"Pedagogical poem" Makarenko. Summary of "Pedagogical poem" Makarenko

"Pedagogical poem" Makarenko. Summary of "Pedagogical poem" Makarenko
"Pedagogical poem" Makarenko. Summary of "Pedagogical poem" Makarenko

"Pedagogical poem" by Makarenko, the content of which is both a practical guide for educating a full-fledged citizen of society and a vivid literary work, is one of the "pearls" of Soviet literature. The events described in the novel are autobiographical, the characters have real names, including the author himself. The key in Makarenko's pedagogical system is the idea of educating the child's personality through the team. Makarenko's Pedagogical Poem, in fact, is devoted to the approval of this idea. The summary, like the novel itself, consists of 3 parts and 15 chapters (including an epilogue). At the same time, the poem was actually created "in hot pursuit", directly in the process of the life of the colony.

Makarenko's pedagogical poem summary
Makarenko's pedagogical poem summary

Makarenko's "Pedagogical Poem": chapter by chapter summary

There are several key points in the content of the novel:colonies, the appearance of the first colonists and the first problems, a “tipping point” in the behavior of pupils, the formation of a team, social interaction.

Start action

The action of the poem takes place in the 1920s in the USSR. The narration is conducted on behalf of the author himself (Anton Makarenko). "Pedagogical poem" begins with the fact that the protagonist establishes a colony with him. Gorky near Poltava for homeless children, among whom were juvenile delinquents. In addition to Makarenko himself, the teaching staff of the colony consisted of two educators (Ekaterina Grigorievna and Lidia Petrovna) and one supply manager (Kalina Ivanovich). Things were also difficult with material support - most of the state property was carefully plundered by the nearest neighbors of the colony.

First colonists

The first pupils of the colony were six children (four were already 18 years old): Burun, Bendyuk, Volokhov, Gud, Zadorov, and Taranets. Despite the cordial (as far as the conditions of the colony allowed) reception, the future colonists, by their appearance, immediately made it clear that life here did not particularly attract them. There was no question of discipline: the colonists simply ignored their teachers, they could leave for the city in the evening and return only in the morning. A week later, Bendyuk was arrested for murder and robbery. The colonists also refused to do any chores.

Makarenko's pedagogical poem
Makarenko's pedagogical poem

This went on for several months. But one day the situation changed dramatically. When, during the next altercation, Makarenko did notrestrained himself and hit one of the colonists in front of the others, the pupils suddenly changed their attitude towards the colony and its rules. For the first time they went to cut wood, conscientiously completing their work to the end. “We are not so bad, Anton Semenovich! - said at the end of Makarenko the "injured" colonist. - It's gonna be all right. We understand". Thus was the beginning of the collective of colonists.

Makarenko's pedagogical poem summary by chapter
Makarenko's pedagogical poem summary by chapter

Colony rules

Gradually, the manager manages to organize a certain discipline in the colony. Raspberry is cancelled. From now on, everyone must make their beds, and duty is assigned in the bedrooms. It is forbidden to leave the colony without permission. Violators are not allowed back. Also, all pupils must attend school without fail.

The problem of theft is presented separately in the work "Pedagogical poem" by Makarenko. The summary below only highlights this. By that time, the team of pupils numbered about thirty people. Food is constantly in short supply. Colonists steal provisions from the warehouse; one day the manager loses money. The climax is the theft of money from an old housekeeper who was leaving the colony. Makarenko arranges a trial, the thief is found. Anton Semenovich resorts to the method of "people's court". Burun (a colonist convicted of stealing) is put up in front of the team. Pupils are indignant about his misconduct, they are ready to inflict reprisals on him. As a result, Burun is sent under arrest. Afterof this incident, the pupil stopped stealing.

Makarenko's pedagogical poem content
Makarenko's pedagogical poem content

Formation of the team

Gradually, a real team is being formed in the colony. Pupils focus not only on themselves, but also on others. A significant moment in the work "Pedagogical Poem" by Makarenko (a brief summary of this confirmation) is the creation of patrols. The colonists organized voluntary detachments that protected local territories from robbers, poachers, etc. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of nearby lands were wary of such detachments, often not separating them from local bandits, for the colonist collective itself, this was a serious step in development. Former criminals were able to feel like full-fledged members of society, benefiting the state.

In turn, the friendship of the colonists within the team is growing stronger. The principle of “one for all and all for one” is actively applied.

Makarenko pedagogical poem briefly
Makarenko pedagogical poem briefly


There is a place for historical facts in Makarenko's "Pedagogical Poem". The summary of the work could not miss this moment: in 1923, the colony moved to the abandoned Trepke estate. Here the colonists manage to realize their dream of agriculture. In general, the attitude of the pupils towards the colony is no longer at all like what it was at the beginning. All the guys rightfully consider it their home, each makes his own contribution to the arrangement of life and collective relations. In the office of the colonya blacksmith, a carpenter, and others appear. The guys gradually begin to master working speci alties.

The pupils of the colony have a new hobby - theater. They put on performances, invite local residents to them. Gradually, the theater is gaining real popularity. The pupils also begin to correspond with the famous Soviet writer Maxim Gorky.

anton makarenko pedagogical poem
anton makarenko pedagogical poem

In 1926, the guys moved to Kuryazh to organize life in the local colony, which is in a deplorable state. Local pupils do not immediately accept Gorky students. It is difficult to bring them to the meeting. At first, none of the Kuryazhsky colonists wants to work - all the work has to be done by Makarenko's subordinates. Often there are fights, even a commission of inquiry comes to investigate. At the same time, control by the authorities over the activities of Makarenko is being strengthened. His pedagogical ideas and methods find not only supporters, but also opponents, in connection with this, the pressure on the teacher increases. Nevertheless, with the combined efforts of Makarenko and the Gorky people, they gradually manage to improve the life of the Kuryazh colonists and organize a real full-fledged team. The apogee in the life of the colony is the visit of Maxim Gorky.


As a result of pressure, Makarenko had to leave the colony. For seven years, Anton Semenovich led the children's labor commune of the OGPU named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky. Despite multiple criticisms, Makarenko's contribution to the upbringing of the children's team is highly appreciated.modern pedagogy. The Makarenko system had its followers, including among the former pupils of the colony. Makarenko's "Pedagogical Poem" is an example of a huge, difficult, but at the same time incredibly significant, great work of a teacher, bordering on a feat.

The result of the work, as we see from Makarenko's "Pedagogical Poem" (the summary emphasizes this), was the re-education of more than 3,000 colonists who became full-fledged citizens of Soviet society. The specificity of educational work is reflected in a number of literary works by Makarenko. "Pedagogical poem" briefly describes the basic principles of his educational activities in practice.
