Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian
Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

In the verbs of the Russian language there are morphological non-permanent and some permanent features. One of them includes reflexive and non-reflexive types of verbs. Non-reflexive verbs, as well as reflexive ones, carry the presence or absence of special reflexive derivational postfixes - -s and -sya. Let's try to figure out what it is and how such verbs are used.

Reflexivity of verbs

Reflexivity of verbs is a grammatical category that will indicate the direction or non-direction of a certain state defined by this verb, or an action on some subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms that differ in the presence or absence of postfixes -s and -sya (reflexive).

irrevocable verbs
irrevocable verbs

What is recurrence in verbs can be seen in the followingExamples: The boy washed and got ready. A man talked to a friend (these are examples of reflexive verbs).

The puppy played with the ball and ran to the playground. It was raining in the evening (this is an irrevocable form of the verb). That's the way to tell them apart.

A couple of useful words

As a quick reminder, understanding how to define an irrevocable verb is not particularly difficult. It can be transitive and intransitive, it can mean a certain action that is aimed at the subject (assembling a puzzle, reading a book), a state, a certain position in space, a multidirectional action, and the like (dreaming, sitting, thinking). Non-reflexive verbs do not include the postfix -s and -sya.

Shades of meaning

Reflexive verbs are capable of expressing an action that will be directed to a certain subject (to something doing, speaking, looking, and so on).

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian can be discussed endlessly. Here are examples of reflexive verbs with completely different shades of meaning:

- rejoice, be upset, sad (denotes the mental or physical state of a certain subject);

- the dress is crumpled, the dog bites, the nettle branch burns (shows a constant quality or property of the subject);

reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian
reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

- dress up, eat up, put on shoes, swim (the action of verbs is directed exclusively at oneself);

- I want, I want, it gets dark (impersonalaction);

- hug, quarrel, see each other (reciprocal action performed by several people in relation to each other);

- tidy up, line up, get hold of (an indirectly recurrent action, which is performed by the subject solely in his own interests).

Unforgettable suffixes for reflexive verbs

Let's figure out what the reflexive and irrevocable verbs mean.

Verbs in reflexive form have suffixes:

- sya - maybe, both after consonants (taken, surrounded, and the like), and after endings (learn - study, dries - dries, etc.));

- s will be after vowels (dropped, drawn, blurred, and so on).

what does reflexive and irrevocable verb mean
what does reflexive and irrevocable verb mean

In the process of forming reflexive verbs, not only suffixes, but also prefixes are of great importance (read - read, drink - get drunk). In addition, among the verbs of this type there are non-derivatives. They are under no circumstances used without the suffixes -s and -sya (laugh, fight, like).

Since after reflexive verbs, pronouns in the accusative case and nouns are never used, they are all intransitive.

No suffixes

Irrevocative verbs in Russian do not have suffixes -s and -sya. They can be either intransitive (create, breathe, play) or transitive (talk, draw).

Important point: many reflexive verbs are capable ofbe formed from irrevocable, for example, cook - prepare.

Based on the foregoing, you need to understand that in order to determine what a reflexive and irrevocable verb means and what kind it belongs to, you need to find the suffix that helped in education. If the suffixes -s (-sya) are present in the words, then these are reflexive verbs. If not, then irrevocable verbs.

Situations noted in verbs

So, we already know that reflexive verbs with suffixes -с and -с. They can be both non-derivative (for example, laugh), and formed from transitive and intransitive verbs (wash - wash).

In some intransitive and reflexive verbs formed from them, we are talking about the same situation, for example: something blackens in the distance and something blackens in the distance. True, in the vast majority of situations, you can understand what an irrevocable verb means and how it looks “in life” by paying attention to the fact that the verbs reflexive and irrevocable denote completely different moments.

As a good example, we can name the following: to wash - a situation in which there are two participants (mother washes her daughter) and to wash - a situation in which there is only one participant (a girl washes her face); Petya hit Vanya. Petya and Vanya hit a big stone (in both cases, two boys are mentioned, but the situations in which they are direct participants are completely different).

irreversible form of the verb
irreversible form of the verb

Here we can say that the components of meaning themselves, which are introduced into the word by postfixes -sand -sya, are word-forming.

What can be found in grammars?

And the following information is noted there (we are talking about several values):

- mean return value - have fun, get angry, be scared, rejoice;

- active-objective meaning - to bite, butt, swear (use obscene words);

- reciprocal meaning - to quarrel, put up, meet, hug, kiss;

- self-return meaning - to dress, put on shoes, meet, powder;

- passive-return meaning - to be remembered, to be remembered;

how to define an irrevocable verb
how to define an irrevocable verb

- indirectly recurrent meaning - to gather, stock up, stack, pack;

- passive-qualitative meaning - to be presented, remembered.

A reflexive verb can be formed by taking -sya to help, which will be combined with other morphemes (wink, run).

It is with the voice that reflexivity will be associated (that is, in the case in which the voice is defined at the morphemic level, reflexive verbs formed from transitive verbs will be combined into a voice called reflexive-mid).

The intransitive sign is an affix. Combinations such as I'm afraid of dad, I obey my older brother, which can be found in Russian, will be few and non-normative.

No rules - nowhere

Let's get back to what an irrevocable verb is. The rule says that this is a verb that does not have the postfix -sya. But in return this postfixis present. It so happened for a long time that the appearance of reflexive verbs was associated with the pronoun -sya. True, initially it was attached exclusively to transitive verbs (for example, bathe + sya (that is, yourself)=bathe).

The variety of Russian verbs is divided into different groups.

Irreversible verbs from which the formation of reflexives comes - to build + sya; meet + xia; write - do not write, sleep - do not sleep.

Irreversible verbs - supper, answer.

Reflexive verbs - laugh, fight, balk.

irrevocable verbs in Russian
irrevocable verbs in Russian

From the information provided, we can conclude: the postfix -sya in Russian can perform different functions:

- prepare reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs in lexical terms (forgive - say goodbye);

- form the reflexive form of verbs (turn white).

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some verbs in -sya have a synonymous reflexive combination (to cover - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into reflexive and irrevocable has developed in the Russian language completely irrespective of their division into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-reflexive. It does not coincide with either one or the other one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transitivity and voice: -sya represents the intransitiveness of the verb, but only the reflexive form can provide voice correlativity.

And finally

Let's talk a little more about verbs and sum up a productive conversation.

Verbs are words that define the meaning of some process, that is, capable of expressing the signs indicated by them as some kind of action (say, read, write), state (sit, jump) or becoming (get old).

Besides syntactical conjugation forms, verbs have non-syntactic reflexive and non-reflexive forms and aspect form. By the way they express non-syntactic formal meanings, verbs can be divided into grammatical categories that are in some relationship to each other.

The dependence of the subdivision of verbs into irrevocable and reflexive lies in the extent to which the grammatically intransitive meaning of the process is expressed or, conversely, not expressed in them.

what does irrevocable verb mean
what does irrevocable verb mean

Reflexive - verbs in which there is a grammatically expressed intransitive. In other words, they perfectly show that the process expressed by them can be turned to a direct object, which is represented by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition. An example would be the words - get angry, meet, wash, knock, dress.

Irreversible verbs have some difference: they do not have any indication of the intransitive process. That is why they can be both transitional: dress (daughter), annoy (parents), meet (guests), and intransitive: clobber, knock.
