Sometimes you can hear that a man is handsome, and sometimes they say that he is cute. “What is this?” People who are not too experienced in linguistic matters will ask. Let's analyze the meaning of the word and select an example.

Beauty is a broad concept that needs to be detailed. In general, cute is, as the dictionary says, a pretty person with an attractive appearance. But there is one subtlety in the concept, which is understood only by those who know the language well: if a man is called cute, then this is most likely a dismissive and ironic characteristic. When a girl is called this way, it is either a neutral statement of fact or a compliment.
From this position, one can generally draw far-reaching conclusions: for example, that a man is ashamed to be beautiful, like a woman. And for a girl to be nice and pretty is the norm.
"Legends of Autumn": Tristan as an example of a handsome man

The title movie is the best way to illustrate the concept. We will not retell the plot in subtleties, this is not necessary. The main thing is different.
The film tells about the fate of onefamilies throughout most of their lives. It consists of a father and three sons. In the course of events, it becomes clear that the main character of the picture is Tristan, the middle son of Colonel Ludlow. He is played by Brad Pitt in the film. The actor creates the image of an outwardly handsome boy on the one hand, but on the other hand, only he has the courage to live a full, not only physical, but also spiritual life.
Tristan is in constant search of himself. The beast in his soul screams, so he constantly tries himself for strength. When "the boards below him break", he opens up new facets of his being.
It's hard to say whether Brad Pitt intentionally created such an image with a contrast of external and internal, female and male, but the idea was successful, and the artistic task was completed, the viewer remembers both the film and the hero.
If the reader wants to understand with a specific example what kind of cute it is (we discussed the meaning of the word a little earlier), then let him look at the picture. Modern technology makes old cinematic masterpieces accessible.