Brain free? This is sophistication! Considering the meaning of the word "refined"

Brain free? This is sophistication! Considering the meaning of the word "refined"
Brain free? This is sophistication! Considering the meaning of the word "refined"

The brain is soaked (water must be cold). Then it is cleaned from the protective film. Now the convolutions are boiled with spices and vinegar. Further, having drained, s alt and pepper. After rolling in flour and frying, you get a culinary delight - brain fries!

Feel your own already boiling? Then you should be a little distracted and take up mental food. For example, to study what a sophistication is. At least so that the brains are not completely free.

Artistic delights in the gallery
Artistic delights in the gallery

Vocabulary delights

80 thousand words and set expressions are collected on the pages of a popular explanatory dictionary, the authors of which are S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova. Here there is general literary vocabulary and from those specific linguistic spheres that interact with it. Beginning philologists, venerable specialists (specifying their own knowledge), and simple lovers of Russian literature use this weighty volume.

All of the above is an example of sophistication. This is a kind of action, named after the verb "to seek." Here is the search for information. Such an interpretation is already given in the New Explanatory and Derivational Dictionary of the Russian Language by T. F. Efremova.

Another usage example: "Being a boss is as romantic as being a prospector - a constant search for additional funding, qualified employees, time and other resources."

What is exploration?
What is exploration?

With big claims

Both of these linguistic works speak of another meaning of the word "refinement". This is a formal innovation that does not affect the depths, which nevertheless claims great originality and even significance.

Culinary delights are delicious!
Culinary delights are delicious!

You can often hear references to various delights. Examples are given in the table.

Types of frills Examples of using the term
culinary This restaurant is famous for its culinary delights.
gastronomic Gastronomic delights are not the last item in the tourist program.
architectural Theme of the photo exhibition: "Architectural delights of Europe".
designer The company's strong point is interior design delights.
artistic Vernissage did not impress with artistic delights.
linguistic The poet shone with language delights.
literary Writing an essay about the literary delights of the 19th century.
linguistic He created his own dictionary of linguistic delights.
stylistic Her salon is an example of style.

Philology students dabbled in verbal delights.

theoretical Theoretical delights of our teacher will drive anyone crazy.
scientific The first speaker was remembered for amazing scientific delights.

Cherche la femme

The meaning of the word sophistication
The meaning of the word sophistication

Kalka (borrowing from a foreign language by literal translation) of the French participle recherché (from the verb to seek) became Russian “refined” and has been used to convey since the 18th century:

  • of finesse (exquisite pose);
  • of finesse (exquisite taste);
  • luxury (exquisite furnishings);
  • perfection (refined manners).

These are the meaning of the word "delicacy" and examples of its use and a single-root adjective.
