From ancient times, people united in groups in which a clear leader was sought. He managed his wards, directed them and helped to solve various socio-economic problems. As soon as signs of the first statehood appeared, the leader of the group became the king or other governing person. In the technological age, curators claim the role of local managers. These are people who are responsible for someone or something.
Morphological and syntactic parsing
The word consists of 4 parts and in parsing it looks like this: ku-ri-ro-vat. The emphasis falls on ri' Since "supervise" answers the question: "what to do?", then this is a verb in an imperfect form. So, it is transitive, in morphemic form:
- Root: -chicken;
- Suffixes: -ir and -ova;
- Ending: -th;
What the word comes from is unknown. According to some reports, it is borrowed from the English language. Synonyms of the word: answer, patronize, lead, follow, control.

Meaning of the word "supervise" in dictionaries
Most people use words incorrectly. This is due to the fact that people do not attach importance to them. Because of this, a conflict based on misunderstanding can arise between two individuals. In this case, an explanatory dictionary can come to their aid, which will explain the meaning of words. To make it clearer for you, the meanings have been simplified and reduced to enthymemes, but the original meaning has been preserved.
- Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. Supervising is helping people and observing their actions.
- Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language gives a slightly peculiar and not familiar to us meaning of the word. To supervise is to monitor the course of the disease in a patient who is in a hospital or any other medical institution.
- In the management dictionary, the meaning of the word is given in the following variant. It is to control or observe. For example, you can be the manager of a Komsomol detachment or another form of association of people where a leader is required.
- Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova. To supervise is to supervise or manage a group of people, a firm, and the like. Or watch over the sick.

Use in life. Sentence Examples
The following are cases in which the word "supervise" occurs in everyday life:
- The business owner or director oversees HR work.
- Did he oversee our company's finances? If yes, then it is understandable why everything failed.
- Itold my boss to trust me to oversee a new project.
Now you know that to supervise is to manage or supervise, and you will use it correctly in speaking and writing.