Slick is The meaning of the word and synonyms

Slick is The meaning of the word and synonyms
Slick is The meaning of the word and synonyms

Slick is a person who climbs where he is not asked. This is how this word is originally understood, if you do not delve into the essence. In the article you will learn its history of origin and lexical meaning. And at the end we will select synonyms and give examples of its use.

Etymology of the word "slick"

sly man
sly man

There is an opinion that this term is of Greek origin and originates from the word πονηρός. This concept is translated as "bad, evil".

Already in the Old Slavonic language there was the word "sneak", and in Old Russian - "sneak". The latter was formed from the verb "dive".

This is a person who literally dives into other people's affairs, climbs when he is not asked. He will go anywhere, that is, he will open any doors in all possible ways. Cunning and cunning are his main tools.

The lexical meaning of the term "slick"

sneaky cat
sneaky cat

According to the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova, T. F. Efremova and D. N. Ushakov, this word has one meaning. A Slick is a person so agile that he can go anywhere.

Sneaky - impudent, going over the heads. Such a person can be both a swindler and a thief. The word itself has a negative connotation. Being sneaky is finding every possible way to achieve your own benefit.

People don't like such people. The meaning of the word "slick" is associated with a dishonorable and tactless person. Although it may apply to animals.

Synonyms and examples of usage

For a Russian person, it is always convenient to pick up a few words that are similar in meaning to understand the meaning of a word. Here are some synonyms:

  • sly;
  • sly;
  • swindler;
  • quack;
  • fraudster;
  • deceiver;
  • rogue;
  • scoundrel;
  • swindler;
  • crook;
  • dodger.

After we have de alt with words that are similar in meaning, let's move on to examples of phrases in which the use of "slick" is allowed. Let's offer the following examples in context:

  1. Every company has its rogue.
  2. The dashing guy Stepan was the most cheerful rogue in the village.
  3. Look out as if some slicker didn't stick to you at the station.
  4. Mother, what kind of son is growing with us? A true sly one!
  5. This rogue deceived me, took the last money, scoundrel!

We found out that the word under study is of Greek origin. However, it was also widely used in the Proto-Slavic language, from where it migrated to Old Russian, and then to modern. The meaning of this word is only one, and not very pleasant. A sly one is a crafty person who, by cunning and deceit, can achieve everything: other people's things, money, fame and honor. Such people have never been loved in Russia.
