What is a report card? Where is this word most often found?

What is a report card? Where is this word most often found?
What is a report card? Where is this word most often found?

For many, the word "report card" is associated with school and grades. But in fact, this term has several meanings. Consider what a report card is and where we most often meet this word. But first, let's explore its origins.


It is quite difficult to determine the origin of the term "report card". The meaning of the word has changed beyond recognition. Most likely, it is borrowed from the Dutch (Dutch) language, where tabel is translated as "table". Interestingly, tabula has several meanings in Latin: table and board.

Report card value
Report card value

There is an assumption that the word has ancient Greek roots - from tablaus or tavla - and is translated extremely unusually: "a game of checkers, dice or chess on a special lined board."

It is the Hellenic meaning of the term that has a transliteration into Russian. Tavleya, or tavlei is the ancient Russian name for the Egyptian game of checkers. And the person who spent his leisure time like that was called a tipper.


What is a report card, every student will answer you. This is a special table that contains a list of subjects and grades for certainperiods (year, semester, quarter) of the educational process.

Evaluation of students with points was introduced in the 16th century as an alternative to corporal punishment. There are a huge number of knowledge assessment systems in the world. From our usual prolonged (five-point) to modular rating.

Grading system: interesting facts

Numerical, alphabetic or percentage report card - the value of the knowledge assessment depends on which country you are in.

What is a table?
What is a table?
  • Many countries use the first six letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F) along with the digital system.
  • Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus and Albania use a ten-point rating scale.
  • The six-point scale exists in Bulgaria, Poland and Germany.
  • In Finland, the rating scale varies from 0 to 10, but in practice they do not give points below 4.
  • In Russia, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, the Czech Republic and Turkey, grades are set from 1 to 5.
  • The education system in France is 20 points, and in the USA it is 100 points.
  • In Moldova and Ukraine, students study on a 12-point scale.

Table of Ranks

The word also has a historical meaning. What is a "Table of Ranks"? This is the decree of the Great Peter I, which was issued at the beginning of the 18th century. The legislative act contained a table (table) of ranks and about 19 articles (points) that explained it.

As a result of the policy of Peter I, the number of ranks and positions in the state apparatus and the army has increased significantly. And with the help of the "Table of Ranks" he divided everythingranks for certain classes, of which there are now 14.

The innovative Petrovsky report card had 263 ranks and the same number of positions, as well as one status (cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Created). It was the first Russian order, until the beginning of the 20th century, the highest award in the Russian Empire. The conditions that were spelled out in the "Table of Ranks" made it possible for a person from the lower class to receive a position, rank, and maybe even status.

Youth slang

The language of the subculture, or youth slang, is largely different from the literary one. For example, “oppa” is translated as “big brother”, and “hang up” is the cancellation or rejection of something. Sometimes you can find original neologisms, for example, "pelmmillion" means a huge amount of dumplings eaten.

the word report card, the meaning of the word
the word report card, the meaning of the word

The word "report card" is often found in the language of modern subculture. The meaning of the word is very unusual. In youth slang, a scoreboard (report card) means a person. And the phrase "work day" is translated as a holiday.

Personnel holiday

At the beginning of the 18th century, the famous Battle of Poltava took place. In this battle, Peter Alekseevich defeated the army of the Swedish king Charles XII. In honor of this significant victory, the All-Russian Emperor (Peter I) made June 27 a service holiday.

Table word meaning
Table word meaning

Interestingly, a simple calendar is sometimes called a "time sheet". The time sheet contains a list of working days, holidays and weekends. It may also containtable of a five-day or six-day work week. Timesheets occasionally contain information on the average working day.

Time sheet in accounting

For the accounting department of any organization, the timesheet of employees is of great importance. What is a table? This is a document or a special accounting table that records information about the types of working hours (night, day or business trip) and the number of working hours (3, 5, 8). It exists both in a visual (paper) version and in electronic form.

Why is the time sheet so important for the employer and the employee? Everything is very simple. It is used to calculate adequate wages. And also this document is proof of the presence of the employee at work and the fulfillment of his duties.

As we found out, "report card" has several meanings, sometimes quite unexpected. This word can be found in the school environment, in historical documents, in accounting and even in youth slang. The etymology also deserves attention, because it is not at all connected with the modern interpretation.
