Who is the author? Meaning, examples, synonyms and interpretation

Who is the author? Meaning, examples, synonyms and interpretation
Who is the author? Meaning, examples, synonyms and interpretation

Author is a buzz word these days. It plays an important role in promotion. You need to be in demand, fashionable, in trend. But let's stop for now and clarify its meaning.


the author is
the author is

The world is filled with authorship, which is why it is worth understanding the essence of the concept. Who is an author? Who can be called that? Let us turn, of course, first of all to the explanatory dictionary. Books rarely fail, and our eternal companion in language wanderings is a reliable partner in such a difficult task. So, the lexical meaning of the word author is: “the creator of some work.”

A seemingly clear definition. The only trouble is that the word "work" is firmly connected in the mind with fiction. For example, the author of the novel "Fathers and Sons". But, as the modern world tells us, the author is not only literature, the sphere of creativity, it is almost everything that is done by man: from the mess in the room to brilliant artistic creations.

For example, if a mother went into her sons room, and they have a mess there again, she can ask sternly: “Well, who is the author of all this disgrace?”. A cooking dish also has a creator.

True, there is one "but". When, toFor example, a man grabs a radiator in the hope of finding a little hot water in it, then he cannot be considered the author of this movement, for when the summer is cold, desperate attempts to get at least a little heat are common to many people. Unless the person has patented some special grip on their name. But it's hard to believe.

Authorship parameters

lexical meaning of the word author
lexical meaning of the word author

The author is the creator, the creator. This means that some characteristics are needed that would distinguish him from his opposite, an impostor or an imitator. Let's enter the parameters of authorship, which are typical for each work, product, project:

  1. Originality.
  2. The emergence of what was not in reality before the act of creation.

Of course, there may be more parameters, but these are enough for our purposes. And here it is necessary to explain the points. Originality here refers to something that only a particular person can create. Take, for example, an article about authorship. Probably, there are millions of them, but only this one, written by a specific creator, keeps the imprint of his personality. Yes, it has sources, a basis, but the product itself is original, because it is not a copy of something or even a retelling. Before the reader a full-fledged author's creation. Moreover, it does not necessarily claim to be new. The last concept is a complex category both in literature and journalism.

The second point is also fulfilled. Before the creator started work, there was no such article in reality, and afterby the time he's done, she'll be part of reality. And it doesn't matter who gets acquainted with the creation, maybe no one, but it doesn't matter.


After we have understood the essence of authorship, we can also pick up analogues for this word, that is, definitions that could replace the object of study. So here is the list:

  • creator;
  • creator.

If you do not fall into tautology and redundancy (for example, list in synonyms all professions that are more or less related to creativity), then there will be only two replacements, unfortunately.

But if you look from the other side, then it should be so, because even the smallest and most insignificant author is a flash of originality, of course, graphomaniacs and imitators do not count.

The thirst for authorship and the absorbing power of anonymity

the meaning of the word author
the meaning of the word author

In our era, when everyone has a computer, anyone can feel like a creator. A person wrote an opinion about a film, a book somewhere on the forum, that's all - he is the author! Now no one can dispute this.

Before, when the printed text was not an integral part of everyday life, but almost a sacred phenomenon, life flowed differently. And now, even if the "writer" does not want to be published by evil publishers, he can start his page anywhere and sculpt texts non-stop. Many want, and many write, but the meaning of the word "author" wears out, turns into an insignificant factor, the main thing is the text itself, and who created it is no longer so important.

The creative impulse given to the masses is losing itssharpness and the main characteristic - piece, uniqueness. And if, in 20 or 30 years, the place of popular authors of women's novels and detective stories will be replaced by cars, no one will be surprised, on the contrary, they will be surprised at something else - the insight of George Orwell.
