Studying Geography: Cape Fligeli

Studying Geography: Cape Fligeli
Studying Geography: Cape Fligeli

The history of the conquest of the extreme north-eastern point of the largest continent of the planet of Eurasia, part of the world of Europe and at the same time the territory of the Russian Federation, began in 1874. The study of the northern latitudes was difficult and not always successful. Only strong-willed polar explorers and a properly equipped expedition managed to achieve the goal in the harsh conditions of remote lands. The North Pole was waiting only for confident and purposeful individuals.

cape outbuildings
cape outbuildings

Geographic location

Cape Fligeli is located on the territory of the most remote island of Franz Josef Land - Rudolf. At the same time, it is part of the Russian possessions and belongs to the lands of the Arkhangelsk region. Located at 81 latitudes of the northern hemisphere, the lands where Cape Fligeli is located were discovered by the Austro-Hungarian expedition, led by the explorer and polar explorer Julius Payer in 1873. They managed to reach the extreme point only in 1874. The name of the object was in honor of the outstanding Austrian surveyor August von Fligeli.

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Hundreds of miles of permafrost and ice, no population and only a loud growl of yesthe snorting of fur seals and seals brings a strong north wind to Cape Fligely. Everywhere there is only the Arctic Ocean, covered with drifting ice floes and icebergs.

cape outbuildings
cape outbuildings

Climatic conditions

On Cape Fligeli, located far beyond the Arctic Circle, the polar day comes from April to August, and the night - from October to March. The climate of the area is so severe that it contributes to the formation of an ice sheet with bizarre shapes. There is a place for a strong and gusty bora wind to roam, the speed of which reaches 60 m/s, and no obstacles stop it.

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where is cape wings

Snow cover lies on the territory for up to 300 days and is not subject to melting, since Cape Fligeli is located in the natural zone of the Arctic deserts. The average annual air temperature is -12 degrees, and the lowest is -47.

Tourism Opportunities

The Cape is one of the most inaccessible sights of the archipelago, so you can visit the geographical object only as part of an expeditionary study of the Russian Arctic park. It attracts the attention of the most enduring and active lovers of the polar latitudes. This is a place for those who can not only enjoy the beauty of glaciers and snow expanses, but also who want to follow the route of the expedition of Georgy Sedov.

cape outbuildings
cape outbuildings

Special attention deserves the observation of representatives of the animal world. Here polar bears, lemmings, arctic foxes, harp seals and marinehares. Harsh conditions limit the tourist opportunities of the site, leaving it an unfulfilled dream.
