech. In this way, you can demonstrate your broad outlook to an English-speaking interlocutor and make the conversation relaxed and easy, which is so important in everyday life and in business negotiations.