B. Pauli had a serious interest in dreams and their meaning, an interest shared by the scientist Jung. Colleagues also very passionately discussed and analyzed various coincidences in the world, and each of them experienced them quite often. For example, Jung often experienced such confluences of a natural character, that is, he interpreted certain "signals" of nature in his own way. The Pauli effect appeared due to the experienced Pauli confluences, which were explosive in nature.

Assumptions of scientists were not unfounded, they derived their points of view by studying the work of predecessors in this area. Jung was a comprehensively developed person, therefore he easily considered the works of the ancient Greek period in the original, that is, in Greek and Latin. He liked to read the works of the Stoics, which implied that all objects in the universe are interconnected, they have some kind of cosmic harmony. Also the works of the Middle Ages, where scientists believed that everything that exists on earth is communicated by a combination of circumstances in any plane.
Pauliwas interested in the I Ching, and Jung also shared his interest. The translations of the book that existed at that time did not carry any meaning, since they spoke about general things that have long been known. An excellent chance to study the I-Ching for scientists fell in the form of the oracle of Richard Wilhelm, who for a long time studied Chinese writing memos, worked with scientific and philosophical works. He created a translation of the I Ching that helped both Jung and Pauli realize that life has real meaning. The book made it possible to understand which path a person needs to choose, she said that for a person it is very important. This book, and many similar ones, influenced scientists, so the concept of the Pauli effect was born.
B. Pauli

Many of Wolfgang's colleagues later noticed that this man was extremely rude to others. Not only could he piss people off and exasperate, he could do it with objects around him, in particular with expensive and exclusive equipment.
Many have probably seen situations similar to the Wolfgang Pauli effect, when there were network failures, light bulbs flickered because someone was in a bad mood. But all these processes are difficult to equate to the effect that this scientist had.
Pauli effect

To designate such situations, the scientist's colleagues created a special term, and later it became very widespread. What is the Pauli effect anyway?
This name is given to quickly describe the impact thatproduced Pauli on the surrounding objects. Moreover, it is important that all the explosions that he arranged never harmed the scientist himself. He got away with it in any situation. Many physicists who have been building their laboratories for years later forbade Wolfgang to appear in them, since the Pauli effect is something terrible that spoils all efforts. Otto Stern has officially banned Pauli from being near his lab.
Other consequences of the effect

What is the Pauli effect? For many scientists, this seemed funny, and some thought it was horror, the worst thing that could happen, especially when it came to laboratories. It seemed strange to many that once this happened, when Wolfgang was very far from the explosion site, he was on a train. Later it was found out that when the explosion occurred, the train made an unscheduled stop.
The event that made the concept classic in relation to Pauli

What does the Pauli effect mean? For many, this meant not only the death of the laboratory, but also of ordinary things. For example, when Jung founded the institute, he made a big celebration. Pauli was also on the guest list, but his thoughts were somewhere else. He pondered the existing contradictions between approaches to knowledge. These approaches were developed by scientists Robert Flood and Johannes Kepler.
The incident happened when a scientist entered the hall where the fun was taking place, and a large Chinese vase just fell offtable, while the water from it fell on the representatives of the upper class. Pauli noticed that at that moment his thoughts were focused around the name Fludd, and he believed that the famous scientist, whose conclusions caused a number of questions from Wolfgang, became the cause of the "flood". This case became very bright for the concept of the Pauli effect.
There was also a case when the scientist was in a cafe where he thought about the connection between the color red and emotions. Thinking about it, he stared at the ordinary car, where no one was. Suddenly, the car caught fire, painting everything around with the same red color. Pauli couldn't help but notice the obvious connection between what had happened and his thoughts.
Frightening and funny circumstances

Markus Firtz was close enough to Pauli that he noticed that Wolfgang really believed that he could influence things around him. It was also noticeable to those around him. The Pauli effect assumed that the scientist first becomes very tense, angry, and then objects begin to behave incomprehensibly - break, explode. After such an action, Pauli calmed down and felt peaceful. He was flattered that people perceived him in this way, so he behaved accordingly. Many people noticed that Pauli's clothes were somewhat reminiscent of Mephistopheles' clothes.
The most popular and funny situation happened because of the colleagues of the scientist who wanted to play the Pauli effect during the official reception. They hung the chandelier on a rope, which, in theory, they were supposed tountie when Paulie enters the room. In this way they will show how it affects everything around. When Wolfgang appeared, the rope jammed, so nothing happened.
Effect Base
Many to this day cannot understand why everything happened this way. The main assumption is psychokinesis, which involves the concentration of mental and physical energy that passes into the world around. To some, this looked ridiculous, and Pauli's fellow scientists argued that this was all due to the fact that theoretical physicists and experimenters were constantly at odds with each other.
Jung probably considered the Pauli effect often, based on many books on alchemy and magic. Most often, he liked to reread a quote that in some way explained the essence of what was happening. It said that human feelings are capable of creating many changes in the surrounding space, if they reach their peak.
In any case, no one can be sure about this, as it is likely that Pauli was an accidental example of such forces at work.
Pauli had a really strange relationship with the surrounding space, it is for this reason, probably, that the scientist searched all his life for answers to questions concerning matter and mind, their interaction with each other.