Dialect - what is it?

Dialect - what is it?
Dialect - what is it?

A dialect is a type of language that is used as a way of communicating between individuals. Mandatory condition: these people must live in the same territory. The Russian language means both literary speech and a huge number of local dialects. This needs to be clearly understood.

dialect is
dialect is

Urban and rural dialects, the most famous groups of dialects

Local dialects, common in large settlements, are a certain interaction between literary speech and rural dialects. This unites them. Rural dialects, on the other hand, according to the differences and similarities that can be traced between them, are collected in categories of a certain volume. There are several most common groups of domestic dialects: Central Russian, South Russian, and North Russian. All of them deserve attention. There is another definition of dialects. What is it? Dialects are words that are common in a particular geographic area. To people who speak standard language, many of them may seem rather ridiculous.

Northern Russian dialects

dialects are words
dialects are words

Northern Russian dialect category contains dialects of Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Vyatka, Ural, Olonets, Vologda. It also includes Siberia, the Middle and Upper Volga regions.

As for pronunciation, the northern native dialects have the following two qualities. First, these dialects are notable for their vowels. It doesn't matter if they are stressed or not - this does not affect their pronunciation in any way. The situation is similar in the south. But there is still a slight relationship between the pronunciation of vowels and stress. But back to the northern dialect. On this property of pronunciation is based "okane", in other words, a noticeable difference between the letters "a" and "o"when they are not under stress. Thus, dialect words sound very unusual and interesting. Secondly, in the dialects under consideration, the softness or hardness of consonants standing on both sides of the vowel greatly affects its quality. This is an important point.

Vowel substitution

words dialects
words dialects

In many native northern dialects, instead of the vowel "a" behind the soft consonant, "e" is pronounced. Thus, they say, for example: "sword", "sing", "zet". It is easy to guess from what words it is formed. In the literary language, it would sound like "ball", "again", "son-in-law". A dialect is an unusual dialect that often makes you smile. You can also use the word "dream" as an example. However, derived from himadjective sounds like "dirty". In addition, there is the word "sing", but the numeral is pronounced as "fifth". There are many such examples. There are also dialects (for example, from Vologda and Olonets), in which the vowel sounds "i" and "e" are replaced, for example, "faith is about vire", "hay is about blue", "bread is bread" etc. Interesting, isn't it? With regard to consonants, the most typical feature of the northern dialect is primarily a very distinct "g", similar to "g" in Western European and Latin languages. Also, this dialect is characterized by "choking" and "okane", in other words, the absence of differences between the letters "h" and "c". The dialect is truly amazing.

South Russian dialects

South Russian dialects are common in the Lower Volga region, Tula, Orel, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kursk, the southern region of Ryazan, on the Don. The most typical signs of such an adverb are as follows. In pronunciation, the quality of a vowel is determined by whether it is stressed or not. A very curious fact. On this principle, "akanye" is based. This is the absence of differences between the vowels "a" and "o", which are in an unstressed position. Also noteworthy is the "yakane". Some dialects say "bida", "visna", in some - "byada", "vyasna", in others - "bida", "visna", but "byady", "vyasna". There are also sayings whereit is pronounced "byada", "vyasna", but "bidet", "visne", etc. Dialect is an adverb that is unusual for most Russians to hear.

Russian dialects examples
Russian dialects examples

Characteristic features of this dialect

The next notable phonetic feature of the South Russian dialects is the fricative (long) "g", in other words, a sound very similar to "x", but pronounced loudly enough, sonorously: "hara", "horat" (mountain, city), etc. What can be said about the grammar of this dialect? It is notable for the fact that in third-person verbs, a soft sign is placed after "t", for example, there is the word "go". It is also interesting that instead of "me" it is pronounced "me". In addition, there is no neuter gender in this dialect, so you can often hear phrases like “my yoke” or “tasty butter”. It is also important to know that at the moment the short form of the adjective is almost completely absent in the South Russian dialect. But that didn't make the conversation any worse. Many scientists study Russian dialects, examples of which you now know. Local dialects really arouse interest among people. Many want to learn more about them in order to better understand native speakers and immerse themselves in their culture.
