The nature of our planet is extremely diverse. Every continent, part of the world, country, region, region and city can boast of beautiful representatives of the flora, which not only decorate the entire surrounding space, but also help to purify the air.
Various life forms of plants, including wild shrubs, play a big role in nature and human life. It is about them that the article will be discussed.
Wild plants
These are usually called those plants that live in natural conditions and are not cultivated by man. They inhabit fields and meadows, steppes and savannahs, deserts and forests. You can refer to them:
- trees;
- shrubs;
- semi-shrubs;
- shrubs;
- herbs;
- creepers;
- palms.
That is, all existing life forms of plants. Specifically, wild shrubs make up the bulk of the undergrowth, thickets, the outskirts of meadows and fields, roadsides, and the landscape of urban areas. It is these forms that are used to create hedges in front of residential buildings, retail outlets and other structures.

Wild trees, shrubs, herbs are an integral beautiful part of Russia's nature. It is they who, at the entrance to our country, talk about its beauty, stateliness and magnificence.
Russian Shrubs
Wild shrubs of our region are distinguished by great species diversity. They are distributed in all stripes and latitudes, form deciduous and partly coniferous forests, line hills and mountain ranges. Also among them there are many representatives that a person uses for decorative purposes for garden plots. Berries of some species are actively eaten and are valued for their vitamin components. Even medicinal forms of wild shrubs in Russia have.
The most common species growing in the wild are:
- spirea;
- hawthorn;
- snowberry;
- forest viburnum;
- marsh rosemary;
- common barberry;
- Chinese lemongrass;
- warty euonymus;
- wolfberry;
- common honeysuckle;
- tree-like caragana;
- chokeberry cotoneaster;
- marsh cranberry;
- common hazel;
- common raspberry;
- vesicle;
- Hungarian Russian;
- lilac;
- rosehip;
- mock orange and others.
Wild shrubs of our region are very beautiful, diverse in their role in nature and significance for humans. There are a number of such species that people tend to plant and propagate on their land plots with differentpurposes: decorative, nutritious, landscape design. Such representatives include the following wild trees and shrubs: bird cherry, blueberry, apple tree, ash, dog rose, thuja, pine, spruce, currant, plum, lilac, mountain ash, broom, nightshade, alder, sea buckthorn, juniper, raspberry, pear, hazel, viburnum, barberry, grapes, linden, lemongrass, gooseberry, buckthorn, maple, honeysuckle, oak and others.

Perhaps one of the most valuable shrubs in both wild and cultivated form. The height of the plant is up to 2 m, the branches are red-brown, shiny, covered with curved thorns. The flowers are pink, bright. This plant belongs to the Rosaceae family. The leaves are rounded, collected in several pieces on one petiole. The edge is finely indented. Rose hips are bright orange, elliptical or round in shape.
Since ancient times, this plant was considered a healing source of important substances and vitamins. Even Avicenna called rose hips a remedy for liver diseases. Today, this plant is valued not only for its medicinal properties, but also for its beautiful appearance and unpretentiousness to living conditions. Delicate crimson roses do not leave anyone indifferent. Flowering continues from mid-May to late June.
For the manufacture of medicines, all parts of the plant are used, except for the leaves: fruits, roots, stems and flowers. The most valuable substances in the composition of the plant are carotenoids, B and PP vitamins, flavonoids, organic acids, essential oils.
Wild shrubs of the genus Spiraea include about 90 species. Some of them have long been cultivated by people and are very widely used for landscape design of sites.
This plant is 2 meters or more in height. The color of flowers, leaves, their shape and size - all this depends on the specific species. Most often there are white-flowered or pink-flowered forms, less often with a purple corolla color.
Types of medium spirea, the most common in Russian nature, are beautiful wild shrubs, photos of which can be seen below.
The following representatives are also very popular:
- Japanese.
- Thunberg.
- Nipponese.
- Oakleaf.
- Plant.
- Vangutta.
- Arguta.
- Grey.
Effective bushes strewn with fragrant bright inflorescences can leave few people indifferent, this explains the popularity of the plant. Has practically no medicinal value.

Shrubs of the Moscow region: names
This group includes not only domesticated cultivated plants. Wild shrubs of the Moscow region also widely populate local biotopes. The most common among the cultural forms that fill summer cottages and garden plots are fruit and berry species.
- Grapes of various varieties.
- Quince and assorted plums.
- Blueberries.
- Honeysuckle.
- Gooseberries.
- Raspberry.
- Rowan.
- Currant.
- Yoshta.
- Blackberry.
Among the wild-growing organisms of this group, one can distinguish such as euonymus, wolfberry, male dogwood, vesicle, maple, lilac, Middendorf weigela, elderberry, broom, derain, rhododendron, forsythia, goof, peony, mountain ash, roses, almonds, hawthorn, willow, barberry and others.

Most of the given names are generic. This means that each plant has a varied number of varieties. Therefore, the total number of shrub forms of the Moscow region is quite serious. This is of great benefit, as plants purify and renew the air, contribute to the normalization of its composition.
European spindle tree
Both wild and cultivated shrub plant. In some areas of our country, it is cultivated as an industrial facility, since the roots of the euonymus contain gutta-percha.
The height of such wild shrubs is up to 3 meters and above. The leaves are quite large (up to 10 cm), oval in shape. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, so they become clearly visible. The color of the corolla is pink with white. After flowering, fruits are formed, red or dark pink. They are poisonous, but are used medicinally.
Decorative value of spindle tree lies in its fruits and beautiful dense leaves. Spectacular hedges line up well from it, so it is used in landscape design.
Low plants, height up to 1.5 meters. Distributed in Siberia, Western andEastern. Such wild shrubs give very bright fruits. The names of plants because of them were given. This is a juicy bright red drupe that looks like a berry. However, they cannot be eaten, as they are not too poisonous, but poisonous.
Pale pink flowers, sessile. They exude a very pleasant aroma due to the essential oils they contain, therefore they attract many insects. Wolfberry leaves are medium-sized, rounded or slightly pointed, pubescent.
The berries of this plant, as well as parts of the bark, are used in medicine. The main diseases that drugs on the wolfberry help with are gout, rheumatism, paralysis.

Wild shrubs of the Urals
The flora of the Urals, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East is very similar in species composition of shrub forms. So, common species in these territories are such as quince, barberry, elderberry, weigela, wolfberry, derain, gorse, honeysuckle, willow and other plants.
All of them form a general view of the nature of fields and meadows, forests. Thanks to plants such as wild shrubs and trees, the picture of the natural habitat of animals and people becomes complete, capacious, beautiful and diverse.
You can give a short list of those views of the Urals, which are the main ones for these places. These are wild shrubs, the names of which are given below.
- Kalina.
- Cotoneasters of various types.
- Clematis.
- Prince Siberian.
- Loch silvery.
- Mahoniaholly.
- Raspberry fragrant.
- Bittersweet nightshade.
- Russian broom.
- Different types of rhododendrons.
- Roses of all kinds.
- Spirea.
- Lilacs.
- Chubushnik and others.
This, of course, is not a complete list, but includes the most common types of the Urals. Most of them are a source of food for forest animals, humans. Also many are medicinal forms of plants.
The most common type of this shrub in the Urals is the common barberry. Plant height - up to 2 meters. The stems are abundantly equipped with thorns, the leaves densely braid the branches, they have a very beautiful dark purple color. This creates a very effective contrast with yellow-orange flowers and bright red berries. Therefore, the barberry is willingly used by people as a garden shrub.
Berries are edible and very he althy. Used for medicinal purposes. During flowering, the common barberry emits a very pleasant aroma, attracts many insects. It is often used for hedges. Frost resistant, but easily attacked by parasites and fungi.

Cotoneaster brilliant
A plant widely spread in the Urals. It is often found both in natural nature and in gardens, in summer cottages. Received such fame for its attractive appearance: tall bushes (up to 3 meters) with a sprawling crown of interesting leaf shape.
Main benefit -frost resistance and drought resistance. The brilliant cotoneaster received its name for the corresponding surface of the leaves. The flowers are collected in inflorescences, small, white or pinkish. The fruits are bright red, not poisonous. They are a source of food for many birds and animals.
For decorative purposes, cotoneaster species are used to create hedges with beautiful clusters of hanging fruits in black or red.
Common lilac
This plant is only one of many belonging to the common genus Lilac of the Olive family. This shrub is famous not only in the Urals, but throughout almost the entire territory of our country.

Beautiful fragrant inflorescences, consisting of many brushes of small delicate flowers, attract not only pollinating insects, but also animals, birds, people. The color of the corollas is different: from snow-white to lilac-pink. Used for decorative and medicinal purposes.