What is a stage: meaning, synonyms

What is a stage: meaning, synonyms
What is a stage: meaning, synonyms

What is a stage? Surely each of us is familiar with the meaning of this word, as a certain stage in the implementation of any business. But this is not the end of his interpretations. It turns out there are a few more options. More details about what a stage is will be discussed in this article.

Open dictionary

I wonder what the dictionary definition of the word "stage" is? It says this:

  1. A separate part, stage, period of time in the continuation of any process. (Example: It should be emphasized that the second of the stages of work should be started only when the first is completed completely - immediately or after a certain period of time).
  2. Special term applied to a group of prisoners being escorted. (Example: The stage arrived at night and the new people were quickly assigned to the barracks.)
  3. Special term denoting the route to the place of detention or a separate segment of this path. (Example: The conditions for following the stage in Tsarist Russia were very difficult, and many prisoners could not stand it, lost their he alth or even their lives).

Next, consider synonyms for "stage" and the origin of this word.

Austrian prisoners of war on stage
Austrian prisoners of war on stage

Etymology and synonyms

According to the researchers, the origin of the linguistic object we are studying goes back to the Middle Low German language, which has the word stapel, meaning "warehouse". It was borrowed from Old French, where the noun estaple was formed in the same meaning. From it came the French term étape, which means "stage, stopping place, transition." From there, the word migrated to the Russian language.

There are quite a few synonyms for “stage”, these include the following:

  • step;
  • dot;
  • milestone;
  • phase;
  • phase;
  • stage;
  • period;
  • step;
  • moment;
  • part;
  • group;
  • item;
  • segment;
  • round;
  • page;
  • step;
  • party;
  • path;
  • band;
  • historic moment;
  • significant moment.
Prisoners on stage
Prisoners on stage

Stable combinations with the word being studied are: “passed stage”; "go through the stage." In addition to those mentioned above, the “stage” has other shades of meaning. Consider them.

Other values

Among them are the following:

  • Point of rest, food and lodging for the night for military units and teams moving along the roads.
  • In wartime, a section of the track (ground, railway, water), along which in wartimethe movement of teams, military units and vehicles of the Russian armed forces was carried out.
  • Point where medical facilities were located, included in the system of evacuation of the sick and wounded, providing medical assistance to those who were sent to the rear.

Part of the operation

Next, consider what a stage is in the first dictionary value above. An example is the stage of a military operation. This is such a part of it, a certain stage, during which the troops of the association perform any operational tasks. As a result, there are significant changes in the general situation. It also creates more favorable conditions for the continuation of hostilities.

Map of operation "Bagration"
Map of operation "Bagration"

More stages of operations are distinguished when the already conducted operations carried out by the armed forces are studied and described. For example, the operation called "Bagration". According to the content of the tasks assigned to the formations of the armed forces of the USSR participating in it and according to the nature of the hostilities, it was divided into two stages:

  • The first one took place from June 23 to July 4, 1944 and included the Vitebsk-Orsha, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Polotsk, Minsk front-line operations. Their tasks included breaking through the enemy's defenses, expanding it from the flanks, defeating operational reserves, capturing several cities, including Minsk, the capital of the Byelorussian SSR.
  • The second one lasted from July 5 to August 29 of the same year and included Siauliai,Vilnius, Kaunas, Belostok, Lublin-Brest operations. During their implementation, it was necessary to develop success in depth, overcome intermediate defensive lines, defeat the main operational reserves of the enemy, capture important lines and bridgeheads on the Vistula River.

Transfer of arrested people

In conclusion, consider what a stage is in the third meaning specified in the dictionary. In the Russian Empire, the creation of stages was carried out on the roads along which the arrested were transferred on foot. Between them there was a distance of 15 to 25 miles. At each such stage, a separate building was arranged or hired, in which there were separate rooms for men and women (prisoners) and for the convoy. As the development of the railway network progressed, the use of the walk-by-stage order for the movement of prisoners was reduced, and the stages were subject to closure.

Stolypin wagon
Stolypin wagon

In our time, prisoners are transported, as a rule, using one of the modes of transport:

  • automobile - on paddy wagons ("funnel");
  • of the railway - in wagons ("Stolypin cars"), specially equipped cars, the last to be attached to a passenger train;
  • aviation - due to the high cost, it is used only when other options are impossible.

If the distance is insignificant, the staging procedure is carried out on foot.
