The oath is a very important and solemn event, during which an oath of allegiance and observance of any obligations is given. Most people immediately have an understandable association. And it is connected with the military oath. But it is worth noting that the oath is taken not only by young people serving in the army. However, the topic is very interesting and detailed, so it is worth discussing it.

The historical meaning of the word
So, the oath is an ancient word of common Slavic origin. And literally it is translated as follows: “to take an oath.”
Famous Russian lexicographer and ethnographer V. I. Dahl puts this term on a par with such words as “sazhen”, “reach” and “reach”. Why? Because in the named conceptual series lies the deep antiquity of the Russian military custom. Our ancestors, taking an oath to fight courageously with enemies, confirmed the sincerity of their words by touching the sacred object. And they reached them (reached out). After all, between people and the sacredobjects have always been a certain distance, distance. This was necessary to give the oath even more weighty meaning. By the way, the prince gave a similar oath to his soldiers. So he made it clear that they could count on him in case of any danger - the head would definitely fight to the death and not leave his squad.

Everyone is well aware that every man who went to serve in the army will soon be sworn in. This is a mandatory event. And very solemn and important.
Soldiers line up in "boxes" on the parade ground in dress uniform and with machine guns in the "chest" position. Everyone, having heard his last name, comes out with a marching step to the table, on which lies a folder, and inside is the text of the oath. It used to be quite long, but now it takes a maximum of half a minute to read it. The soldier swears his faith to his Fatherland, and also promises to follow the orders of his seniors, after which he signs the form opposite his own name (the list is prepared in advance) and returns to duty. When the last recruit takes the oath, the oath ends. This is a solemn event, so after all the soldiers march along the parade ground to the music of the orchestra. The day on which they swear to serve the Motherland is a day off, and therefore they have the right to go on dismissal - however, unfortunately, only on the security of the passport of a guardian, parent or wife.
I must say that the oath is something that happens only once in a lifetime. And those people to whom the soldier is dear, and those whom he himself would like to see next to him insuch an important day, you just have to attend this event.
In medicine
Each of us at least once in our lives heard about the Hippocratic oath. So, the process of pronouncing it by a physician is also an oath. Its significance lies in the fact that the future doctor promises himself, as well as all medicine in general, that he will comply with the established moral and ethical principles of the doctor, and there are many of them. In total, the oath highlights nine principles that a physician must comply with. The oath itself was written back in the three hundredth century BC. True, since then it has been rewritten more than once. But still the meaning remains the same. An oath of this nature is usually taken at a medical school.

Presidential Oath
So, above it was told about what an oath is. The meaning, in principle, is simple - it is an oath. It is interesting that the President also passes through it. True, in this situation it is called the inauguration. Or the same oath. This is what is called a solemn ceremony during which the head of the Russian state officially becomes such. It is carried out on the thirtieth day after the results of the presidential elections were announced. The text of the oath is short - consists of 33 words. And the meaning is that the president swears to his people to protect their rights, freedoms, as well as to protect the independence and security of Russia.
In general, as you can see, the meaning of the oath is the same, in whatever context it is taken.