Dialect word - what is it? What words are called dialects?

Dialect word - what is it? What words are called dialects?
Dialect word - what is it? What words are called dialects?

Every person who speaks Russian can easily recognize such words as, for example, "speak", "food", "blizzard", and will be able not only to define them, but also to use them in the correct form in the context. It is these words that are called public, or national vocabulary. But not everyone will be able to explain what “bait”, “brashno”, “vyalitsa” is, only a small circle of people know such words. However, most people do not use such non-literary speech in a conversation.

Dialect word definition

It is the well-known words used in literature and in the speech of people, regardless of their place of residence and profession, that form the basis of the Russian language, all the rest of the expressions are not popular - they are used only in certain circles of the population. These include slang, special and dialect words. In Russian, they are also called vocabulary of limited use. Such words are divided into groups, each of which has its own attribute.

dialect word
dialect word

Lexical groups

Certain masses of the population, carriersnon-public vocabulary, consist of a huge number of groups scattered throughout the country and even beyond its borders. Each of them in everyday life has its own special words, and each is divided according to a certain attribute: occupation, place of residence and stratum of society. So what words are called dialects? These are the ones that are used in a certain area. For example, in the Pskov region there is such a thing as a north, on Baikal the same phenomenon is called barguzin, and on the Danube - belozero. The literary synonym for these words is wind.

A dialect word is part of its location group, while words relating only to a person's occupation form an occupational group. But jargon refers to certain sections of society.

dialect words examples
dialect words examples

Where dialect vocabulary occurs

Each area has its own specific words used only in that area. So, for example, in the south of the country you can find such interesting words: squares, which means bushes; kozyulya, which corresponds to the word land. In the northern cities, one can also find interesting examples of dialect speech: teplina, which means fire; lava - bridge and roe deer - plow.

Classification of dialect expressions

In literary and bookish speech, one can meet the so-called dialectisms - words that are essentially dialectal, but have their own word-formation, grammatical and phonetic features and refer to one or another dialect. Dialectisms are divided into 4 groups:

  • SemanticDialectisms are a group of words that are used in a certain dialect in an uncommon sense. For example: cloud - thunderstorm, order - forest, impudent - sudden.
  • Ethnographic dialectisms call an object or phenomenon characteristic of a certain population and unknown in another area. As a rule, such a dialect word has no synonyms in common speech, and it can only be defined descriptively. For example: plakhta - a skirt made of a piece of fabric, duleyka - a cotton jacket, tonets - a thin pancake made from unleavened dough.
  • Phraseological dialectisms are immutable phrases that have a certain meaning only in a specific area. For example: to get bored - to fall into boredom, to wither - as if sat in s alt, something heavy and difficult - death without death.
  • dictionary of dialect words
    dictionary of dialect words

Where are dialect words used?

Examples of the use of such expressions can be found not only in conversation, but also in literary works. Although, of course, the question arises of how, and most importantly, to what extent such vocabulary can be used for artistic purposes. It is the theme of the work and the goals set by the author that determine which particular dialect word can be used in a particular case. Many factors can be taken into account here - these are aesthetic ideals, and craftsmanship, and, of course, the object being described. Indeed, sometimes, using only generally accepted speech, it is impossible to convey all the colors and character. For example, L. N. Tolstoy quite often uses dialect words to describe peasants in his works. Examples of their use in the literature can also be found in I. S. Turgenev: he used them as inclusions and quotations, which stand out quite clearly in the main text. Moreover, such inclusions in their composition have remarks that fully reveal their meaning, but without them the literary context would not have such brightness.

Dialectisms in our time

Now the authors in works about villages also use dialect words, but usually do not indicate their meaning, even if these are words of a narrow application. Also, similar expressions can be found in newspaper essays, where some hero is characterized, his manner of speaking and the characteristic features of his life, determined by the area in which he lives.

word dialectisms
word dialectisms

Given the fact that newspaper publications should carry exclusively literary speech to the masses, the use of dialectisms should be justified as much as possible. For example: "It was not in vain that I left Vasily a little away from those present." It is also worth noting that each of these non-common words should be explained to the reader, because not a single person, reading a book, keeps a dictionary of dialect words at hand.

Dialectisms as part of the vocabulary of the Russian language

If we talk about dictionaries, then the first mention of dialectisms can be found in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dahl. In this edition, you can find 150 articles on this particular topic. Today, great attention is also paid to the study of dialectisms, because they, along with archaisms, neologisms,borrowed words and phraseological units, make up a significant part of the vocabulary of the mighty Russian language. And although most of them are not used in everyday oral and written speech, but act only as a passive part, without them it would be impossible to build vivid statements or a colorful description of any object or character. That is why great writers so often resorted to dialectisms to make the text brighter. Returning to vocabulary, it should be noted that for the study of dialect words there is a whole science called dialectology.

what words are called dialects
what words are called dialects

This is a linguistic discipline that studies the phonetic, grammatical, syntactic features of a language unit, which is geographically fixed. Also, special attention is paid here to the study of dialectisms in fiction. Linguistics shares the understanding of such words:

  • broad approach, which is characterized by the inclusion of ordinary colloquial dialectisms in literary speech;
  • narrow approach, where all set phrases and words are used in fiction and journalistic publications.
  • dialect words in Russian
    dialect words in Russian

Summing up

Deepening into the lexical structure of the Russian language, you understand how correct the phrase "great and mighty" is. After all, dialect words with their classification and structure are just a small part of a huge system for which its own science has been created. Moreover, the stock of these very words does not haveconstancy, it is replenished and updated. And this applies not only to dialectisms, because the number of generally accepted and commonly used words is also constantly increasing, which only emphasizes the power of the Russian language.
