Charming is The meaning of the word and synonyms

Charming is The meaning of the word and synonyms
Charming is The meaning of the word and synonyms

Charming is beautiful to look at, very cute and handsome. The term can refer to anything striking in its splendor. In this article we will consider the etymology of the word "charming", its lexical meaning. We will select synonyms and give some examples of its use in context.

Etymology and history of the word "charming"

charming girl
charming girl

The origin of this term is connected with the old Russian word "enchantment" - magical influence. The original meaning of the verb "charm" is associated with the casting of a spell on someone or something. In other words, this term is directly related to witchcraft and magic.

But already in the XVIII century in Russian literature this concept began to be understood a little differently. Not as a direct effect of magic, but as a special effect on a person. Otherwise, you can say captivity and seduction.

The word "charming" contained the concept of being affected by one's beauty or charm. But not by direct magic, but by charisma, internal energy. That is, without extraneous divination. ATIn the 19th century, the meaning of witchcraft in the word "charming" was completely lost.

Vocabulary words and associations

According to the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova, T. F. Efremova and D. N. Ushakov, this word has one meaning.

Charming is a definition that characterizes someone and something very captivating, charming. It's something that draws attention to itself, it's attractive.

What can this term be associated with? For many, it is associated with unusual beauty, magnificence. The word "charming" fits the description of a beautiful girl.

Although the meaning of magic has moved aside in relation to the word being studied, the term "charming" is associated with some inner charm of a person.

Synonyms and examples of usage

charming child
charming child

There are several similar words. Here are some of them:

  • beautiful;
  • gorgeous;
  • charming;
  • charming;
  • awesome;
  • beautiful;
  • wonderful;
  • seductive;
  • delightful;
  • irresistible;
  • captivating;
  • bewitching;
  • dizzy.

Let's offer a few phrases as an example of the use of this term:

  1. My lady, you look so charming today.
  2. What an adorable baby!
  3. The nature of the mountains is charming, it amazes with its splendor.
  4. Today is such a charming daythe weather has not been for a long time.
  5. Your girlfriend has a charming smile.

This concept is of ancient Russian origin. Initially, it referred directly to witchcraft. Now it is a beautiful word that can express the beauty of the inner and outer world.
