What is a herd: meaning and synonyms

What is a herd: meaning and synonyms
What is a herd: meaning and synonyms

What is "herd" - known to many. This is the name of a group of horses. In this article, you will learn the etymology and history of this word. Then we will study the lexical meaning of the term "herd". And at the end of the article we will select synonyms for it and examples of its use in context.

Etymology and history of the word "herd"

This concept is of Turkic origin. And it translates as "herd, group, crowd" of any animals.

Türkic word "herd" of eastern origin. Therefore, it is most often used in relation to animals, which are most common in the places where these languages \u200b\u200bare spoken.

First of all, these are horses and camels. Later, as the word spread, it began to be used with other animals.

Besides, among the Tatars this word was a territorial unit.

The lexical meaning of the word "herd"

poison herd
poison herd

According to the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova, T. F. Efremova and D. N. Ushakov, the term under study has the following meanings:

  1. This is a grouphoofed animals - horses, deer, camels and some others.
  2. A disorganized bunch of people.
  3. A chemical compound that has a nerve agent effect on the body.

In the first sense in Russian, the word "herd" is most often used for ungulates. Namely, horses, camels and deer. The concept of "herd" is most commonly used for horses.

In the second meaning, figuratively, the word under study refers to people who walk in a chaotic group. This disorganized meeting is called so in a negative sense.

In the third sense, "taboo" is a synthetic substance that was created by a German scientist during the Second World War. It has a paralyzing effect. It is a poisonous and deadly substance.

Also, this word is also used in the meaning of a set. What is a tabun? That's a lot of someone or something.

There is a Neolithic cave in Israel also called Tabun.

Synonyms and examples of usage

what is tabun
what is tabun

There are several words that are close in meaning to the term under study. Here are some of them:

  • herd;
  • flock;
  • gathering;
  • group;
  • legion;
  • mass;
  • darkness;
  • regiment;
  • poison.

In addition, to better understand all the meanings of this word, you need to look at examples of its use in context. Here are some sentences that use the word"herd":

  1. On the spacious steppes of our region, wild horses graze in herds in the fields.
  2. Father gave his youngest son the leanest horse in the herd.
  3. Schoolchildren during breaks rush through the corridors like a herd of horses.

The word "herd" is of Turkic origin and means a herd of horses.
