When the school graduation begins to loom closer and closer before the nose, every eleventh grader faces a serious task: decide who you want to be and choose a university for admission. Krasnoyarsk applicants have a wide choice - there are many good universities in the city. And one of them is SibGAU named after Reshetnev.
A trip to the past
Before talking about which university is SibGAU named after. Reshetnev at the present time, we need to remember how it all began in general, and thanks to which Krasnoyarsk acquired such an institution.
The history of Aerokos, as this educational institution is popularly called, goes back far into the last century, in its very middle. And to be more precise - in 1959. It was then that the need for the emergence of professionals in the field of rocket science and astronautics became obvious, since the Soviet Union just at that time showed high achievements in this area. For these purposes, it was decided to create the so-called technical colleges, in other words, higher technical educational institutions.
In a distant city onIn the Yenisei, something like this was first organized in the same fifty-ninth year of the last century on the basis of a machine-building plant. However, literally immediately, the resulting production was transferred to the closed city of Zheleznogorsk, located not far from Krasnoyarsk, otherwise called Krasnoyarsk-26. In the city itself on the Yenisei, only a year later, a branch of the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute appeared, a technical college that functioned on the basis of the same machine-building - Krasmash, one of the main enterprises of Krasnoyarsk in those years.

The main duty of this educational institution was to educate the staff in the field of engineering without distraction from the work process, and, I must say, the university coped with its task successfully. In the sixtieth year, the future SibGAU. Reshetnev opened its doors for students for the first time. And both professionals and ordinary workers of the plant taught there. More than half of the students were immediately sent to work practice in the first months of their studies - so to speak, to join the profession from the inside.
At the same time, it was decided that the Krasnoyarsk technical college should play a decisive role in the formation of education in the region, become a prominent and prestigious educational institution. And for this they spared no resources - no effort, no time, no money. The best teachers were attracted, new departments were opened. All this taken together made it possible to interest not only Krasnoyarsk graduates of schools, but also nonresident applicants with the prospects of studying in this institution.
In 1966, the first graduates of the technical college, the future SibGAU. Academician M. F. Reshetnev, went into independent life. Since, as mentioned above, the technical college was under Krasmash, many of them stayed there to work. Meanwhile, the plant launched the production of new sea-based missiles, which could not but attract a new wave of interest in the Krasnoyarsk technical college.

In the mid-seventies, the plant-technical college began to work closely with the Design Bureau of Applied Mechanics; it was headed by Mikhail Reshetnev, whose name Aerokos later received (we will say a few words about the scientist later). In the same years, the university began to conduct active scientific activities. The purpose of this excitement was the separation of the above-mentioned institution into an independent educational institution (we recall that all these years the technical college was a branch of the Polytechnic Institute). To obtain a degree from an independent institute, it was necessary to have almost half of the teaching staff with scientific regalia - candidate or doctoral, it does not matter.
It was possible to achieve the desired only by the beginning of the nineties - in 1989 the corresponding paper was signed, and the plant-technical college became an independent educational institution - not yet SibGAU. Reshetnev, but the Institute of Space Technology.
Up the knurl
So, the nineties were marked for Krasnoyarsk by the emergence of a new separate university. Although, according to old memory, for many years (and some still) continued to be called a technical college. At the same time, astronautics schools were opened in Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26) and Zelenogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-45) nearby the city on the Yenisei.
For a long time the Institute of Space Technology future Siberian State Agrarian University. Reshetnev did not stay in Krasnoyarsk: already in the ninety-second, only three years later, the university was renamed the Siberian Aerospace Academy (hence the "Aerokos" went). At that time, the institute already had six faculties, more than two dozen departments, as well as several training centers - computer science, computer technology, scientific engineering, and so on.

In the mid-nineties, the institution was somewhat reoriented: alignment with the conquest of the universe went by the wayside, civil aviation moved forward. And in 1996, the academy was named after Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev, who died at the beginning of that year.
Aerospace University
At the very beginning of the new century, after only two years, the Siberian Academy acquired the status of a university. Since that time, the university began to be called the SibGAU named after. Reshetnev. SibGAU could be deciphered as "Siberian State Aerospace University".

This status made the university more prestigious, opened up new opportunities and horizons for it. The university became one of the leaders among the universities of the Siberian region, and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for a long time it was considered the best in general. Today, perhaps, only the Siberian Federaluniversity, which appeared not so long ago. And twelve years ago - by the way, it was then that the Siberian Federal was formed - SibGAU. Reshetnev even received a license from the Federal Space Agency.
Our days
Exactly two years ago, another decision was made, which became fateful for the Reshetnev SibGAU in Krasnoyarsk: the decision to reorganize the university. There was a need to organize a flagship university in the city on the Yenisei.

To this end, the Siberian State Technological University was decided to join Aerokos. Last spring, the former SibGTU and SibGAU M. F. Reshetnev became a single university, which had the toponym Siberian State University of Science and Technology. The name of Professor Reshetnev is still assigned to the university.
About the university
The main focus, or, as they say, the main bias of the former "Aerokos" - physical, mathematical and engineering disciplines, which are somehow connected with aviation or aerospace traffic. In total, the university has five institutes and six faculties, among which there is one humanitarian.

In order for potential applicants to have at least a small idea of where you can go to Aerokos, let's name a few departments. These are, for example, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, the Institute of Space Technology, the Faculty of Finance and Economics, the Military Institute at the SibGAU. Reshetnev and so on. Unfortunately, budget places inthere are not so many institutes, and paid education, since the university is considered prestigious, is quite expensive. But judging by the quality of teaching and feedback from former students, it's worth it.
Professor Reshetnev
One of the founders of our cosmonautics, an outstanding scientist was born in the twenty-fourth year of the last century far from Krasnoyarsk - in the village of the Nikolaev region. He graduated from school in Dnepropetrovsk, where he moved as a five-year-old child with his parents. He entered the Moscow Aviation Institute at the age of sixteen, but the war prevented his studies - Mikhail went to the front, was an aviation mechanic.

After the war, he completed his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute and went to climb up the career ladder: he worked as an engineer, chief designer, deputy chief designer … In the fifty-ninth year, thirty-five-year-old Mikhail Reshetnev went to the small closed town of Zheleznogorsk near Krasnoyarsk, becoming the head of the eastern branch there Design Bureau. The scientist lived in Zheleznogorsk until the end of his life, until his last days being the general designer and general director of the NPO of Applied Mechanics. He died in January 1996 and was buried in Zheleznogorsk.
Reviews about the educational institution
Students and graduates of "Aerokos" note that education at the university is really "on the level". As positive aspects, they single out the development of sports (there is not only ordinary physical education, but also yoga, Pilates, fitness, fencing, and so on - for every taste) and creativity (dance,vocal groups, KVN teams), also note the absence of "freebies" and the presence of intelligent teachers.
Besides, the students like the equipment of the classrooms, new modern buildings. However, there are claims to the latter - but not to the new ones, but to the old ones: there are such ones at the university. In winter, as students write, it is cold there, and hot in summer; desks are old and creaky. In general, everyone notes that studying at this university is both fun and interesting.

This is the basic information about the Siberian State University of Science and Technology, located in Krasnoyarsk. For more information, please visit the school website.