Cognitive is What is cognitive science, cognitive?

Cognitive is What is cognitive science, cognitive?
Cognitive is What is cognitive science, cognitive?

The word "cognitive" comes from the noun "cognition" and the Latin cognitio "learn". It is used in a number of complex scientific terms, one way or another related to a person's ability to know. What is the meaning of the word "cognitive" in itself, and what do the terms associated with it mean?

Cognitive science, cognitome and cognitive ethology

The human brain is the main field of study of the science of cognition, cognitive science. In the directed study of the brain, some of its capabilities, called cognitive ones, were identified. These are the highest functions of the brain, thanks to which a person is considered a person: a coherent, consistent and logical flow of thoughts, awareness of oneself as an individual, spatial orientation, the ability to calculate, understand, speak, reason, draw conclusions and study purposefully.

cognitive process
cognitive process

To clearly define the set of cognitive skills of the human brain, Konstantin Vladimirovich Anokhin (a recognized Russian neuroscientist) coined the term"cognitome". The concept of cognitome calls the problem of the brain interdisciplinary: biomedical, technological and existential.

The rapidly deteriorating memory and attention is the main sign of a decrease in brain function. We can say that this is a cognitive "death" for the neurons of the brain, during which dementia (dementia) almost always develops inexorably. This can be facilitated by constant stress, unhe althy diet, unhe althy lifestyle and tension (nervous or physical).

Man differs from animal in the cognitive functions of his brain. Researchers have often wondered what the cognitive process means for representatives of the fauna. Cognitive ethology studies the mental receptivity of animals to answer this question. Until recently, there has been much debate about this discipline.

Cognitive process and cognition

Cognitive process is an action during which the human consciousness processes and filters information coming from outside. Also, the cognitive processes taking place in the human brain include sifting and assimilation of relevant data, remotely comparable to the work of modern computers.

cognitive process
cognitive process

The paradigm of cognitive experience consists of types of information encoding, conceptual mental, as well as archetypal and semantic (semantic) structures. Cognitive linguistics uses as models and constructors those paradigms and processes that are created and run in the mind and subconscious of a person.

In turn, cognition is thatthe most special process by which our brains successfully process information. Outside of this science, the terms "cognition" and "knowledge" are used as full synonyms.

Cognitive graphics

In graphics, a method called cognitive is all that artificial intelligence uses in speech recognition systems. The cognitive advantage of a computer over the brain is a hint or instant solution to a problem obtained using cognitive graphics.

Cognitive psychology

Another young field of science is cognitive psychology. Epistemological (cognitive) processes of the human psyche in this branch from the general concept of cognitive science are areas of the brain that are inextricably linked with the issues of memorization and concentration, feelings, logic and coherence of thinking, presentation of information, its assimilation.

Theory of cognitive development
Theory of cognitive development

Although the main provisions of cognitive psychology were laid down long before the advent of cybernetics and any complex computing and information machines, at the current stage of development it is almost entirely based on the parallel between human learning and the transfer of information to computing devices.

Psycholinguistics as an offshoot of cognitive psychology

Language, reason and mind, their interrelation and operations resulting from this - the area that is being explored by actual psycholinguistics.

The solid foundation on which it stands is cognitive psychology. Her conclusions are also useful in other areas of psychology.

Neuroscience, cognitive science
Neuroscience, cognitive science

Psycholinguistics as a field of linguistics describes speech messages, extracting their meaning, speech activity (both in isolation from mental functions and in close relationship with them), analysis of the progress of speech associated with the formation of personality.
