Cosmonaut spacesuits are not just suits for flying in orbit. The first of them appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was a time when almost half a century remained before space flights. However, scientists understood that the development of extraterrestrial spaces, the conditions of which differ from those familiar to us, is inevitable. That is why for future flights they came up with cosmonaut equipment that can protect a person from a deadly external environment for him.
Space suit concept
What is spaceflight gear? The suit is a kind of miracle of technology. It is a miniature space station that mimics the shape of the human body.

Modern space suit is equipped with a whole astronaut life support system. But, despite the complexity of the device, everything in it is compact and convenient.
History of Creation
The word "suit" has French roots. In 1775, the abbe-mathematician Jean Baptiste de Pas Chapelle proposed to introduce this concept. Of course, at the end of the 18th century, no one even dreamed of flying into space. The word "suit", which in Greek means "boat-man", was decided to apply to diving equipment.

With the advent of the space age, this concept began to be used in the Russian language. Only here it took on a slightly different meaning. The man began to climb higher and higher. In this regard, there was a need for special equipment. So, at an altitude of up to seven kilometers, it is warm clothes and an oxygen mask. Distances within ten thousand meters, due to pressure drop, require a pressurized cabin and a compensating suit. Otherwise, during depressurization, the pilot's lungs will no longer absorb oxygen. So what if we go even higher? In this case, you will need a space suit. It must be very tight. At the same time, the internal pressure in the suit (usually within 40 percent of atmospheric pressure) will keep the pilot alive.
In the 1920s, a number of articles by the English physiologist John Holden appeared. It was in them that the author proposed to use diving suits to protect the he alth and life of aeronauts. The author even tried to put his ideas into practice. He built a similar suit and tested it in a hyperbaric chamber, where the pressure corresponding to an altitude of 25.6 km was set. However, the construction of balloons capable of rising into the stratosphere is not a cheap pleasure. And the American aeronaut Mark Ridge, for whom the unique costume was intended, unfortunately did not raise funds. That is why Holden's suit was not tested in practice.
Developments of Soviet scientists
In our country, engineer Yevgeny Chertovsky, who was an employee of the Institute of Aviation Medicine, was engaged in space suits. Over the course of nine years, from 1931 to 1940, he developed 7 models of pressurized equipment. The world's first Soviet engineer solved the problem of mobility. The fact is that when climbing to a certain height, the spacesuit swelled up. After that, the pilot was forced to make great efforts even to simply bend his leg or arm. That is why the model Ch-2 was designed by an engineer with hinges.
In 1936, a new version of space equipment appeared. This is the Ch-3 model, containing almost all the details present in modern spacesuits used by Russian cosmonauts. The test of this version of special equipment took place on May 19, 1937. The TB-3 heavy bomber was used as an aircraft.

Since 1936, cosmonaut spacesuits have been developed by young engineers of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. They were inspired to do this by the premiere of the science fiction film "Space Flight", created jointly with Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
The first suit with the SK-STEPS-1 index was designed, manufactured and tested by young engineers in just 1937. Even the external impression of thisequipment indicated his extraterrestrial destination. In the first model, a belt connector was provided to connect the lower and upper parts. Significant mobility was provided by the shoulder joints. The shell of this suit was made from two layers of rubberized fabric.
The next version of the suit was distinguished by the presence of an autonomous regeneration system, designed for 6 hours of continuous operation. In 1940, the last Soviet pre-war spacesuit, SK-SHAGI-8, was created. The test of this equipment was carried out on the I-153 fighter.
Creation of special production
In the post-war years, the Flight Research Institute intercepted the initiative to design space suits for astronauts. Its specialists were given the task of developing suits designed for pilots of aviation, conquering ever new speeds and heights. However, for serial production of one institute was clearly not enough. That is why in October 1952 a special workshop was created by engineer Alexander Boyko. He was in Tomilino, near Moscow, at plant No. 918. Today this enterprise is called NPP Zvezda. It was on it that Gagarin's spacesuit was created at one time.
Space flights
In the late 1950s, a new era of extraterrestrial exploration began. It was during this period that Soviet design engineers began designing the Vostok spacecraft, the first space vehicle. However, it was originally planned that astronaut spacesuits would not be needed for this rocket. The pilot had to be in a special sealed container,which would be separated from the descent vehicle before landing. However, this scheme turned out to be very cumbersome and, in addition, required lengthy tests. That is why in August 1960 the internal layout of the Vostok was redesigned.
Sergey Korolev's bureau specialists changed the container to an ejection seat. In this regard, future astronauts needed protection in case of depressurization. She became a spacesuit. However, there was a catastrophic lack of time for its docking with on-board systems. In this regard, everything that was necessary for the life support of the pilot was placed directly in the seat.

The first cosmonaut spacesuits were named SK-1. They were based on the Vorkuta high- altitude suit, designed for pilots of the SU-9 fighter-interceptor. Only the helmet was completely reconstructed. A mechanism was installed in it, which was controlled by a special sensor. When the pressure in the suit dropped, the transparent visor instantly slammed shut.
Equipment for astronauts was made to measure. For the first flight, it was created for those who showed the best level of training. This is the top three, which included Yuri Gagarin, German Titov and Grigory Nelyubov.
It is interesting that the astronauts went into space later than the spacesuit. One of the special suits of the SK-1 brand was sent into orbit during two test unmanned launches of the Vostok spacecraft, which took place in March 1961. In addition to the experimental mongrels, the Ivan Ivanovich dummy was on board,dressed in a spacesuit. A cage with guinea pigs and mice was installed in the chest of this artificial person. And so that casual witnesses of the landing would not mistake "Ivan Ivanovich" for an alien, a sign with the inscription "Layout" was placed under the visor of his spacesuit.
The SK-1 suits were used during five manned flights of the Vostok spacecraft. However, female astronauts could not fly in them. For them, the SK-2 model was created. For the first time, it found its application during the flight of the Vostok-6 spacecraft. We made this spacesuit, taking into account the structural features of the female body, for Valentina Tereshkova.
Development of American specialists
In the implementation of the "Mercury" program, US designers followed the path of Soviet engineers, while making their own proposals. So, the first American spacesuit took into account the fact that astronauts in space in the future will be longer in orbit.
Designer Russell Colley made a special Navy Mark suit, originally designed for naval pilots to fly. Unlike other models, this suit was flexible and had a relatively small weight. To use this option in space programs, several changes were made to the design, which primarily affected the device of the helmet.
The suits of the Americans have proven their reliability. Just once, when the Mercury 4 capsule splashed down and began to sink, the suit nearly killed astronaut Virgil Grisson. The pilot barely managed to get out, as he could not disconnect from the onboard system for a long support.
Creation of autonomous suits
Due to the rapid pace of space exploration, it was necessary to design new special suits. After all, the first models were only emergency rescue. Due to the fact that they were attached to the life support system of a manned spacecraft, astronauts in space could not visit such equipment. To enter open extraterrestrial space, it was necessary to design an autonomous spacesuit. This was done by the designers of the USSR and the USA.
The Americans have created new modifications of the G3C, G4C, and G5C suits for their Gemini space program. The second of them was designed for spacewalks. Despite the fact that all American spacesuits were connected to the onboard life support system, they had an autonomous device built into them. If necessary, his resources would be enough to support the life of an astronaut for half an hour.

In a G4C suit on 1965-03-06, the American Edward White went into outer space. However, he was not a pioneer. Two and a half months before him, Alexei Leonov visited space next to the ship. For this historic flight, Soviet engineers developed the Berkut suit. It differed from the SK-1 by the presence of a second hermetic shell. In addition, the suit had a shoulder pack equipped with oxygen tanks, and a light filter was built into his helmet.
While in outer space, a man was connected to the ship by a seven-meter halyard, which included a shock-absorbing device,electrical wires, steel cable and hose for emergency oxygen supply. The historic exit into extraterrestrial space took place on March 18, 1965. Alexei Leonov was outside the spacecraft for 23 minutes. 41 sec
Space suits for the exploration of the moon
After mastering the earth's orbit, man rushed further. And his first goal was the implementation of flights to the moon. But for this, special autonomous spacesuits were needed that would allow them to be outside the ship for several hours. And they were created by the Americans during the development of the Apollo program. These suits provided protection for the astronaut from solar overheating and from micrometeorites. The first developed version of the lunar suits was called A5L. However, later it was improved. In the new modification of the A6L, a heat-insulating shell was provided. The A7L version was the flame retardant option.
The lunar suits were one-piece multi-layered suits with flexible rubber joints. On the cuffs and collar were metal rings designed to attach sealed gloves and a helmet. The suits were fastened with a vertical zipper sewn from the groin to the neck.
The Americans set foot on the surface of the Moon 1969-21-07. During this flight, the A7L spacesuits found their use.
Soviet cosmonauts were also going to the moon. For this flight, the Krechet spacesuits were created. It was a semi-rigid version of the suit, on the back of which there was a special door. The astronaut had to climb into it, thus dressed in equipment. The door was closingfrom within. For this, a side lever and a complex circuit of cables were provided. Inside the suit was a life support system. Unfortunately, the Soviet cosmonauts did not manage to visit the Moon. But the suit created for such flights was later used in the development of other models.
Equipment for the latest ships
Starting in 1967, the Soviet Union began launching Soyuz. These were vehicles designed to create orbital stations. The time spent by astronauts on them has steadily increased.

The spacesuit "Hawk" was made for flights on Soyuz spacecraft. Its differences from the "Berkut" consisted in the design of the life support system. With its help, the respiratory mixture was circulated inside the spacesuit. Here it was purified from harmful impurities and carbon dioxide, and then cooled.
The new Sokol-K rescue suit was used during the Soyuz-12 flight in September 1973. More advanced models of these protective suits were even purchased by sales representatives from China. Interestingly, when the manned spacecraft Shanzhou was launched, the astronauts in it were dressed in equipment very reminiscent of the Russian model.
For spacewalks, Soviet designers created the Orlan spacesuit. This is a self-contained semi-rigid equipment, similar to the lunar Gyrfalcon. It was also necessary to dress in it through the door in the back. But, unlike the Krechet, the Orlan was universal. Its sleeves and legs are easily adjusted to the desiredgrowth.
It was not only Russian cosmonauts who flew in Orlan spacesuits. Based on the model of this equipment, the Chinese made their Feitian. In them, they went into outer space.
Suits of the future
Today, NASA is developing new space programs. They include flights to asteroids, to the Moon, as well as an expedition to Mars. That is why the development of new modifications of spacesuits continues, which in the future will have to combine all the positive qualities of a working suit and rescue equipment. What option the developers will stop at is still unknown.

Maybe it will be a heavy hard suit that protects a person from all negative external influences, or maybe modern technologies will make it possible to create a universal shell, the elegance of which will be appreciated by future female astronauts.